The Most Popular Fandom Ship in the World, Ranked

Choose the fandom ship you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 22, 2024 07:04
In the ever-shifting landscape of media, characters from films, TV shows, books, and comics often engage audiences so deeply that they envision various relationships between them, creating what are known as 'ships'. These conceptual pairings can range from the heartwarmingly plausible to the wildly imaginative, becoming a beloved part of fan discourse. By ranking these ships, fans can see which ones resonate the most within the community, bringing an interesting insight into current trends and popular discussions. This dynamic list reflects real-time preferences and opinions from fans around the world. As users vote for their favorite ships, the rankings change, providing a living snapshot of the collective fan engagement. This not only fuels conversation and camaraderie among fans but also offers a fun, interactive way to support one's favorite fictional relationships. So, cast your vote and help shape the hierarchy of the most beloved ships in the fan community.

What Is the Most Popular Fandom Ship in the World?

  1. 1
    This ship has been a popular fan favorite for many years, with fans speculating about the romantic tension between the characters.
    Destiel is a popular ship in the Supernatural fandom, pairing the characters Dean Winchester and Castiel. It explores a romantic relationship between the two characters.
    • Ship Name: Destiel
    • Characters: Dean Winchester and Castiel
    • Fandom: Supernatural
    • Ship Type: Romantic
    • Canonical Status: Non-canon
  2. 2
    This ship gained popularity due to the on-screen chemistry between the characters and the subtext in the show.
    Johnlock is a popular ship within the Sherlock fandom, referring to the romantic or platonic relationship between John Watson and Sherlock Holmes from the BBC television series, Sherlock. The ship explores the dynamic and deep bond between the two main characters, often portrayed with strong emotional connections and intense loyalty.
    • Ship Name: Johnlock
    • Fandom: Sherlock
    • Relationship Type: Romantic or platonic
    • TV Series: Sherlock (BBC)
    • Main Characters: John Watson and Sherlock Holmes
  3. 3
    This ship has gained a massive following since the release of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, with fans debating the possibility of a romantic relationship between the characters.
    Reylo is a popular fandom ship that emerged from the Star Wars sequel trilogy, specifically focusing on the relationship between Rey and Kylo Ren. It portrays a romantic connection between the two characters, despite their opposing sides as light and dark force users. The ship gained significant attention and support from fans due to the complex dynamics and chemistry between Rey and Kylo Ren throughout the films.
    • Ship Name: Reylo
    • Fandom: Star Wars sequel trilogy
    • Characters: Rey and Kylo Ren
    • Relationship Type: Romantic
    • Opposing Sides: Rey: Light side (Jedi); Kylo Ren: Dark side (Sith)
  4. 4
    This ship is popular in the Marvel fandom due to the close relationship between the characters and their on-screen chemistry.
    Stony is a popular fandom ship that refers to the romantic or platonic relationship between Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Tony Stark (Iron Man) from Marvel's Avengers. It explores the complex dynamics between the two iconic characters, often highlighting their contrasting personalities and their shared experiences as Avengers.
    • Ship Name: Stony
    • Fandom: Marvel's Avengers
    • Relationship Type: Romantic or Platonic
    • Characters: Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Tony Stark (Iron Man)
    • Popularity: Widely popular in the Marvel fandom
  5. 5
    This ship is popular among fans of the book series, with many fans rooting for the characters' relationship throughout the books.
    Percabeth is the popular shipping (romantic pairing) of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. It depicts the relationship between the two main characters as they navigate through various adventures and dangers within the world of Greek mythology.
    • Ship Name: Percabeth
    • First Appearance: Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2005)
    • Ship Type: Canon
    • Book/TV Series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
    • Main Characters: Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase
  6. 6
    This ship has been popular among Harry Potter fans since the release of the books, with fans speculating about the characters' relationship.
    Wolfstar is a popular ship in the Harry Potter fandom that refers to the romantic pairing of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. It is based on the characters from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter book series. Fans who ship Wolfstar believe that Remus and Sirius had an unrequited romantic relationship or a deep emotional connection, despite it not being explicitly stated in the books. The ship gained significant popularity within the fandom due to various moments and interactions between the characters that fans interpret as hints towards a romantic relationship.
    • Origin: Harry Potter fandom
    • Ship name: Wolfstar
    • Characters: Remus Lupin and Sirius Black
    • Source material: Harry Potter book series by J.K. Rowling
    • Type: Romantic pairing
  7. 7
    This ship gained popularity due to the characters' on-screen chemistry and their relationship in the show.
    Klaine is a popular ship from the television show Glee, which features the romantic relationship between Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson. Their story arc centers around their struggles and developments as a gay couple amidst the challenges faced in their high school and the wider world.
    • Ship Name: Klaine
    • Fandom: Glee
    • First Appearance: Glee Season 2
    • Relationship Status: Romantic partners
    • Sexual Orientation: Both characters are gay
  8. 8
    This ship gained popularity among Harry Potter fans due to the characters' dynamic and the possibility of a redemption arc for Draco.
  9. 9
    This ship gained popularity among fans of the book series due to the characters' relationship development throughout the books.
    Solangelo is the popular fandom ship between Nico di Angelo and Will Solace from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. It explores the romantic relationship between the two characters and has gained a large following in the fandom community.
    • Ship Name: Solangelo
    • Source Series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
    • Characters: Nico di Angelo and Will Solace
    • Genre: Romance
    • Status: Canon in later book series
  10. 10
    This ship gained popularity due to the characters' on-screen chemistry and their relationship in the show.
    Malec is the fandom ship name for the romantic relationship between Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood from the TV show Shadowhunters, based on The Mortal Instruments book series by Cassandra Clare. It gained immense popularity among fans worldwide due to the on-screen chemistry and compelling storyline between the two characters.
    • Ship Name: Malec
    • Fandom: Shadowhunters
    • Origin: The Mortal Instruments book series
    • Medium: TV show
    • Creator: Cassandra Clare

Missing your favorite fandom ship?


Ranking factors for popular fandom ship

  1. Fan Engagement
    Consider the level of fan engagement with the ship, including the number of fan art, fanfics, fan videos, and posts on social media discussing or advocating for the ship.
  2. Online Communities and Forums
    Research the activity and membership of online communities and forums centered around the ship, such as Reddit, Tumblr, and dedicated ship-specific websites.
  3. Social Media Popularity
    Examine the popularity of the ship on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok by checking the use of relevant hashtags, mentions, and fan accounts focused on the ship.
  4. Longevity
    Consider the duration of the ship's popularity and whether the ship's fanbase continues to grow, remains consistent, or declines over time.
  5. Media Coverage
    Evaluate the level of media coverage the ship has received, such as news articles, interviews with the actors or creators, and appearances in podcasts or other media platforms.
  6. Convention Attendance
    Check for high attendance at conventions, such as Comic-Con, that feature panels or events focused on the ship.
  7. Canon Status
    Determine whether the ship is officially recognized as canon by the creators of the source material, which may contribute to its popularity.
  8. Awards and Recognitions
    Investigate whether the ship has won any significant awards or been recognized by notable organizations within the fandom community.
  9. Mainstream Appeal
    Assess the level of mainstream appeal and recognition the ship has, which could contribute to its overall popularity.
  10. Impact on the Source Material
    Analyze whether the ship has had any significant impact on the narrative or development of the characters in the original work.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular fandom ship in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ship is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 176 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ship once every 24 hours. The rank of each ship is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular fandom ship in the world

Fandom ships, or the romantic pairing of two characters from a book, movie, TV show, or video game, have become an integral part of fan culture. Fans love to imagine their favorite characters falling in love and often create fan art, fan fiction, and even entire communities dedicated to their favorite ships. With the rise of social media, fandom ships have become even more popular, with fans using hashtags and online polls to vote for their favorite pairings. From Harry Potter and Hermione Granger to Rey and Kylo Ren, there are countless fandom ships to choose from. So, which fandom ship is the most popular in the world? Let's find out!

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