The Most Ridiculous Law in Georgia, Ranked

Choose the law you think is the most ridiculous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 25, 2024 06:56
Laws are crafted to maintain order and protect the public, but sometimes they can turn out to be quite unusual, sparking debates and laughter alike. In Georgia, some of these laws are so outlandish that they become topics of conversation at dinner tables and social gatherings. Ranking these laws not only satisfies your curiosity but also gives you quite a few interesting stories to share. By participating in voting for the most ridiculous law in Georgia, you contribute to a collective insight into which laws are perceived as the most absurd by the public. This not only serves as entertainment but can also provide perspectives on the relevance and applicability of laws in modern society. Your vote helps shape the rankings, adding a personal touch to this amusing compilation.

What Is the Most Ridiculous Law in Georgia?

  1. 1
    The law states that it is illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp in Atlanta, Georgia. This law reflects a rather absurd and unlikely scenario.
    • Jurisdiction: Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    • Legality: Illegal
    • Target: Giraffes
    • Object: Telephone poles or street lamps
    • Specific Location: Atlanta
  2. 2
    In Columbus, Georgia, there is a law that prohibits carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sundays. This unusual law was mentioned as a local ordinance in the Columbus city code.
    • Location: Columbus, Georgia
    • Day of the Week: Sundays
    • Prohibited Action: Carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket
    • Reasoning: The intent behind this law is not clearly explained, but it might have been originally aimed at preventing horse theft. Carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket could attract horses, leading to potential theft.
    • Source: The specific ordinance is mentioned as an anecdote or local lore rather than a verifiable law.
  3. 3
    The law states that it is illegal to give someone a fish as a gift on Sunday in Athens, Georgia. This unusual law prohibits the act of gifting fish specifically on Sundays within the city. The origins or reasons behind this law are not specified.
    • Location: Athens, Georgia, USA
    • Day of Week: Sunday
    • Prohibited Action: Gifting someone a fish
    • Date of Enactment: Unknown
    • Enforcement: Local authorities
  4. 4
    In Lawrenceville, Georgia, there is a peculiar law that states it is illegal to tie a donkey to a bathtub. This law may seem strange and absurd, as it appears to have no practical relevance to daily life or public safety. It is not clear why this specific prohibition exists or what circumstances would have prompted its creation.
    • State: Georgia
    • City: Lawrenceville
    • Law Name: Donkey and Bathtub Law
    • Offense: Tying a donkey to a bathtub
    • Specific Animal: Donkey
  5. 5
    The law in Columbus, Georgia states that it is illegal to take a bath in orange juice. This peculiar law prohibits individuals from using orange juice as a bath ingredient within the city limits of Columbus.
    • Location: Columbus, Georgia
    • Illegal Activity: Taking a bath in orange juice
    • Source: Unknown
  6. 6
    The law states that it is illegal to use profanity in front of a corpse in Marietta, Georgia. This means that individuals are prohibited from using offensive or vulgar language in the presence of a deceased person.
    • Jurisdiction: Marietta, Georgia
    • Date of creation: Unknown
    • Enforcement: Local law enforcement agencies
    • Penalties: Specific penalties not specified
    • Purpose: Promoting respectful behavior around the deceased
  7. 7
    The law states that it is illegal to shoot a deer from a moving vehicle, unless the deer happens to be a whale, in Columbus, Georgia.
    • Jurisdiction: Columbus, Georgia
    • Target: Deer (unless it is a whale)
    • Method: Shooting from a moving vehicle
    • Exceptions: Whales can be shot from a moving vehicle
    • Author: Georgia state legislature
  8. 8
    The law states that it is illegal to tie a string across a sidewalk with the intention of tripping a pedestrian in Columbus, Georgia. This law aims to protect pedestrians from potential harm caused by hazardous prank activities.
    • Law Name: String Tripping Law
    • Jurisdiction: Columbus, Georgia, United States
    • Date of Creation: Exact date unknown, part of municipal code
    • Target Offense: Deliberate placement of string on sidewalks to trip pedestrians
    • Motivation: To protect pedestrians from potential injuries caused by dangerous pranks
  9. 9
    According to a law in Georgia, specifically in Columbus, it is considered illegal to carry a chicken by its feet down Broadway. This law seems quite ridiculous and likely outdated.
    • Location: Broadway in Columbus, Georgia
    • Action: Carrying a chicken by its feet
    • Type of Law: Local ordinance
    • Enforcement: Possibly local law enforcement
    • Year Established: Exact year unknown, likely a long time ago
  10. 10
    In Gainesville, Georgia, there exists a peculiar law that prohibits the act of eating fried chicken with a knife and fork. This law has gained notoriety for its comical nature and has become widely known as one of the most ridiculous laws in the state.
    • Impact: Limited enforcement, mostly symbolic
    • Law Name: Prohibition on Eating Fried Chicken with a Knife and Fork
    • Location: Gainesville, Georgia
    • Type of Law: Municipal ordinance
    • Origination Date: Unknown

Missing your favorite law?


Ranking factors for ridiculous law

  1. Relevance
    The relevance of the law to modern society and its impact on the lives of the people.
  2. Absurdity
    How ridiculous and absurd the law is, and whether it serves any meaningful purpose.
  3. Enforceability
    Whether the law is actually enforceable and if it is being enforced regularly.
  4. Impact
    The impact of the law on the state's reputation and its ability to attract businesses and tourism.
  5. Constitutionality
    Whether the law violates any constitutional rights or principles.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most ridiculous law in Georgia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or a law is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 161 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each a law once every 24 hours. The rank of each a law is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most ridiculous law in georgia

Georgia, the Peach State, is known for its rich history and southern charm. However, like any other state, Georgia has its share of strange and bizarre laws that can leave you scratching your head. From prohibiting the use of profanity in front of a corpse to banning the sale of corn flakes on Sundays, Georgia's laws can be both entertaining and confusing. In this article, we will explore some of the most ridiculous laws in Georgia that are still on the books. Get ready to be surprised and amused by the strange laws that still exist in Georgia today!

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