The Most Popular Fanfiction on, Ranked

Choose the fanfiction you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:50
Fans of various media often seek out fanfiction to see their favorite characters in new adventures or settings. With thousands of stories available, it can be challenging to find those that match individual tastes and quality preferences. This is where ranking the most popular fanfiction becomes a valuable resource. It helps to highlight those works that have resonated the most with a large audience, saving time and enhancing reading experiences. By participating in the voting process, you contribute to the visibility of exceptional fanfiction and support writers who invest their time and creativity. This dynamic list responds to the ever-changing preferences and feedback from readers like you. Your votes can guide new readers to high-quality content and celebrate the fanfiction community's rich and creative spirit.

What Is the Most Popular Fanfiction on

  1. 1

    All You Need Is Love

    A highly popular Beatles fanfiction that explores an alternate universe where John Lennon and Paul McCartney develop a romantic relationship. The story is celebrated for its character development and historical accuracy.
    • Author: SomethingLikeTangerines
    • Chapters: 44
    • Genre: Romance/Drama
  2. 2

    Fallout: Equestria

    A crossover between the Fallout video game series and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, 'Fallout: Equestria' blends the post-apocalyptic setting of Fallout with the magical world of Equestria. The story has spawned a significant fan following, merchandise, and even spin-off stories.
    • Author: Kkat
    • Chapters: 45
    • Genre: Crossover/Adventure
  3. 3

    Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness

    Set during the events of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows', this story follows Neville Longbottom and the rest of Dumbledore's Army as they fight against the Death Eater-controlled Hogwarts. It's known for its dark tone and exploration of characters' resilience.
    • Author: Thanfiction
    • Chapters: 25
    • Genre: Action/Adventure
  4. 4

    Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

    This fanfiction reimagines the Harry Potter series with a focus on logic and science. The protagonist, Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, is raised by a scientist stepfather and applies the scientific method to the study of magic. The story explores themes of rationality, ethics, and the scientific method.
    • Author: Eliezer Yudkowsky
    • Chapters: 122
    • Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
  5. 5

    The Life and Times

    A James Potter and Lily Evans fanfiction set in their Hogwarts years, leading up to their eventual romance. The story is celebrated for its rich character development and faithful adherence to the Harry Potter universe.
    • Author: Jewels5
    • Chapters: 36
    • Genre: Romance/Drama
  6. 6

    Pride of Time

    A Hermione Granger-centric Harry Potter fanfiction where Hermione accidentally finds herself in the Marauders' era. The story is well-regarded for its character development and exploration of the consequences of time travel.
    • Author: AnubisAnkh
    • Chapters: 50
    • Genre: Romance/Adventure
  7. 7

    A Marauder's Plan

    This story takes a different approach to the Harry Potter series with Sirius Black taking a more active role in Harry's life after escaping Azkaban. The plot focuses on family, politics, and the fight against Voldemort.
    • Author: CatsAreCool
    • Chapters: 87
    • Genre: Adventure/Family
  8. 8

    Backward With Purpose Part I: Always and Always

    A Harry Potter fanfiction that explores time travel, with Harry, Ginny, and Ron going back in time to change the course of history. The story is praised for its plot complexity and emotional depth.
    • Author: deadwoodpecker
    • Chapters: 40
    • Genre: Adventure/Romance
  9. 9

    The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest

    One of the longest fanfictions ever written, this Super Smash Bros. fanfiction follows the game's characters on an epic journey. It's notable for its immense length and detailed storytelling, covering a wide array of characters from the Nintendo universe and beyond.
    • Author: AuroraChannel
    • Chapters: 220
    • Genre: Adventure/Fantasy
  10. 10

    My Immortal

    Widely regarded as one of the most famous and notoriously bad fanfictions ever written, 'My Immortal' is a Harry Potter fanfiction that centers around Ebony (or Enoby) Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, a vampire witch who attends Hogwarts and is involved in a series of melodramatic and nonsensical events. The story is known for its poor spelling, grammar, characterizations, and plot.
    • Author: Tara Gilesbie
    • Chapters: 44
    • Genre: Drama/Parody

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular fanfiction on We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Story is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 1 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Story once every 24 hours. The rank of each Story is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Fanfiction on

Fanfiction has grown into a massive cultural phenomenon. It allows fans to explore new stories within their favorite worlds. is one of the biggest platforms for this creative outlet. It hosts millions of stories from a wide range of genres and fandoms. The site has become a hub for writers and readers alike.

Fanfiction gives fans a chance to expand on the original works they love. They can explore different scenarios, pairings, and outcomes. This freedom attracts many to the platform. Writers often start with a "what if" question. They then build stories from there. These stories can vary in length from short one-shots to multi-chapter epics.

The most popular fanfictions often share common traits. They usually involve well-loved characters. Fans enjoy seeing these characters in new situations. They also appreciate stories that stay true to the original material. Good writing and engaging plots are key. A strong following can grow quickly if a story hits the right notes.

One factor that boosts popularity is the use of familiar settings and themes. Fans like to read about places and events they already know. This makes it easier for them to dive into the story. Writers often use these elements to create a sense of nostalgia. They also add their own twists to keep things fresh.

Another important aspect is character development. Fans love to see their favorite characters grow and change. Writers who can capture the essence of these characters often gain a loyal audience. They explore different facets of the characters' personalities. This adds depth to the story.

Many popular fanfictions also focus on relationships. These can be romantic, platonic, or familial. Fans enjoy seeing how these relationships evolve. They like to see characters interact in new ways. This can lead to unexpected pairings and unique dynamics.

Humor is another element that draws readers in. A well-placed joke or witty dialogue can make a story more enjoyable. It can also make characters more relatable. Writers who can balance humor with drama often find success.

Fanfiction also allows for crossovers. These stories blend elements from different fandoms. Fans enjoy seeing how characters from different worlds interact. This can lead to creative and exciting plots. Crossovers can attract fans from multiple fandoms. This increases the story's reach and popularity.

The community aspect of also plays a role. Readers can leave reviews and comments. This feedback can help writers improve their stories. It also creates a sense of connection between writers and readers. A strong community can boost a story's visibility.

In conclusion, the most popular fanfictions on share several key traits. They involve well-loved characters and familiar settings. They focus on character development and relationships. They often include humor and creative twists. The community aspect also plays a significant role. These elements combine to create engaging and memorable stories. Fanfiction continues to thrive as a creative outlet for fans worldwide.

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