The Most Beautiful Monument in the World, Ranked

Choose the monument you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 18, 2024 06:24
Throughout history, monuments have been built to commemorate significant events, honor legendary figures, and embody the spirit of cultures. Each one holds a story carved not just in stone but in the memories of those who visit. Collectively deciding which is the most beautiful can help people connect across different backgrounds, appreciating both familiar and foreign craftsmanship. By participating in a live ranking, everyone gains a perspective on what elements define beauty in structures for diverse global audiences. This not only enriches one's understanding of world heritage but also sparks interest in artistic and architectural trends. As votes are cast, the list dynamically changes, reflecting a real-time consensus on aesthetic values.

What Is the Most Beautiful Monument in the World?

  1. 1
    The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful monuments in the world due to its stunning architecture, intricate details, and its romantic history. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. The white marble structure and its surrounding gardens are a symbol of love and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. It was commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the tomb of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Mughal architecture, combining Persian, Islamic, and Indian influences.
    • Location: Agra, India
    • Year of Construction: 1632-1653
    • Architectural Style: Mughal Architecture
    • Material: White Marble
    • Height: 73 meters (240 feet)
    Taj Mahal - Agra, India in other rankings
  2. 2

    Angkor Wat - Siem Reap, Cambodia

    King Suryavarman II
    The largest religious monument in the world, Angkor Wat is a stunning example of Khmer architecture and art. The temple complex was built in the 12th century and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its intricate carvings and stunning temple towers make it one of the most beautiful monuments in the world.
    Angkor Wat is a majestic temple complex located in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It is the largest religious monument in the world and an outstanding example of Khmer architecture. Built in the 12th century by King Suryavarman II, Angkor Wat was initially dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu and later transformed into a Buddhist temple complex.
    • Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
    • Architectural Style: Khmer
    • Religious Significance: Originally Hindu, later Buddhist
    • Size: 162.6 hectares (402 acres)
    • Height: 65 meters (213 feet)
  3. 3
    Petra - Jordan
    Diego Delso · CC BY-SA 3.0

    Petra - Jordan

    The Nabataeans
    Petra is an ancient city carved into the rock face of a gorge in Jordan. It was inhabited by the Nabateans from the 4th century BC until the 2nd century AD. The iconic Treasury building is a highlight of the site, but there are many other stunning structures and tombs to explore. Petra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most beautiful monuments in the world.
    Petra is an ancient city located in Jordan, known for its extraordinary architecture and stunning rock-cut monuments. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most beautiful and iconic landmarks in the world. Petra was established around the 6th century BC by the Nabataeans, an ancient Arab civilization, and was a major trading hub and capital city. The city is famously recognized for its intricate carvings and structures carved directly into the rose-colored sandstone cliffs.
    • Location: Jordan
    • Date of establishment: 6th century BC
    • Architectural style: Rock-cut
    • Material: Rose-colored sandstone
    • World Heritage Site status: Yes
    Petra - Jordan in other rankings
  4. 4
    Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan city located in the Andes Mountains of Peru. It was built in the 15th century and abandoned a century later. The site was rediscovered in 1911 and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The stunning mountain views and the intricate stonework make Machu Picchu one of the most beautiful monuments in the world.
    Machu Picchu is a breathtaking ancient Inca citadel located in the eastern Andes Mountains of Peru. It sits at an impressive elevation of 7,970 feet (2,430 meters) above sea level, providing awe-inspiring panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and mountains. This architectural marvel is considered one of the most beautiful monuments in the world, with its intricate stonework and harmonious integration with the natural landscape. Machu Picchu showcases the exceptional architectural abilities and precision of the Inca civilization, depicting their advanced knowledge of construction and engineering.
    • Location: Eastern Andes Mountains of Peru
    • Elevation: 7,970 feet (2,430 meters) above sea level
    • Architectural Style: Inca
    • Construction Period: 15th century
    • Design: Stone structures, terraces, and plazas
    Machu Picchu - Peru in other rankings
  5. 5
    Hagia Sophia was a Christian cathedral for almost 1,000 years before it was converted to a mosque in the 15th century. It is now a museum and a stunning example of Byzantine architecture. The interior is decorated with stunning mosaics and the dome is one of the largest in the world. Hagia Sophia is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most beautiful monuments in the world.
    Hagia Sophia is a stunning architectural masterpiece located in Istanbul, Turkey. Originally built as a Greek Orthodox Christian cathedral, it later served as an imperial mosque and is now a museum. The monument is known for its grandeur, intricate mosaics, and unique blend of Byzantine and Ottoman architectural elements. It stands as a symbol of the city's rich history and cultural significance.
    • Location: Istanbul, Turkey
    • Architectural Style: Byzantine and Ottoman fusion
    • Construction Period: 532-537 AD
    • Height: 55.6 meters
    • Dome Diameter: 31.24 meters
  6. 6
    The Great Wall of China - China
    Severin.stalder · CC BY-SA 3.0
    The Great Wall of China is one of the most iconic monuments in the world. The wall stretches over 13,000 miles and was constructed over hundreds of years to protect China from invaders. The views from the wall are stunning and the sheer scale of the construction is awe-inspiring. The Great Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most beautiful monuments in the world.
    The Great Wall of China, one of the most iconic structures in the world, is a massive fortified wall that stretches across the historical northern borders of China. It represents an incredible feat of human engineering and serves as a symbol of Chinese civilization and defensive architecture.
    • Length: Approximately 21,196 kilometers (13,171 miles)
    • Age: Construction started in the 7th century BC and continued throughout several dynasties
    • Height: Varies between 5 to 8 meters (16 to 26 feet)
    • Width: Varies between 4.5 to 8 meters (15 to 26 feet)
    • Material: Mainly consists of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials
    The Great Wall of China - China in other rankings
  7. 7
    The Colosseum is one of the most iconic symbols of Rome and one of the most beautiful monuments in the world. The amphitheater was built in the 1st century AD and could hold up to 80,000 spectators. The intricate arches and the sheer size of the structure make it a stunning example of Roman architecture. The Colosseum is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    The Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is an iconic monument located in Rome, Italy. It is considered one of the most beautiful and well-preserved structures of ancient Roman architecture. The Colosseum was originally commissioned by Emperor Vespasian and completed by his son Titus in 80 AD. This grand amphitheater was primarily used for gladiatorial contests, public spectacles, and various events in ancient Rome.
    • Location: Rome, Italy
    • Architectural style: Ancient Roman
    • Size: 189 meters long, 156 meters wide, and 50 meters high
    • Capacity: Approximately 50,000-80,000 spectators
    • Materials used: Concrete, travertine, and tuff stones
    The Colosseum - Rome, Italy in other rankings
  8. 8
    The Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. The tower was built for the Exposition Universelle in 1889 and was originally intended to be a temporary structure. Its intricate lattice design and stunning views of Paris make it one of the most beautiful monuments in the world.
    The Eiffel Tower is an iconic iron lattice tower located in Paris, France. It stands tall at a height of 324 meters and was completed in 1889. The tower has become a symbol of France and is one of the most recognizable structures in the world. It attracts millions of visitors annually who come to admire its architectural beauty and panoramic views of the city.
    • Height: 324 meters
    • Construction Period: 1887-1889
    • Materials: Iron
    • Weight: 7,300 tons
    • Visitors per Year: Approximately 7 million
    The Eiffel Tower - Paris, France in other rankings
  9. 9
    The Statue of Liberty - New York, USA
    Elcobbola · Public domain

    The Statue of Liberty - New York, USA

    Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
    The Statue of Liberty is one of the most iconic symbols of America and one of the most beautiful monuments in the world. The statue was a gift from France to the United States in 1886 and represents freedom and democracy. The statue stands over 150 feet tall and is located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor.
    The Statue of Liberty is a colossal neoclassical sculpture located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, USA. It was a gift from the people of France to the United States, dedicated on October 28, 1886, and has since become one of the most iconic symbols of freedom and democracy.
    • Height: 93 meters (305 feet)
    • Weight: 225 tons
    • Material: Copper
    • Construction: Iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel
    • Base: Granite pedestal
    The Statue of Liberty - New York, USA in other rankings
  10. 10
    The Alhambra is a stunning example of Islamic architecture and art. The palace and fortress complex was built in the 14th century by the Nasrid dynasty and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The intricate stonework and stunning gardens make the Alhambra one of the most beautiful monuments in the world.
    The Alhambra is a stunning palace and fortress complex located in Granada, Spain. It is renowned for its intricate Moorish architecture, stunning gardens, and breathtaking views of the city. The monument is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a testament to the rich history and cultural heritage of the region.
    • Architectural Style: Moorish and Islamic
    • Construction Period: Started in the 9th century and continued over centuries
    • Main Structures: Alcazaba, Nasrid Palaces, Generalife Gardens, and Charles V Palace
    • Unique Features: Intricate stucco decorations, beautiful tilework, arabesques, and enchanting water features
    • Palace Highlights: Court of the Lions, Hall of the Ambassadors, and the Nasrid Palaces

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Ranking factors for beautiful monument

  1. Aesthetic appeal
    The overall visual appeal of the monument, including its design, architecture, and artistic merit. This includes the proportion, symmetry, and balance of the structure, as well as the use of colors, materials, and decorative elements.
  2. Historical significance
    The importance of the monument in terms of the history and culture of the society that built it. This includes its representation of a particular period or style, the notable events or individuals associated with it, and its role in shaping the development of the society.
  3. Cultural significance
    The importance of the monument in terms of the cultural, religious, or spiritual beliefs and practices of the people who created it. This includes the symbolism it embodies, the stories and myths associated with it, and the rituals or ceremonies performed in or around it.
  4. Technical achievement
    The engineering, construction, and craftsmanship involved in the creation of the monument. This includes the techniques used to build the structure, the skill and creativity of the artists or architects, and the innovations or advancements in technology that were employed.
  5. Environmental and social impact
    The relationship between the monument and its surrounding landscape or urban setting, as well as its impact on the local community. This includes the sustainability and preservation of the monument and its environment, the benefits it brings to the community in terms of tourism or education, and the accessibility and inclusivity of the site for visitors from diverse backgrounds.
  6. Universal value
    The impact of the monument on a global scale, in terms of its influence on other cultures, architectural styles, or artistic movements. This includes its contribution to the development of human knowledge, creativity, or progress, and its role in promoting understanding, tolerance, and peace among different cultures and societies.
  7. Authenticity and integrity
    The extent to which the monument has retained its original form, materials, and context, as well as the accuracy and honesty with which its history and significance are presented and interpreted. This includes the authenticity of the design, the integrity of the structure, and the care with which the site is maintained and preserved.
  8. Popularity and recognition
    The level of awareness and appreciation of the monument among both local and international audiences. This includes the monument's status as a symbol of a particular place, culture, or idea, and its representation in art, literature, or other forms of popular culture.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful monument in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Monument is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 195 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Monument once every 24 hours. The rank of each Monument is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most beautiful monument in the world

Monuments have always been a symbol of human creativity and achievement. From ancient times to the present day, they have been built to commemorate historical events, honor influential people, or simply as a testament to the beauty of human artistry. The world is filled with awe-inspiring monuments that capture the imagination of people from all walks of life. From the iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris to the magnificent Taj Mahal in India, there are countless monuments that are simply breathtaking. In this article, we will explore some of the most beautiful monuments in the world, and what makes them so special. So, let's dive in and discover the wonders of the world's most beautiful monuments.

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