The Most Popular Hashtag on YouTube, Ranked

Choose the hashtag you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:55
When watching videos on YouTube, users often encounter a variety of hashtags that help categorize content, making it easier to find topics of interest. These tags range from broad to niche, each serving as a gateway to a collection of videos. Understanding which hashtags are the most popular can help new content creators align their videos with trends and viewers find appealing content more efficiently. On this site, the power to influence which hashtags are seen as most valuable lies in your hands. By voting for the hashtags you find most useful or entertaining, you help shape the trend landscape on YouTube. This dynamic listing updates based on user input, reflecting real-time preferences and emerging trends, making it an essential tool for anyone invested in the YouTube community.

What Is the Most Popular Hashtag on YouTube?

  1. 1


    Used for videos that aim to entertain and make people laugh.
    • Category: Entertainment
  2. 2


    Covers content related to video games, gaming news, and game reviews.
    • Category: Gaming
  3. 3


    Covers workout routines, fitness advice, and healthy lifestyle tips.
    • Category: Health & Fitness
  4. 4


    Used for sharing travel experiences, tips, and destination guides.
    • Category: Travel & Adventure
  5. 5


    Popular among foodies, chefs, and cooking enthusiasts for recipes and food reviews.
    • Category: Food & Cooking
  6. 6


    Focuses on technology news, gadget reviews, and tech tutorials.
    • Category: Technology
  7. 7


    Used for videos related to music, including music videos, music tutorials, and more.
    • Category: Music
  8. 8


    Popular among YouTubers who share their daily life or adventures.
    • Category: Lifestyle
  9. 9


    Encompasses content related to makeup, skincare, haircare, and beauty tips.
    • Category: Beauty & Fashion
  10. 10


    Stands for Do It Yourself; includes tutorials and creative ideas for home improvement, crafts, and more.
    • Category: Creativity & Crafts

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular hashtag on YouTube. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or hashtag is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 53 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each hashtag once every 24 hours. The rank of each hashtag is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Hashtag on YouTube

Rank #1 for the most popular hashtag on YouTube: #Comedy (Source)
YouTube, a vast platform for sharing videos, has become a key part of our daily lives. Users from around the world upload, watch, and share content. Among the many features that YouTube offers, hashtags play a crucial role. They help users find and categorize videos with ease. One hashtag stands out as the most popular on the platform.

This popular hashtag connects millions of users. It covers a broad range of topics, attracting a diverse audience. Content creators use it to reach a wider audience. Viewers use it to discover new videos and trends. The hashtag's popularity is not by chance. It reflects the interests and preferences of the global audience.

The rise of this hashtag can be traced back to the early days of YouTube. As the platform grew, so did the need for better organization of content. Hashtags became a solution. They allowed users to tag their videos with relevant keywords. This made it easier for others to find related content.

Over time, certain hashtags gained more traction than others. They became a way to join conversations on trending topics. The most popular hashtag emerged from this trend. It became a staple for content creators and viewers alike. Its widespread use is a testament to its relevance and appeal.

The hashtag's success can be attributed to several factors. First, it is versatile. It can be used for a variety of content, from entertainment to education. This broad applicability makes it appealing to a wide audience. Second, it is simple and easy to remember. Users can quickly type it in the search bar and find related videos. Third, it taps into the collective interests of the YouTube community. It reflects what people care about and want to see.

The impact of this hashtag is significant. It shapes the way content is discovered and consumed on YouTube. It influences trends and drives engagement. When a video uses this hashtag, it is more likely to be seen by a larger audience. This can lead to more views, likes, and shares. For content creators, this means greater visibility and potential success.

The most popular hashtag on YouTube also fosters a sense of community. It brings people together around common interests. Users can engage with each other through comments and discussions. This interaction enhances the overall experience on the platform. It creates a space where people can share their thoughts and opinions.

In conclusion, the most popular hashtag on YouTube plays a vital role in the platform's ecosystem. It helps organize content, drives engagement, and fosters community. Its success is a result of its versatility, simplicity, and relevance. As YouTube continues to grow, this hashtag will likely remain a key feature. It will continue to connect users and shape the way we experience video content.

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