The Most Beautiful Monkey, Ranked

Choose the monkey you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:22
Judging beauty is a subjective endeavor, especially when it comes to the fascinating world of monkeys. Each species boasts unique features that could be considered appealing, from vibrant fur colors to distinctive facial patterns. Understanding which monkeys are considered the most beautiful helps highlight the incredible diversity and intricate adaptations of these animals. By participating in the ranking process, users contribute to a broader appreciation of these creatures, possibly drawing attention to lesser-known species. The collective input helps create a dynamic list that reflects a wide range of preferences and perspectives. This engagement not only educates participants about wildlife but also fosters a deeper connection with the natural world.

What Is the Most Beautiful Monkey?

  1. 1


    The mandrill is renowned for its colorful face and rump. Males have vibrant blue and red skin on their faces and bright red and blue rumps.
    • Location: Rainforests of Equatorial Africa
    • Size: Largest of all monkeys
  2. 2
    Red-shanked Douc

    Red-shanked Douc

    This species is often called the 'costumed ape' for its striking appearance, which includes bright red legs, white forearms, and a blue face.
    • Location: Indochina
    • Diet: Mainly folivorous
  3. 3
    Golden Snub-nosed Monkey

    Golden Snub-nosed Monkey

    This species is known for its striking golden fur and distinctive blue face, complemented by a flat, upturned nose.
    • Location: Mountainous forests of Southwest China
    • Diet: Primarily folivorous
  4. 4


    The gelada is unique among primates for its grass-eating habits and the striking hourglass-shaped patch of skin on its chest.
    • Location: Highlands of Ethiopia
    • Unique Feature: Only grass-eating primate
  5. 5
    Cotton-top Tamarin

    Cotton-top Tamarin

    The cotton-top tamarin is distinguished by its striking white mane that extends from its forehead down to its shoulders.
    • Location: Northwestern Colombia
    • Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
  6. 6
    Emperor Tamarin

    Emperor Tamarin

    This small monkey is notable for its long, white mustache, which is said to resemble that of an emperor, hence its name.
    • Location: Amazon Basin in South America
    • Diet: Omnivorous
  7. 7
    Japanese Macaque

    Japanese Macaque

    Also known as the snow monkey, the Japanese macaque is famous for its ability to live in colder climates and bathe in hot springs.
    • Location: Japan
    • Unique Behavior: Bathing in hot springs
  8. 8
    Black Howler Monkey

    Black Howler Monkey

    Known for its deep and resonant howling, the black howler monkey has a striking appearance with its thick black fur and a prehensile tail.
    • Location: Forests of Central and South America
    • Unique Feature: Loud howling used to mark territory
  9. 9
    Bald Uakari

    Bald Uakari

    The bald uakari is unique for its bald head and bright red face, contrasting sharply with its long, shaggy coat.
    • Location: Western Amazon Basin in South America
    • Conservation Status: Vulnerable
  10. 10
    Proboscis Monkey

    Proboscis Monkey

    The proboscis monkey is known for its large nose, which can exceed 7 inches in males, and its pot-bellied appearance.
    • Location: Borneo
    • Unique Feature: Large protruding nose

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful monkey. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Monkey is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 42 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Monkey once every 24 hours. The rank of each Monkey is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Beautiful Monkey

Rank #1 for the most beautiful monkey: Mandrill (Source)
Monkeys are fascinating creatures. They live in diverse habitats across the globe. Their beauty often captures our attention. From lush rainforests to arid savannas, these animals adapt well to their surroundings. They possess unique features that make them stand out.

Monkeys have a wide range of colors and patterns. Their fur can be bright or muted. Some have striking markings on their faces. Others have vibrant coats. These variations help them blend into their environments. It also makes them appealing to the human eye.

Their eyes are another feature that draws us in. Monkeys have expressive eyes. They can convey a range of emotions. This trait makes them seem almost human. It helps form a connection between them and us. Their eyes can be bright and alert. They can also be soft and gentle.

Monkeys are agile and graceful. They move through trees with ease. Their limbs are strong and flexible. This allows them to swing from branch to branch. Watching them in motion is a sight to behold. Their agility is a key part of their beauty.

Social behavior also adds to their charm. Monkeys live in groups. They interact with each other in complex ways. They groom, play, and communicate. These behaviors show their intelligence. They also highlight their social bonds. This makes them more relatable to humans.

Monkeys have a range of vocalizations. They use sounds to communicate. These can be loud calls or soft chirps. Each sound has a meaning. This vocal ability adds to their allure. It shows their complexity and depth.

Their diet is diverse. Monkeys eat fruits, leaves, insects, and more. This varied diet supports their health. It also influences their appearance. A healthy monkey often has a shiny coat. Their diet impacts their overall beauty.

Monkeys are also known for their playful nature. They engage in games and activities. This playful behavior is endearing. It shows their curiosity and intelligence. It also makes them fun to watch.

Their role in the ecosystem is vital. Monkeys help disperse seeds. They contribute to forest growth. Their presence supports biodiversity. This ecological role adds another layer to their beauty. It shows their importance in the natural world.

Conservation efforts are crucial for monkeys. Many species face threats. Habitat loss and hunting are major issues. Protecting these animals is important. It ensures their survival. It also preserves their beauty for future generations.

In conclusion, monkeys are beautiful in many ways. Their appearance, behavior, and role in the ecosystem make them special. They captivate us with their charm and grace. They remind us of the wonders of the natural world. Protecting them is a shared responsibility. It helps maintain the balance of nature. It also ensures that their beauty continues to inspire us. Monkeys are a testament to the diversity and richness of life on Earth. Their beauty is a gift that we must cherish and protect.

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