The Most Popular LGBT Ship, Ranked

Choose the ship you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:59
Fan communities often find joy and representation through the relationships depicted in their favorite series, and LGBT ships have become a significant part of that culture. By ranking these ships, fans can see which ones resonate most with others and why, fostering a deeper connection and discussion within the community. It helps highlight diverse narratives and promotes a broader understanding of different experiences and viewpoints. Our system allows fans to actively participate in these rankings by submitting their votes for the ships they support the most. This continuous input not only adjusts the rankings in real time but also gives everyone a voice in shaping the list. Such dynamic engagement encourages participation and keeps the content fresh and reflective of current fan sentiments.

What Is the Most Popular LGBT Ship?

  1. 1


    Dean Winchester and Castiel from the TV show Supernatural.
    • First Met: Season 4, Episode 1
    • Fan Favorite: Yes
  2. 2


    Sherlock Holmes and John Watson from the TV show Sherlock.
    • Based on Classic Literature: Yes
    • Fan Supported: Yes
  3. 3


    Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale from the TV show Teen Wolf.
    • Fan Originated: Yes
    • Popular Fanfiction Subject: Yes
  4. 4


    Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood from the TV show Shadowhunters.
    • First Kiss: Season 1, Episode 12
    • Married: Season 3, Episode 22
  5. 5


    Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson from the TV show Glee.
    • First Appearance: Season 2, Episode 6
    • Officially Together: Season 2, Episode 16
  6. 6


    Clarke Griffin and Lexa from the TV show The 100.
    • First Kiss: Season 2, Episode 14
    • Tragic End: Yes
  7. 7


    Korra and Asami Sato from the animated TV series The Legend of Korra.
    • Became Canon: Season 4, Episode 13
    • First Animated LGBT Couple: Yes
  8. 8


    Brittany S. Pierce and Santana Lopez from the TV show Glee.
    • First Kiss: Season 2, Episode 4
    • Got Married: Season 6, Episode 8
  9. 9


    Dan Howell and Phil Lester, YouTube personalities.
    • First Video Together: October 19, 2009
    • Not Officially a Couple: Yes
  10. 10


    Waverly Earp and Nicole Haught from the TV show Wynonna Earp.
    • First Kiss: Season 1, Episode 9
    • Fan Favorite: Yes

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular LGBT ship. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ship is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 280 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ship once every 24 hours. The rank of each ship is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular LGBT Ship

Two characters from a popular show or book become the focus of fans. They are not a couple in the original story, but fans see potential. They create art, write stories, and discuss these characters as a romantic pair. This is known as "shipping." In LGBT communities, these ships often gain a lot of attention and support.

Fans feel a strong connection to these characters. They see parts of themselves in them. The idea of these characters finding love and acceptance resonates deeply. This is especially true when mainstream media lacks LGBT representation. These ships fill a gap and offer hope.

Online platforms play a big role in spreading these ships. Social media, fan forums, and websites allow fans to share their creations. They post fan art, write fan fiction, and discuss theories. These platforms help build a community around the ship. Fans from different parts of the world come together. They bond over their shared love for these characters.

Creators of the original content sometimes notice these ships. Some embrace them, appreciating the passion of their fans. Others may not support it, sticking to their original vision. Regardless, the impact of these ships is undeniable.

These ships can also influence future media. Creators see the demand for LGBT representation. They understand that diverse stories have a strong, dedicated audience. This can lead to more inclusive content in the future.

Fans often face challenges. Not everyone supports LGBT ships. Some may criticize or mock them. But the fans remain dedicated. They continue to create and share. Their passion and creativity shine through.

LGBT ships offer more than just entertainment. They provide a sense of belonging. They offer representation where it is lacking. They show that love comes in many forms. Fans find comfort and joy in these ships. They see a future where everyone can find love and acceptance.

These ships also spark important conversations. They challenge traditional norms and push for more inclusivity. They show that everyone deserves to see themselves in the stories they love. They highlight the need for diverse characters and relationships.

In conclusion, LGBT ships are more than a trend. They are a powerful movement. They bring people together and offer representation. They influence future content and spark important conversations. Fans find joy, comfort, and hope in these ships. They see a future where love and acceptance are for everyone.

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