The Most Ridiculous Lawsuit, Ranked

Choose the lawsuit you think is the most ridiculous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 29, 2024 06:57
In the realm of legal battles, some cases stretch the boundaries of the ordinary, tipping into the realm of the absurd. These bizarre lawsuits can range from quarrels over sandwich sizes to disputes about the soundness of movie plots. Highlighting these cases not only provides entertainment but serves as a conversation starter on the intricate nature of legal systems and the usage of judicial resources. By casting a vote on the most ridiculous lawsuit, you contribute to a crowd-sourced assessment of just how outlandish our legal disputes can get. This ranking isn't just for amusement; it offers a unique lens through which we view and evaluate the justice system, encouraging deeper engagement and reflection on what constitutes a legitimate legal claim.

What Is the Most Ridiculous Lawsuit?

  1. 1
    This lawsuit gained notoriety for the plaintiff suing McDonald's after spilling hot coffee on herself. The case resulted in a $2.9 million settlement and became a popular example of frivolous lawsuits.
    Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants, also known as the 'McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit,' was a widely publicized legal case in which a woman named Stella Liebeck sued McDonald's for injuries she suffered from spilled hot coffee. The case became synonymous with frivolous lawsuits and led to extensive media coverage and public debate.
    • Date: Filed in 1992, settled in 1994
    • Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
    • Incident: Stella Liebeck suffered third-degree burns on her thighs and groin after coffee spilled on her
    • Temperature: The coffee was measured to be around 180-190 degrees Fahrenheit
    • Injuries: Liebeck required hospitalization for eight days and underwent skin grafts
  2. 2

    Pearson v. Chung

    Roy L. Pearson Jr.
    In this ridiculous lawsuit, a judge sued a dry cleaner for $54 million over a pair of lost pants. The case was eventually dismissed.
    The 'Pearson v. Chung' lawsuit is a notable case involving a dry cleaner, Jin Nam Chung, and his business, Custom Cleaners, in the United States. The lawsuit was filed by a former customer, Roy L. Pearson Jr., over a lost pair of pants that led to a prolonged legal battle.
    • Lawsuit Type: Civil
    • Jurisdiction: Washington, D.C.
    • Date Filed: May 2005
    • Length of Legal Battle: Approximately 2 years
    • Requested Damages: $67 million
  3. 3

    The Happy Birthday Song Lawsuit

    Patty Hill and Mildred Hill
    A group of artists filed a lawsuit claiming that the song "Happy Birthday" was copyrighted and they were entitled to royalties from its use. The case was settled in 2016, with the song officially entering the public domain.
    The Happy Birthday Song Lawsuit refers to a legal dispute over the copyright ownership of the song 'Happy Birthday to You', one of the most popular and widely sung songs in the world. The lawsuit challenged the validity of the copyright claim on the song, which had been held by Warner/Chappell Music for decades.
    • Date of Creation: 1893
    • Copyright Claim: 1935
    • Duration of Copyright Claim: Until 2030
    • Allegations: Unlawful copyright claim and overcharging licensing fees for public performances
    • Plaintiffs: Filmmaker Jennifer Nelson and the Association for Childhood Education International
  4. 4
    In this bizarre lawsuit, a group claimed that a monkey who took a selfie should hold the copyright to the photo. The case was eventually settled out of court.
    The Monkey Selfie Lawsuit refers to a legal battle surrounding the copyright ownership of a photograph taken by a crested black macaque monkey named Naruto in 2011. The dispute arose when the photographer, David Slater, claimed copyright ownership of the image even though he was not the one who physically took the photo. The case gained significant media attention due to its unusual nature and absurdity.
    • Year: 2011
    • Animal: Crested black macaque monkey
    • Photographer: David Slater
    • Location: Tangkoko reserve, Indonesia
    • Ownership claimant: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
  5. 5
    A woman sued Nutella, claiming that she was misled into thinking the spread was healthy. The case was settled for $3 million.
    The Nutella Lawsuit refers to a controversial legal dispute that took place in California, United States. The lawsuit was initiated by a consumer against Ferrero, the company behind the popular hazelnut spread Nutella. The plaintiff claimed false advertising, alleging that Ferrero misled customers into thinking Nutella was a healthy breakfast option when it contained significant amounts of sugar and fat. The lawsuit generated widespread media attention and sparked debates surrounding personal responsibility and advertising ethics.
    • Location: California, United States
    • Allegations: False advertising, misleading claims
    • Defendant: Ferrero, the company behind Nutella
    • Issue: Nutella's alleged unhealthy nature despite marketing as a healthy breakfast option
    • Outcome: Ferrero agreed to settle the lawsuit by paying $3 million and making changes in their marketing and labeling practices
  6. 6
    Customers sued Subway after discovering that their footlong sandwiches were only 11 inches long. The case was eventually dismissed.
    The Subway Footlong Lawsuit was a class-action lawsuit filed against Subway, the fast-food chain known for its submarine sandwiches. The lawsuit claimed that Subway's 'footlong' sandwiches did not actually measure a full foot long (12 inches) as advertised.
    • Date: 2013
    • Location: United States
    • Plaintiffs: John Farley and Charles Pendracki
    • Defendant: Subway
    • Claim: False advertising
  7. 7

    The Red Bull Lawsuit

    Benjamin Careathers
    A man sued Red Bull for false advertising, claiming that the drink did not give him wings. The case was settled for $13 million.
    The Red Bull Lawsuit was a widely publicized legal case filed against the energy drink company Red Bull. The lawsuit alleged that Red Bull's slogan, 'Red Bull gives you wings,' was false and misleading advertising, as it did not actually grant consumers the ability to fly.
    • Date Filed: January 16, 2013
    • Settlement Amount: $13 million
    • Class Action Lawsuit: Yes
    • Basis of Lawsuit: False advertising
    • Allegations: Slogan misrepresentation
  8. 8
    PETA filed a lawsuit on behalf of a monkey, claiming that the animal's rights were being violated by a photographer who used its selfie. The case was dismissed.
    The PETA Lawsuit on Behalf of a Monkey was a controversial lawsuit filed by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in 2015. The lawsuit sought to establish legal rights for a macaque monkey named Naruto, who had taken a series of selfies with a wildlife photographer's camera.
    • Lawsuit filed: 2015
    • Subject of the lawsuit: A macaque monkey named Naruto
    • Cause of the lawsuit: Ownership and copyright of the selfies taken by Naruto
    • Defendants: Wildlife photographer David Slater and publishing company Blurb
    • Issue raised by PETA: Whether animals can hold copyright
  9. 9
    A woman sued McDonald's, claiming that the toy included in her child's Happy Meal was responsible for making him obese. The case was dismissed.
    The McDonald's Happy Meal Lawsuit refers to a famous legal case in which a customer sued McDonald's for the food company's promotion of unhealthy eating habits through their Happy Meal menu for children. The lawsuit gained significant media attention due to its controversial nature and the claimant's argument that McDonald's was responsible for her child's poor health and obesity.
    • Case Filed: 2010
    • Location: California, United States
    • Accusation: Promoting unhealthy eating habits and causing obesity in children
    • Claimant: Monet Parham, a mother representing herself and other parents
    • Defendant: McDonald's Corporation
  10. 10
    A woman sued M&M's, claiming that the candy's colors caused her son to develop ADHD. The case was dismissed.
    The M&M's Lawsuit was a legal case filed against the makers of M&M's, Mars, Inc. The lawsuit claimed that the brightly colored candy shell used in M&M's was responsible for causing hyperactivity in children. The case gained significant attention due to its unusual nature and lack of scientific evidence.
    • Case Name: The M&M's Lawsuit
    • Defendant: Mars, Inc.
    • Accusation: Claimed that M&M's candy caused hyperactivity in children
    • Basis of Lawsuit: Brightly colored candy shell ingredients
    • Scientific Evidence: Lack of substantial evidence supporting the claim

Missing your favorite lawsuit?


Ranking factors for ridiculous lawsuit

  1. The frivolity of the lawsuit
    Is the lawsuit trivial or frivolous? Is it based on solid evidence, or is it a weak case?
  2. The impact of the lawsuit
    How much will the outcome of the lawsuit impact the parties involved? Will it have significant ramifications for the industry or society as a whole?
  3. The motivation behind the lawsuit
    Is the lawsuit being brought for genuine reasons, or is it a case of greed or attention-seeking?
  4. The legal framework
    Is the lawsuit legally sound? Is it supported by the existing legal framework?
  5. The public perception
    How does the public view the lawsuit? Is it seen as a legitimate case, or is it widely mocked or ridiculed?

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most ridiculous lawsuit. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or lawsuit is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 171 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each lawsuit once every 24 hours. The rank of each lawsuit is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most ridiculous lawsuit

The world of lawsuits can be a strange and unpredictable place. Sometimes, cases are brought to court that seem too ridiculous to be true. These lawsuits often make headlines and leave us scratching our heads in disbelief. From suing fast food chains for making us fat to suing for emotional distress caused by a haunted house, the most ridiculous lawsuits have captured our attention time and time again. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the most outrageous lawsuits ever filed, and explore the strange and sometimes hilarious world of legal battles.

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