The Most Popular Animal in America, Ranked

Choose the animal you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 25, 2024 06:28
In a country as diverse as America, the preferences for animals vary widely from region to region. A ranking list that identifies the most popular animal nationwide serves a unique purpose. It provides insight into cultural trends, regional favorites, and the shifting dynamics of animal admiration across the states. Such a list not only sparks conversation among animal enthusiasts but also encourages participation from the public to voice their favorites. By voting, individuals contribute to a broader understanding of what animals capture the hearts of Americans today, offering a fun and interactive way to engage with wildlife and pet communities.

What Is the Most Popular Animal in America?

  1. 1
    According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, there are approximately 77 million pet dogs in the United States, making them the most popular pet in the country.
    Dogs are one of the most popular pets around the world. They are domesticated mammals known for their loyalty, companionship, and varied roles in human society. Dogs have been selectively bred over centuries for specific traits, resulting in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and temperaments.
    • Species: Canis lupus familiaris
    • Average Lifespan: 10-13 years
    • Size: Ranges from small (e.g., Chihuahua) to large (e.g., Great Dane)
    • Weight: Varies widely depending on breed; typically 5 - 80+ pounds
    • Coat Types: Short, long, curly, wiry, single or double coat
  2. 2
    Cats are the second most popular pet in America, with approximately 58 million pet cats in the country.
    Cats are a domesticated animal known for their independent and mysterious nature. They are small, carnivorous mammals that are often kept as pets for their companionship and grace. Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years and have a long history of association with humans.
    • Species: Felis catus
    • Average Lifespan: 13-17 years
    • Size: Small to medium
    • Weight: 5-15 pounds
    • Coat: Varies greatly, from short to long, and various colors and patterns
  3. 3
    Fish are a popular pet due to their low maintenance requirements and the variety of species available.
    Fish are aquatic creatures that are commonly kept as pets. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, offering a visually appealing addition to any home or office aquarium. Fish are known for their ability to swim gracefully in water, captivating observers with their movement and beauty.
    • Size: Varies depending on the species, ranging from a few centimeters to several meters in length.
    • Lifespan: Varies widely depending on the species, typically ranging from a few months to several decades.
    • Diet: Most fish are omnivorous and eat a combination of plants and small animals or insects.
    • Habitat: Fish are found in diverse aquatic environments, including freshwater, saltwater, and brackish water.
    • Reproduction: Fish employ a variety of reproductive strategies, including egg-laying and live-bearing.
  4. 4
    Birds are popular pets due to their colorful plumage and ability to mimic sounds.
    Birds are a diverse group of warm-blooded vertebrates which typically have feathers, beaked jaws, laying hard-shelled eggs, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. They are known for their ability to fly, although not all birds can. Birds are found in virtually every habitat on Earth and are known for their remarkable adaptability and diversity in size, color, and behavior.
    • Average lifespan: 5-80 years (varies by species)
    • Number of species: Over 10,000
    • Size range: 2 inches (5 cm) - 9 feet (2.7 m)
    • Wingspan range: 2 inches (5 cm) - 11 feet (3.4 m)
    • Feeding behavior: Omnivorous (varies by species)
  5. 5
    Hamsters are popular pets due to their small size, low maintenance, and cute appearance.
    Hamsters are small rodents commonly kept as pets. They are nocturnal animals with a round body, short legs, and a short furry tail. They come in various colors and patterns, with the most common being golden brown. Hamsters have become popular pets due to their small size, low maintenance requirements, and adorable appearance.
    • Scientific Name: Cricetinae
    • Average Lifespan: 2-3 years
    • Size: Approximately 4-7 inches (10-18 cm) long
    • Weight: Around 1-6 ounces (28-170 grams)
    • Preferred Habitat: Captivity, usually in cages or enclosures with bedding material
  6. 6
    Guinea pigs are popular pets due to their friendly nature and ability to be trained.
    Guinea pigs, also known as cavies, are small rodents that are extremely popular as pets in America. They are native to the Andes of South America and were domesticated over 3,000 years ago by the Incas. These adorable creatures have become beloved family pets due to their friendly nature, low maintenance care, and gentle disposition.
    • Scientific Name: Cavia porcellus
    • Average Lifespan: 4-8 years
    • Size: Approximately 8-10 inches in length
    • Weight: 1.5-2.6 pounds
    • Coat Types: There are many different coat types and colors, including short hair, long hair (such as Peruvian or Silkie), and curly hair (such as Rex).
  7. 7
    Rabbits are popular pets due to their cute appearance and ease of care.
    Rabbits are small mammals that are found throughout the world. They belong to the family Leporidae and are popular as pets due to their cute appearance and friendly nature. They have long ears, soft fur, and a fluffy tail. Rabbits come in various colors, sizes, and breeds, making them a diverse choice for pet owners.
    • Life span: 5-12 years
    • Weight: 1-15 pounds
    • Size: Small to medium
    • Diet: Hay, pellets, fresh vegetables
    • Habitat: Hutches or cages with space to hop and stretch
  8. 8
    Horses are popular pets for horse enthusiasts and equestrians.
    Horses are large, strong, and majestic mammals commonly kept as domesticated animals and used for various purposes such as riding, racing, and working. They have played a significant role in human civilization for thousands of years.
    • Scientific Name: Equus ferus caballus
    • Average Lifespan: 25-30 years
    • Height: 142-163 cm (at the withers)
    • Weight: 380-1,000 kg
    • Speed: 40-48 km/h (maximum)
  9. 9
    Snakes are popular pets for reptile enthusiasts due to their unique appearance and interesting behavior.
    Snakes are a group of highly specialized reptiles that belong to the suborder Serpentes. They are characterized by their elongated bodies, lack of limbs, and flexible jaws, which allow them to swallow prey whole. Snakes have scales covering their bodies, and they use their muscular bodies to move through various environments, including terrestrial, arboreal, and aquatic habitats. They are an incredibly diverse group, with around 3,600 known species.
    • Venomous: Many snake species have venom glands and specialized fangs for injecting venom into their prey.
    • Constrictors: Some snake species are non-venomous and rely on constriction to subdue their prey.
    • Jacobson's organ: Snakes have a specialized organ called the Jacobson's organ, which allows them to detect scents and monitor their environment.
    • Forked Tongue: Snakes use their forked tongues to collect chemical information from their surroundings.
    • Ecdysis: Snakes shed their skin periodically through a process called ecdysis, enabling them to grow.
  10. 10
    Lizards are popular pets for reptile enthusiasts due to their wide variety of species and unique appearance.
    Lizards are a diverse group of reptiles that are popular among pet owners in America. They are known for their scaly skin, unique body shapes, and ability to change colors. Lizards belong to the class Reptilia and include various species like geckos, iguanas, anoles, and bearded dragons. They are found in a wide range of habitats, from deserts to rainforests, and have adapted to live on trees, in underground burrows, or on rocks. Lizards are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. Their diet consists of insects, small mammals, fruits, and vegetation.
    • Size Range: Lizards vary in size, ranging from a few centimeters to several feet in length.
    • Color Variations: Lizards exhibit a wide range of colors and patterns, often changing their appearance to blend with their environment.
    • Tail Autotomy: Some lizard species have the ability to detach their tails when threatened, which can later regrow.
    • Habitat Diversity: Lizards inhabit various environments, including forests, deserts, grasslands, and wetlands.
    • Carnivorous Diet: While most lizards are insectivores, some larger species also consume small mammals and other reptiles.

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Ranking factors for popular animal

  1. Pet Ownership
    The number of households owning a particular type of animal or the total number of a specific animal owned as pets is one of the key factors that indicates an animal's popularity.
  2. General Public Interest
    The level of interest, curiosity, and research conducted about a particular animal should also be taken into account. This can be gauged by search engine trends, social media mentions, and the frequency of the animal appearing in popular culture.
  3. Representation in Media
    The depiction of the animal in movies, TV shows, books, and other forms of media is also a good indicator of its popularity. An animal that is frequently featured in positive roles is more likely to be popular among the masses.
  4. Charisma and Cuteness Factors
    The general attitude or perception towards an animal species also plays a significant role in its popularity. Animals that are considered cute, cuddly, or charming are more likely to be popular.
  5. Conservation and Environmental Status
    The awareness about endangered animals or the efforts towards their conservation might affect their popularity. People might be drawn to animals that are at risk or in need of support, as it would evoke empathy.
  6. Cultural and Historical Influences
    Animals that symbolize certain attributes or have significance in a country's history, culture, or folklore tend to be more popular.
  7. Practicality and Ease of Caring
    Animals that are low-maintenance, require fewer expenses, and adapt well to a domestic setting are more likely to be popular pets.
  8. Societal Issues and Controversies
    Animals associated with controversies or societal issues may affect their popularity. This can be seen in the case of pit bulls, which have a negative reputation due to misconceptions and breed-specific legislation.
  9. Activities and Competitions
    The involvement of specific animals in popular activities and competitions, such as dog shows, horse racing, or birdwatching, also influence their popularity.
  10. Availability and Accessibility
    The ease of acquiring and housing a particular animal contributes to its popularity. Animals that are easily available or can adapt to different living conditions are more popular compared to rarer or more difficult to maintain species.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular animal in America. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or animal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 158 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each animal once every 24 hours. The rank of each animal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular animal in america

When it comes to animals, Americans have a diverse range of preferences. From domestic pets like dogs and cats to wildlife like bears and eagles, the animal kingdom is rich with creatures that capture our hearts and imaginations. But which animal ranks as the most popular in America? That's a question that has sparked many debates and discussions over the years. While there's no definitive answer, there are a few contenders that stand out as particularly beloved by Americans. One of the top contenders for the title of most popular animal in America is the dog. With over 63 million households owning at least one dog, these loyal companions have become a fixture in American culture. From small lap dogs to large working breeds, there's a dog for every personality and lifestyle. Another popular animal in America is the cat. With around 42 million households owning at least one cat, these independent felines have captured the hearts of many Americans with their playful antics and affectionate purrs. Beyond pets, there are also many wild animals that Americans hold in high regard. From majestic horses to powerful bears to graceful eagles, these creatures inspire awe and admiration. Ultimately, the most popular animal in America is a matter of personal opinion. Whether you prefer a loyal dog, a cuddly cat, or a majestic eagle, there's no denying that animals have a special place in the hearts of many Americans.

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