The Most Popular Fanfiction on Wattpad, Ranked

Choose the fanfiction you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 28, 2024 06:37
In the swirling world of fan-created stories, finding those gems that resonate with readers can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. On Wattpad, where countless aspiring writers publish their fanfiction, distinguishing between the massive influx of new and old stories becomes a formidable task. A ranking system helps by highlighting fanfictions that have captivated a wide audience, offering a starting point for new readers and a recognition for authors' efforts. This ranking evolves directly through your participation. Each vote you cast helps to elevate stories that merit attention while ensuring that the list remains dynamic and reflective of current popular trends. By interacting with this list, not only do you contribute to the community by supporting your favorite authors, but you also get the chance to influence which fanfictions become must-reads within the Wattpad community.

What Is the Most Popular Fanfiction on Wattpad?

  1. 1

    Harry Potter fanfiction

    Various fanfiction authors
    With millions of fanfiction stories, Harry Potter fanfiction is one of the most popular genres on Wattpad. The fanfiction stories range from alternate universes to crossovers.
    The Harry Potter fanfiction is a story set in the Wizarding World created by J.K. Rowling, but with original plotlines and characters developed by the fanfiction author. It often explores alternate universes, new adventures, or delves into the lives of secondary characters from the original Harry Potter series.
    • Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
    • Word Count: Varies; can range from short stories to novels
    • Rating: Varies; can range from General to Mature
    • Pairings: Various; may include canon or non-canon relationships
    • Setting: Primarily in the Wizarding World, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
  2. 2

    One Direction fanfiction

    Wattpad community
    One Direction fanfiction has a massive following on Wattpad, with stories ranging from romance to drama.
    The One Direction fanfiction is a popular genre on Wattpad that revolves around the fictional relationships and adventures involving the members of the British-Irish boy band, One Direction. The stories often explore various romantic pairings, alternate universes, and dramatic plotlines that appeal to fans of the band.
    • Genre: Fanfiction
    • Fandom: One Direction
    • Number of stories: Thousands
    • Romantic pairings: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne/Zayn Malik, Niall Horan/Liam Payne, etc.
    • Alternate universes: High School AU, Vampire/Werewolf AU, Tattoo Shop AU, etc.
  3. 3

    Twilight fanfiction

    Stephenie Meyer
    Twilight fanfiction is a massive genre on Wattpad, with stories exploring different possibilities and alternate universes.
    Twilight fanfiction refers to a subcategory of fanfiction that is based on the Twilight book series by Stephenie Meyer. Fanfiction writers, inspired by the characters and the world created in the Twilight series, create their own stories and scenarios involving the characters from the original books.
    • Publication Date: 2005-2008
    • Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult
    • Setting: Forks, Washington, United States
    • Main Characters: Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, Jacob Black
    • Popular Tropes: Alternate Universe (AU), Vampire Romance, Werewolf Romance
  4. 4

    Marvel fanfiction

    Various fan authors
    With the popularity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel fanfiction has gained a massive following on Wattpad.
    Marvel fanfiction is a genre of fan-created stories that are based on the characters and universe of Marvel Comics. These stories explore alternative narratives, pairings, and plotlines, and offer fans a platform to express their creativity and love for Marvel. It includes a wide range of themes, such as romance, adventure, fantasy, and science fiction.
    • Genre: Fanfiction
    • Fandom: Marvel Comics
    • Platform: Wattpad
    • Themes: Romance, adventure, fantasy, science fiction
    • Characters: Based on Marvel Comics characters
  5. 5

    Percy Jackson fanfiction

    Various authors
    The Percy Jackson series has a loyal following, and the fanfiction stories on Wattpad explore different possibilities and alternate universes.
    The Percy Jackson fanfiction is a collection of stories based on the popular Percy Jackson and the Olympians book series by Rick Riordan. These fanfictions explore and expand upon the characters, world, and adventures set in the original series.
    • Total stories: Countless
    • Genre: Adventure/Fantasy
    • Popular pairings: Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
    • Alternate Universes: Many fanfictions explore different scenarios, timelines or settings within the Percy Jackson world.
    • Number of reads: Millions
  6. 6

    The Hunger Games fanfiction

    Various authors on Wattpad
    The Hunger Games series has inspired several fanfiction stories, exploring different scenarios and alternate endings.
    The Hunger Games fanfiction is a popular fan-created story based on Suzanne Collins' bestselling trilogy. This fanfiction explores different aspects of the dystopian world depicted in The Hunger Games, including characters, relationships, and storylines that expand upon or deviate from the original plot.
    • Number of Reads: Millions
    • Number of Votes: Hundreds of thousands
    • Length: Various, from short one-shots to epic multi-chapter stories
    • Themes: Romance, adventure, alternate storylines, post-Mockingjay scenarios
    • Main Characters: Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne
  7. 7

    Supernatural fanfiction

    Fan community on Wattpad
    The popular TV show Supernatural has a dedicated fan following, and the fanfiction stories on Wattpad explore different possibilities and alternate universes.
    Supernatural fanfiction refers to a genre of fan-created stories that are based on the television series Supernatural. It explores various aspects of the show's universe, characters, and storylines while allowing fans to put their own creative twists on the established canon.
    • Pairings: Popular pairings include Sam/Dean Winchester (Wincest), Destiel (Dean/Castiel), and Samifer (Sam/Lucifer).
    • Alternate Universes: Many fanfictions take the characters of Supernatural and place them in alternate universes, such as high school settings, AUs where they have different occupations, or even crossovers with other fandoms.
    • Angst and Hurt/Comfort: A significant portion of Supernatural fanfiction focuses on emotional turmoil and physical injuries experienced by the characters, exploring themes of loss, trauma, and healing.
    • Supernatural Creatures: Fanfictions often introduce additional supernatural beings beyond those featured in the show, including vampires, werewolves, witches, and other mythical creatures.
    • Case Fics: Some fanfictions mirror the structure of the show's episodes, following the Winchester brothers as they solve various supernatural cases and encounters.
  8. 8

    Game of Thrones fanfiction

    Various fan authors on Wattpad
    Game of Thrones has a massive following, and the fanfiction stories on Wattpad explore different scenarios and alternate endings.
    Game of Thrones fanfiction is a collection of fan-written stories set in the universe of the popular Game of Thrones series, created by George R.R. Martin. These stories explore new plotlines, character relationships, and alternate outcomes within the Game of Thrones world.
    • Genre: Fantasy
    • Setting: Game of Thrones universe
    • Characters: Various canon and original characters
    • Themes: Politics, war, power struggles, romance
    • Writing Style: Varies depending on the author
  9. 9

    Sherlock Holmes fanfiction

    Various authors
    The iconic detective has inspired several fanfiction stories, exploring different scenarios and alternate endings.
    The Sherlock Holmes fanfiction is a collection of stories based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic detective character, Sherlock Holmes. It explores various scenarios, mysteries, and character interactions within the Sherlock Holmes universe.
    • Genre: Mystery, Crime, Drama
    • Setting: Victorian-era London
    • Main Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. John Watson
    • Popular Tropes: Detective work, Holmes & Watson's camaraderie, brilliant deductions
    • Themes: Murder mysteries, puzzles, intellectual challenges
  10. 10
    The popular sci-fi show Doctor Who has a dedicated fan following, and the fanfiction stories on Wattpad explore different possibilities and alternate universes.

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Ranking factors for popular fanfiction

  1. Number of reads
    The total number of times the fanfiction has been read is a strong indicator of its popularity. Higher numbers generally signify that the fanfiction successfully engaged a large audience.
  2. Number of votes/likes
    The number of likes or votes the fanfiction has received demonstrates how much the readers enjoyed it, which contributes to its overall popularity.
  3. Number of comments
    Comments can be another indicator of a fanfiction's popularity, as it shows reader engagement. Stories with a high number of comments are often a sign that the plot has triggered debates or discussions among readers, which is an essential aspect of popularity.
  4. Shareability
    A popular fanfiction will have been shared widely across multiple communities and social media platforms, leading to increased visibility for the story.
  5. Completion status
    Completed stories are often preferred by readers, so fanfictions that have been finished are likely to be more popular than ongoing stories.
  6. Quality of writing
    Good fanfiction will have proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, making it easier to read and enjoy. The overall quality of writing can contribute significantly to the story's popularity.
  7. Regular updates
    If a story is ongoing, it is more likely to become popular if the author consistently updates the content. Consistency in posting can help maintain engaged readers and induce excitement for upcoming chapters.
  8. Fan base
    The size of the fandom that the fanfiction caters to is essential in evaluating its popularity, as well-liked stories are often based on an already popular book, movie, or television series.
  9. Unique and engaging plot
    An original and captivating story can contribute significantly to the popularity of fanfiction. Readers are more likely to recommend a fanfiction with a compelling storyline and well-developed characters.
  10. Author's reputation
    The author's credibility, established through past works or a strong online presence, can impact the popularity of their fanfiction. If an author is known for creating quality content, their fanfiction is likely to be well-received by the community.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular fanfiction on Wattpad. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Story is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 222 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Story once every 24 hours. The rank of each Story is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular fanfiction on wattpad

Fanfiction has been a popular form of creative expression for years, allowing fans to expand upon their favorite stories and characters in new and exciting ways. Wattpad is one of the largest platforms for fanfiction, boasting millions of stories across a variety of genres. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which fanfiction is the most popular. Fortunately, StrawPoll has compiled data to determine the fanfiction that has captured the hearts and imaginations of Wattpad readers around the world. Discover the most beloved fanfiction on Wattpad today!

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