The Most Popular Fandom Wiki, Ranked

Choose the wiki you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:50
Fans of various series, movies, and games often seek out dedicated wikis to dive deeper into their favorite universes. These hubs of information are created and maintained by communities passionate about cataloging every detail imaginable. However, with so many wikis available, it can be challenging to determine which ones are the most comprehensive and reliable. By voting for your favorite Fandom wikis, you help highlight the ones that offer the most value to their communities. This not only guides new fans to the wikis where they can find the most thorough and trusted information but also acknowledges the efforts of the contributors who enrich these resources. Your participation ensures that the best resources get the recognition they deserve.

What Is the Most Popular Fandom Wiki?

  1. 1

    Game of Thrones Wiki

    A wiki dedicated to the HBO series Game of Thrones and the book series A Song of Ice and Fire.
    • Focus: Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire
    • Founded: 2011
  2. 2

    DC Database

    A fan-maintained database that archives information on the DC Universe.
    • Focus: DC Universe
    • Founded: 2005
  3. 3

    Harry Potter Wiki

    An encyclopedia covering all aspects of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.
    • Focus: Harry Potter series
    • Founded: 2005
  4. 4

    Minecraft Wiki

    The official community-managed encyclopedia for Minecraft.
    • Focus: Minecraft
    • Founded: 2010
  5. 5


    The Star Wars wiki that covers all aspects of the Star Wars universe.
    • Focus: Star Wars universe
    • Founded: March 4, 2005
  6. 6
    Memory Alpha

    Memory Alpha

    A comprehensive database for all things Star Trek.
    • Focus: Star Trek universe
    • Founded: November 2003
  7. 7

    Warhammer 40k Wiki

    A detailed wiki that covers the extensive lore of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
    • Focus: Warhammer 40,000 universe
    • Founded: 2005
  8. 8

    Marvel Database

    A wiki dedicated to cataloging all characters, locations, and items in the Marvel Universe.
    • Focus: Marvel Universe
    • Founded: 2005
  9. 9

    The One Piece Wiki

    A comprehensive database for the One Piece manga and anime series.
    • Focus: One Piece series
    • Founded: 2005
  10. 10

    The Elder Scrolls Wiki

    A wiki dedicated to the Elder Scrolls video game series.
    • Focus: The Elder Scrolls series
    • Founded: 2005

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Fandom wiki. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or wiki is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 52 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each wiki once every 24 hours. The rank of each wiki is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Fandom Wiki

Fandom wikis serve as vibrant hubs for communities. These online platforms allow fans to gather, share, and expand their knowledge about various interests. From TV shows to video games, these wikis cover a wide range of topics. They offer detailed information about characters, plotlines, and lore. This helps fans stay updated and engaged.

The rise of Fandom wikis began in the early 2000s. Fans sought a space to document and discuss their favorite subjects. Traditional forums and blogs were not enough. Wikis provided a structured yet flexible format. They allowed users to create and edit pages with ease. This collaborative nature attracted many contributors. The community-driven model ensured accuracy and depth.

As these wikis grew, they became more organized. Contributors established guidelines and standards. This ensured consistency across pages. It also helped maintain the quality of information. Many wikis adopted a hierarchical structure. Administrators and moderators oversaw content. They handled disputes and ensured compliance with rules.

The visual and technical aspects of Fandom wikis also evolved. Early wikis were text-heavy and plain. Over time, they incorporated images, videos, and interactive elements. These enhancements made the content more engaging. They also improved the user experience. Mobile-friendly versions emerged, catering to users on the go.

Fandom wikis rely on user-generated content. This means anyone can contribute. However, not all contributions are equal. Experienced editors often review and refine new content. This peer-review system helps maintain high standards. It also fosters a sense of community. New contributors learn from seasoned editors. This mentorship improves the overall quality of the wiki.

The impact of Fandom wikis extends beyond the online world. They influence how fans interact with their favorite media. These wikis often become the go-to source for information. They provide insights that might be missed in the original material. Fans use wikis to explore theories, speculate on future developments, and revisit past events.

Creators of the original content also recognize the value of Fandom wikis. Some engage directly with these communities. They provide exclusive information or clarify ambiguous points. This interaction benefits both parties. Fans gain deeper insights, while creators receive feedback and gauge audience reactions.

The success of Fandom wikis highlights the power of collective knowledge. They demonstrate how passionate individuals can create valuable resources. These wikis continue to thrive, evolving with new technologies and trends. They remain a testament to the enduring appeal of shared interests and collaborative effort.

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