The Most Beautiful Body Shape, Ranked

Choose the body shape you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:19
Beauty standards have always been a subjective yet pivotal aspect of cultures across the globe. Through centuries, opinions on what constitutes the ideal body shape have varied and evolved, influenced by societal norms, media representation, and personal perspectives. Establishing a consensus on such a diverse subject can aid in understanding the array of preferences that define human aesthetics today. This site offers a dynamic way for individuals from various backgrounds to express their views through voting, thus contributing to a collective ranking of the most admired body shapes. By participating, users not only voice their preferences but also gain insight into the global perception of beauty. The ranking updates live with each vote, reflecting current trends and opinions in real-time.

What Is the Most Beautiful Body Shape?

  1. 1

    Triangle (Pear)

    Hips are wider than the shoulders, creating a triangular shape.
    • Lower Body Focus: Emphasis on the hips and lower body.
  2. 2


    Characterized by balanced bust and hips with a narrow waist, resembling an hourglass.
    • Symbol of Femininity: Often considered a symbol of femininity and fertility.
  3. 3

    Inverted Triangle

    Shoulders and bust are wider than the hips, creating an inverted triangle shape.
    • Upper Body Focus: Emphasis on broad shoulders and chest.
  4. 4


    Shoulders, waist, and hip measurements are fairly similar, giving a balanced straight appearance.
    • Athletic Look: Often associated with an athletic physique.
  5. 5


    Similar to the pear shape but with more pronounced hips and a defined waist.
    • Defined Waist: A defined waist leading to fuller hips.
  6. 6

    Top Hourglass

    Similar to the hourglass but with a slightly larger bust compared to the hips.
    • Bust Emphasis: Greater emphasis on the bust, while maintaining the hourglass shape.
  7. 7


    Characterized by a full bust, slim waist and hips, with long legs.
    • Leg Emphasis: The focus is on long legs and a full bust.
  8. 8


    Widest at the hips, with a narrow bust and shoulders and a fuller waistline.
    • Hip Emphasis: Prominent hips with a narrower upper body.
  9. 9

    Round (Apple)

    Weight is concentrated in the middle section, with a fuller waistline.
    • Central Focus: Focus on the midsection of the body.
  10. 10


    Similar to the round shape but with a more elongated torso.
    • Elongated Midsection: An elongated midsection with a fuller figure.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful body shape. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or figure is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 38 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each figure once every 24 hours. The rank of each figure is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Body Shape

Beauty has fascinated humans for centuries. Different cultures and eras have held various ideals of beauty, yet one truth remains: beauty is subjective. People often debate which body shape is the most beautiful. The truth is, no single body shape stands above the rest. Each shape has unique qualities that make it beautiful in its own way.

Throughout history, society's view of the ideal body shape has shifted. In ancient times, art and literature celebrated different forms. Sculptures and paintings from Greece and Rome showed diverse bodies. These works highlight the beauty of various shapes, proving that beauty standards are not fixed.

In the Renaissance, fuller bodies were seen as a sign of wealth and health. Artists like Rubens painted women with curves, celebrating their form. This period showed that society's ideals can change with time and culture. Beauty standards are fluid, not rigid.

Modern times have brought new ideals. Media often promotes certain shapes, but it is important to remember that these ideals do not define beauty. Fashion and film industries may favor specific looks, yet many people find beauty in different shapes. The rise of social media has also given a platform to diverse bodies, challenging narrow standards.

The science of attraction also shows that beauty is not one-size-fits-all. Studies reveal that people are drawn to different features and shapes. This diversity in attraction underscores the idea that no single body shape is the most beautiful. What one person finds attractive, another might not. This variety makes human attraction complex and rich.

Personal preferences play a big role in defining beauty. Cultural background, personal experiences, and individual tastes shape what people find beautiful. This means that beauty is deeply personal and varies from person to person. Celebrating this diversity is key to understanding beauty.

Body positivity movements have gained momentum in recent years. These movements advocate for the acceptance of all body shapes. They challenge the notion that one shape is superior. By promoting self-love and acceptance, they encourage people to appreciate their unique beauty. This shift helps to broaden the definition of beauty.

Health is another important aspect. A healthy body can come in many shapes. Focusing on health rather than appearance can lead to a more positive self-image. When people take care of their bodies, they often feel more beautiful, regardless of shape.

Fashion also plays a role in how people perceive beauty. Designers create clothes for different body shapes, showing that all shapes can look stylish. When people find clothes that fit well, they often feel more confident. This confidence can enhance their perception of their own beauty.

In conclusion, beauty is not confined to one body shape. It is a blend of personal preferences, cultural influences, and individual health. Embracing this diversity allows people to appreciate the unique beauty in every shape. By celebrating different forms, society can move towards a more inclusive and accepting view of beauty.

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