The Most Popular Hashtags, Ranked

Choose the hashtags you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 25, 2024 06:15
In the bustling realm of social media, where trends and interests shift like the winds, keeping a pulse on what's capturing the public's attention can be a dizzying endeavor. Yet, the importance of doing so is undeniable, as it informs marketers, content creators, and casual browsers alike about the prevailing winds of online conversation. This dynamic selection and ranking of favored topics helps everyone stay in sync with what’s current and engaging. By casting a vote on this list, users not only engage with a community of like-minded individuals but also influence this digitally democratic process. Each vote matters, contributing directly to the visibility and priority of what you consider important or enjoyable. Through participating in this ongoing vote, users play an integral part in sculpting the landscape of conversations that define our time.

What Are the Most Popular Hashtags?

  1. 1
    This is one of the most popular hashtags on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. It can be used to express love for someone or something.
    The #love hashtag is one of the most popular and widely used hashtags on social media platforms. It is associated with posts and content related to love, affection, and all things romantic.
    • Usage: Millions of posts
    • Topics: Romantic relationships, affection, love quotes, weddings, anniversaries
    • Platform: Various social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
    • Popularity: Consistently among the top hashtags used globally
    • Engagement: High user engagement, including likes, comments, and shares
  2. 2
    This hashtag is commonly used to share photos and videos that are aesthetically pleasing and attractive.
    #instagood is a popular hashtag on social media platforms, particularly on Instagram. It is used to accompany posts that are visually appealing or of high quality, showcasing various aspects of life and art.
    • Hashtag Length: 8 characters
    • Platform: Primarily used on Instagram
    • Popularity: High usage and engagement
    • Community: Wide and diverse community
    • Purpose: Highlight visually appealing content
  3. 3
    This hashtag is used to share the best photo of the day. It is commonly used by photographers and influencers.
    The hashtag #photooftheday is used to showcase a significant or outstanding photograph of the day.
    • Usage: To share a visually striking or noteworthy photo taken on the day
    • Popularity: One of the most widely used and recognized hashtags on various social media platforms
    • Community Engagement: Users engage with the hashtag by liking, sharing, and commenting on the featured photos
    • Variety: Covers a wide range of photographic styles and subjects
    • Daily Frequency: The hashtag is used daily, with new photos posted every day
  4. 4
    This hashtag is used by fashion enthusiasts to share their latest fashion trends, outfits, and styles.
    The '#fashion' hashtag is used on social media platforms to categorize and explore posts related to clothing, style, trends, and the fashion industry. It encompasses a wide range of fashion-related content, ranging from outfit inspirations, fashion events, brand promotions, styling tips, to runway shows and designer collections.
    • Usage: Widely used on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok
    • Popularity: One of the most popular hashtags worldwide with millions of posts
    • Community: Attracts fashion enthusiasts, influencers, designers, models, and brands
    • Variety: Covers different fashion styles, aesthetics, and cultures
    • Trend setting: A place to discover and showcase emerging fashion trends
  5. 5
    This hashtag is used to share travel experiences, destinations, and adventures.
    The hashtag #travel is used to share and explore content related to travel experiences, destinations, and tips. It is commonly used by individuals, influencers, and brands in the travel industry to showcase their adventures and inspire others to explore the world.
    • Usage Frequency: Millions of posts
    • Target Audience: Travel enthusiasts
    • Content Type: Photos, videos, travel guides
    • Tags Similar to: #wanderlust, #explore, #adventure
    • Trending Topics: Sustainable travel, solo travel, luxury travel
  6. 6
    This hashtag is used to share food experiences, recipes, and cooking tips.
    The hashtag #food is widely used on social media platforms to share content related to food and gastronomy. It encompasses a wide range of posts including food photography, recipes, restaurant recommendations, cooking tips, and more.
    • Usage: Millions of posts daily
    • Popularity: One of the most popular hashtags on social media
    • Content: Images/videos of food, recipes, food-related discussions
    • Community: Engaged community of food enthusiasts, influencers, chefs, and food bloggers
    • Inspiration: Source of culinary inspiration and ideas
  7. 7
    This hashtag is used to share fitness tips, workouts, and progress.
    The hashtag #fitness is used to categorize and discover content related to physical fitness and overall well-being.
    • Usage: Over 200 million posts
    • Reach: Global
    • Content: Workout routines, healthy recipes, fitness tips, progress updates, motivational quotes
    • Community: Supportive and encouraging
    • Engagement: High, with active discussions and interactions
  8. 8
    This hashtag is used to share photos and videos of nature, landscapes, and wildlife.
    The '#nature' hashtag is used to tag posts related to natural landscapes, wildlife, and environmental conservation. It is widely used by individuals, organizations, and photographers who want to showcase the beauty of nature and raise awareness about its importance.
    • Usage: Widely used on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
    • Popularity: One of the most popular and frequently used hashtags
    • Reach: Millions of posts tagged with '#nature'
    • Community: Engages a diverse community passionate about nature and conservation
    • Visual Appeal: Posts tagged with '#nature' often feature stunning photographs and breathtaking landscapes
  9. 9
    This hashtag is used to share motivational quotes, stories, and content.
    The hashtag #motivation is widely used on social media platforms to share and seek inspiration and encouragement. It is commonly utilized in personal development, fitness, and success-related contexts.
    • Usage: Motivational and inspirational content
    • Popularity: High
    • Social Platforms: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
    • Theme: Positive mindset, empowerment
    • Purpose: To motivate and inspire individuals
  10. 10
    This hashtag is used to share selfies or self-portraits.
    The #selfie hashtag is used to tag photos or videos that individuals take of themselves, typically using a front-facing camera. It has become a popular trend in social media platforms to share self-portraits or self-expression.
    • Social Media Platforms: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
    • Usage: Tagging self-portraits or self-expression photos/videos
    • Popularity: One of the most used hashtags on social media
    • Variations: Some users add additional tags like #selfieoftheday or #nofilter
    • Cultural Impact: The #selfie phenomenon has influenced photography and self-expression

Missing your favorite hashtags?


Ranking factors for popular hashtags

  1. Volume of usage
    The number of times a hashtag is used in a specific time frame reflects its popularity. More usage implies a larger audience is discussing or engaging with the content.
  2. Engagement
    A popular hashtag generates more engagement in the form of likes, comments, shares, and retweets. High engagement levels indicate that the hashtag resonates well with the audience and stimulates conversations.
  3. Trending status
    Check if the hashtag is trending on social media platforms. Trending hashtags have a high volume of usage and engagement in a short period, which highlights their current popularity.
  4. Relevancy
    Ensure the hashtags are relevant to the content being shared and the target audience. Irrelevant hashtags might receive less engagement even if they have a high volume of usage.
  5. Geographical reach
    Consider the geographical distribution and prevalence of the hashtag across different locations. A hashtag popular in one region may not necessarily translate to global popularity.
  6. Platform usage
    Some hashtags may perform well on specific social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Analyze the hashtag's popularity on various platforms to develop a broader understanding of its influence.
  7. Time sensitivity
    Assess if the hashtag's popularity is time-sensitive, as some hashtags gain traction during specific events, holidays, or news stories, and then lose popularity. A hashtag with long-term popularity provides a better value to content creators.
  8. Cross-channel synergy
    Analyze if a hashtag's popularity on social media platforms is translating to increased searches on search engines or visibility on other digital channels. This will provide insight into the hashtag's effectiveness in directing traffic and achieving marketing goals.
  9. Competing hashtags
    Consider the popularity of similar or competing hashtags. This will help you understand if there are other hashtags that might be more effective in reaching your target audience.
  10. Branded hashtags
    Branded or campaign-specific hashtags may gain significant popularity but may only be relevant to a particular brand or marketing campaign. Analyze and compare the performance and popularity of branded hashtags against generic ones.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular hashtags. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or hashtag is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 143 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each hashtag once every 24 hours. The rank of each hashtag is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular hashtags

Hashtags have become an integral part of social media culture. They are used to categorize content and make it easier to find for users. From trending topics to brand promotions, hashtags have become an essential tool for marketers and individuals alike. The use of hashtags has exploded over the years, and social platforms have even introduced features like hashtag analytics to help users understand their reach and engagement. But with so many hashtags out there, it can be challenging to keep track of the most popular ones. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the most popular hashtags across various social media platforms.

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