The Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfiction, Ranked

Choose the fanfiction you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 06:55
Fans of Harry Potter often find themselves lost in the sea of fanfiction, eager to read stories that resonate but overwhelmed by the sheer number available. To solve this issue, ranking the most loved Harry Potter fanfictions provides a curated list that highlights the top choices appreciated by readers like yourself. This not only simplifies the decision of what to read next but also enhances the overall reading experience by ensuring quality and relevance. By participating in the voting process, you help shape the rankings which directly reflect the preferences and insights of the fan community. This dynamic rating system allows new and deserving stories to rise to prominence and receive the recognition they merit. Whether you are a fan of romance, adventure, or mystery within the Wizarding World, your votes play a crucial role in defining what's considered best in the vast world of Harry Potter fanfiction.

What Is the Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfiction?

  1. 1

    The Prince of Slytherin

    A retelling of the Harry Potter series where Harry is raised as the twin brother of the Boy-Who-Lived.
    • Genre: Drama, Adventure
    • Status: Ongoing
  2. 2

    After the End

    A well-loved fanfiction that explores the lives of Harry, Hermione, Ron, and others after the war against Voldemort.
    • Genre: Romance, Adventure
    • Status: Complete
  3. 3

    The Accidental Animagus

    An accident in Harry's childhood turns him into an Animagus, significantly altering the course of his life and the Harry Potter story.
    • Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
    • Status: Complete
  4. 4

    The Lie I've Lived

    Harry Potter returns to his fourth year at Hogwarts with memories of a previous life and battles for the Triwizard Tournament with a twist.
    • Genre: Adventure, Mystery
    • Status: Complete
  5. 5


    A Dramione fanfiction where Draco and Hermione are forced to share a common room in their final year at Hogwarts, leading to an unexpected relationship.
    • Genre: Romance, Drama
    • Status: Complete
  6. 6

    A Black Comedy

    Two years after defeating Voldemort, Sirius Black and Harry Potter discover a mirror that transports them to a world where Voldemort never existed.
    • Genre: Comedy, Adventure
    • Status: Complete
  7. 7

    Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness

    This story follows Neville Longbottom and the rest of Dumbledore's Army during the events of the Deathly Hallows from their perspective at Hogwarts.
    • Genre: Action, Drama
    • Status: Complete
  8. 8

    Delenda Est

    Harry is thrown back in time to 1975 and has to find his way back to the future while dealing with the Marauders, Bellatrix Black, and the rise of Voldemort.
    • Genre: Time Travel, Adventure
    • Status: Complete
  9. 9

    My Immortal

    Infamous for its poor grammar and bizarre plot, 'My Immortal' is a Harry Potter fanfiction that has gained a cult following for being so bad it's good.
    • Genre: Parody, Drama
    • Status: Incomplete
  10. 10

    The Methods of Rationality

    This story reimagines Harry Potter as a child prodigy in the sciences, exploring themes of rationality and logic.
    • Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Educational
    • Chapters: 122

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Harry Potter fanfiction. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Story is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 14 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Story once every 24 hours. The rank of each Story is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfiction

Harry Potter fanfiction has grown into a vast and diverse universe. Fans of the series create their own stories, expanding the magical world J.K. Rowling introduced. This phenomenon began soon after the first book's release in 1997. Enthusiasts wanted more than what the original series offered. They started writing their own tales, sharing them with others who felt the same.

These stories explore many aspects of the Harry Potter world. Some delve into the lives of secondary characters, giving them depth and backstories. Others imagine different outcomes for key events in the series. Many fanfictions create entirely new adventures for Harry and his friends. The possibilities are endless.

The internet played a crucial role in the spread of Harry Potter fanfiction. Early fan sites and forums provided platforms for writers to share their work. These communities allowed fans to connect, discuss, and critique each other's stories. This interaction helped writers improve and encouraged more people to contribute. became one of the largest repositories for these stories. It offered a dedicated section for Harry Potter fanfiction, which quickly filled with thousands of entries. Other sites, like Archive of Our Own, also became popular places to find and share fan-written tales. These platforms made it easy for readers to find stories that matched their interests.

The quality of Harry Potter fanfiction varies widely. Some stories are short and simple, while others are long and complex. Talented writers often produce works that rival published novels in length and detail. These stories can be so engaging that readers forget they are not part of the official canon.

Many fanfictions explore themes and relationships not fully addressed in the original books. This includes romantic pairings that fans wish had happened. Some stories take a darker or more mature tone, exploring the consequences of the magical world's events. Others maintain the light-hearted spirit of the original series, focusing on humor and friendship.

The fanfiction community has its own culture and terminology. Terms like "AU" (alternate universe) and "OC" (original character) are common. Writers often use tags to describe their stories, helping readers find what they want. Reviews and comments from readers provide feedback and encouragement, fostering a sense of community.

Some fanfiction writers have gained recognition and success beyond the fan community. They use their experience to launch careers in writing, publishing original works. The skills they develop through fanfiction—storytelling, character development, and dialogue—serve them well in their professional pursuits.

The impact of Harry Potter fanfiction extends beyond the stories themselves. It has inspired countless fans to explore their creativity and share their ideas. It has built a global community of readers and writers who bond over their love for the magical world. This shared passion keeps the spirit of Harry Potter alive, even as the original series concludes.

In summary, Harry Potter fanfiction represents a vibrant and ever-growing facet of the fandom. It allows fans to continue exploring the world they love, creating new stories and connections. Through fanfiction, the magic of Harry Potter endures, inspiring new generations of readers and writers.

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