The Most Popular State Bird, Ranked

Choose the state bird you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 13, 2024 07:12
State birds often hold a special place in the hearts of residents, embodying local pride and natural beauty. Ranking these birds by popularity can provide interesting insights into regional preferences and cultural significance. It assists in understanding which birds resonate most with people, and can shine a light on lesser-known species that might deserve more attention. Through your participation in voting for your preferred state birds, you help create a dynamic list that reflects current opinions and trends. This active engagement is crucial, as it captures the collective admiration for these avian symbols. Whether you are a seasoned bird watcher or just someone who appreciates nature, your votes contribute to a broader appreciation of our feathered friends associated with each state.

What Is the Most Popular State Bird?

  1. 1
    Northern Cardinal

    Northern Cardinal

    The Northern Cardinal is the most popular state bird, representing seven states.
    • States: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia
    • Color: Vivid red
  2. 2
    American Robin

    American Robin

    The American Robin, a familiar sight across North America, is the state bird for three states.
    • States: Connecticut, Michigan, Wisconsin
    • Color: Orange and gray
  3. 3
    Mountain Bluebird

    Mountain Bluebird

    The Mountain Bluebird, symbolizing happiness and beauty, is the state bird of Idaho and Nevada.
    • States: Idaho, Nevada
    • Color: Bright blue
  4. 4
    Western Meadowlark

    Western Meadowlark

    The Western Meadowlark, known for its distinctive song, is the state bird of six states.
    • States: Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Wyoming
    • Color: Yellow and brown
  5. 5
    Baltimore Oriole

    Baltimore Oriole

    The Baltimore Oriole, famous for its bright orange and black plumage, is Maryland's state bird.
    • State: Maryland
    • Color: Orange and black
  6. 6
    Rhode Island Red

    Rhode Island Red

    The Rhode Island Red, a domestic chicken breed, is the state bird of Rhode Island.
    • State: Rhode Island
    • Color: Red
  7. 7


    The Mockingbird, noted for its vocal imitations, serves as the state bird of five states.
    • States: Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas
    • Color: Gray and white
  8. 8
    Common Loon

    Common Loon

    The Common Loon, known for its haunting calls, is the state bird of Minnesota.
    • State: Minnesota
    • Color: Black and white
  9. 9
    Willow Ptarmigan

    Willow Ptarmigan

    The Willow Ptarmigan, known for its seasonal camouflage, is the state bird of Alaska.
    • State: Alaska
    • Color: White in winter, brown in summer
  10. 10
    Brown Thrasher

    Brown Thrasher

    The Brown Thrasher, known for its repertoire of songs, is the state bird of Georgia.
    • State: Georgia
    • Color: Brown and white

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular state bird. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or state bird is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 108 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each state bird once every 24 hours. The rank of each state bird is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular State Bird

Northern Cardinal
Rank #1 for the most popular state bird: Northern Cardinal (Source)
Birds captivate people with their beauty and songs. Each state in the U.S. has a bird that represents it. These birds hold a special place in the hearts of residents. They appear on flags, seals, and license plates. They often symbolize the unique qualities of the state they represent.

Choosing a state bird involves a lot of thought. States look for birds that are common in their area. They also seek birds that reflect the state's culture and history. Many states chose their birds in the early 20th century. This period saw a rise in conservation efforts. People wanted to protect birds and their habitats. State birds helped raise awareness about these efforts.

The most popular state birds are often colorful and easy to spot. They have distinct songs that many people recognize. These birds thrive in various habitats, from forests to urban areas. They adapt well to changes in their environment. This makes them a symbol of resilience and adaptability.

Birdwatchers and nature lovers enjoy spotting these birds. They often set up feeders to attract them. Schools teach children about the state bird as part of their curriculum. This fosters a sense of pride and connection to nature.

These birds also play a role in local ecosystems. They help control insect populations and spread seeds. This benefits plants and other animals. Their presence indicates a healthy environment. When people see these birds, they feel a sense of joy and wonder.

Artists and writers draw inspiration from these birds. They appear in poems, paintings, and songs. Their beauty and grace captivate the imagination. They remind people of the simple pleasures in life.

Local communities celebrate their state bird in various ways. Festivals and events often feature these birds. People come together to share their love for nature. These gatherings strengthen community bonds.

Conservation groups work to protect these birds. They focus on preserving habitats and reducing threats. These efforts ensure that future generations can enjoy these birds. Public support plays a crucial role in these initiatives.

Climate change and urbanization pose challenges for these birds. Loss of habitat and food sources can affect their populations. Conservationists monitor these trends closely. They advocate for policies that benefit both birds and people.

State birds serve as a reminder of the natural world. They encourage people to appreciate and protect their environment. They highlight the connection between humans and nature. This bond is vital for the well-being of both.

In conclusion, state birds hold a special place in American culture. They symbolize the beauty and resilience of nature. They inspire pride and joy in residents. They remind us of the importance of conservation. Protecting these birds ensures a brighter future for all.

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