The Most Popular Monument in India, Ranked

Choose the monument you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:02
When planning a visit to India, tourists often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of historical and iconic monuments the country boasts. Each monument tells a unique story of cultural heritage and architectural marvel, making it a challenge to prioritize which to visit. A ranked list of popular monuments can provide useful insights into what is most appreciated by both locals and travelers alike. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a broader community perspective, helping to highlight the monuments that resonate most with diverse groups of people. This not only assists future visitors in making informed decisions but also encourages a deeper engagement with India's rich history and cultural landmarks. Moreover, such rankings can shift over time, reflecting changing tastes and opinions, which adds a dynamic aspect to how these historical sites are perceived globally.

What Is the Most Popular Monument in India?

  1. 2
    Red Fort

    Red Fort

    A historic fort in the city of Delhi in India, which served as the main residence of the Mughal Emperors.
    • Year Construction Started: 1638
    • UNESCO World Heritage Site: 2007
  2. 3
    Lotus Temple

    Lotus Temple

    Noted for its flowerlike shape, it is a Bahá'í House of Worship that was dedicated in December 1986, located in Delhi, India.
    • Year Completed: 1986
    • Architect: Fariborz Sahba
  3. 4
    Qutub Minar

    Qutub Minar

    A minaret that forms part of the Qutb complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Mehrauli area of Delhi, India.
    • Height: 73 meters
    • Year Completed: 1193
  4. 5

    Gateway of India

    An arch-monument built in the early twentieth century in the city of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
    • Year Completed: 1924
    • Architect: George Wittet
  5. 6
    Mysore Palace

    Mysore Palace

    A historical palace and a royal residence at Mysore in the Indian State of Karnataka.
    • Year Completed: 1912
    • Architect: Henry Irwin
  6. 7


    A monument and mosque located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The landmark has become a global icon of Hyderabad, listed among the most recognized structures of India.
    • Year Completed: 1591
    • Architect: Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah
  7. 8
    Amber Fort

    Amber Fort

    Located in Amer, Rajasthan, the fort is known for its artistic style elements. With its large ramparts and series of gates and cobbled paths, the fort overlooks Maota Lake.
    • Year Construction Started: 1592
    • Architect: Man Singh I
  8. 9

    India Gate

    A war memorial located astride the Rajpath, on the eastern edge of the 'ceremonial axis' of New Delhi, India.
    • Year Completed: 1931
    • Designed by: Edwin Lutyens
  9. 10
    Hawa Mahal

    Hawa Mahal

    A palace in Jaipur, India, so named because it was essentially a high screen wall built so the women of the royal household could observe street festivals while unseen from the outside.
    • Year Completed: 1799
    • Architect: Lal Chand Ustad

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular monument in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Monument is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 102 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Monument once every 24 hours. The rank of each Monument is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Monument in India

Taj Mahal
Rank #1 for the most popular monument in India: Taj Mahal (Source)
India is home to many famous monuments. These landmarks draw millions of visitors each year. They reflect the rich history and culture of the country. The most popular monument in India is known for its stunning architecture. It stands as a symbol of love and beauty. It was built many centuries ago. The monument's construction took several years and involved thousands of workers.

The monument is made of white marble. This gives it a striking appearance. The marble was brought from distant places. Skilled artisans carved intricate designs into the stone. The monument features large domes and tall minarets. These elements add to its grandeur. The gardens surrounding the monument enhance its beauty. They are laid out in a symmetrical pattern. Water channels run through the gardens, adding a sense of tranquility.

The history behind the monument is fascinating. A great ruler commissioned its construction. He wanted to honor a loved one. This act of devotion is evident in the monument's design. The ruler's love story has become legendary. Many people visit the monument to learn more about this story. They are moved by the tale of love and loss.

The monument also has significant cultural importance. It represents the artistic achievements of its time. The blend of different architectural styles is noteworthy. It combines elements from various traditions. This fusion creates a unique and harmonious design. The monument has inspired many artists and writers. It continues to be a source of inspiration today.

Tourists from around the world visit the monument. They are drawn to its beauty and history. The site is well-maintained to preserve its splendor. Guides offer tours to provide visitors with detailed information. These tours help people appreciate the monument's significance. The local economy benefits from the influx of tourists. Many businesses thrive due to the visitors.

The monument's popularity has led to efforts to protect it. Authorities have taken steps to ensure its preservation. Pollution and environmental factors pose challenges. Measures are in place to address these issues. Conservationists work to maintain the monument's condition. Their efforts are crucial to keeping the landmark intact for future generations.

The monument's image is widely recognized. It appears in many forms of media. This has helped spread its fame globally. People often associate it with India. It serves as an iconic representation of the country. The monument's influence extends beyond its physical presence.

In conclusion, the most popular monument in India is a testament to love, artistry, and cultural heritage. Its stunning architecture and rich history make it a must-visit destination. The efforts to preserve it ensure that it will continue to inspire and awe people for years to come. Visitors leave with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the monument's beauty and significance.

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