The Most Beautiful Mortal in Greek Mythology, Ranked

Choose the mortal you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:28
Greek mythology teems with tales of extraordinary mortals, celebrated not only for their heroic deeds but also for their physical allure. One of the challenges in studying these ancient myths is determining which character stands out in terms of beauty. Ranking these individuals provides a structured way of analyzing how their attractiveness has influenced their stories and the perceptions of them over centuries. By allowing visitors to cast votes, this site harnesses collective opinions to form a dynamic list that reflects the broader public perception of beauty. This voting process not only engages participants but also enriches the understanding of cultural variations in beauty standards through the ages. It's an invitation for you to contribute your view and see how it compares with others, enhancing the appreciation of Greek mythology's rich narrative tapestry.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Mortal in Greek Mythology?

  1. 1
    Helen of Troy

    Helen of Troy

    Known as the face that launched a thousand ships, Helen was considered the most beautiful woman in the world.
    • Origin: Daughter of Zeus and Leda
    • Famous For: Her beauty led to the Trojan War.
  2. 2


    Adonis was a mortal loved by both Aphrodite and Persephone for his incredible beauty.
    • Myth: Born from a myrrh tree
    • Lovers: Aphrodite and Persephone
  3. 3


    A youth who fell in love with his own reflection, Narcissus was known for his unparalleled beauty.
    • Curse: To fall in love with his own reflection
    • Outcome: Turned into a flower
  4. 4


    A princess known for her beauty, Andromeda was chained to a rock as a sacrifice to a sea monster.
    • Rescue: Saved by Perseus
    • Constellation: Commemorated as a constellation
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    Psyche's beauty was so great that it earned the ire of Aphrodite herself.
    • Famous Tale: Her love story with Eros
    • Trial: Underwent tasks set by Aphrodite to win back Eros
  6. 6


    The legendary founder of Mycenae and the slayer of Medusa, Perseus was also noted for his handsome appearance.
    • Heroic Feats: Defeated Medusa
    • Legacy: Ancestor of many Greek heroes
  7. 7


    A sea nymph of unparalleled beauty, Galatea was beloved by the Cyclops Polyphemus.
    • Lover: Acis, a mortal shepherd
    • Myth: Subject of Polyphemus' unrequited love
  8. 8


    A beautiful Spartan prince loved by Apollo, Hyacinthus was known for his stunning appearance.
    • Death: Accidentally killed by Apollo's discus
    • Legacy: Turned into the hyacinth flower
  9. 9


    The greatest warrior of the Trojan War, Achilles was also renowned for his striking beauty.
    • Invulnerability: Except for his heel
    • Trojan War: Key figure in the Trojan War
  10. 10


    The prince of Troy, Paris was chosen to judge the fairest among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite due to his good looks.
    • Judgment: Chose Aphrodite as the fairest
    • Reward: Helen of Troy

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful mortal in Greek mythology. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Mortal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 119 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Mortal once every 24 hours. The rank of each Mortal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Mortal in Greek Mythology

Helen of Troy
Rank #1 for the most beautiful mortal in Greek mythology: Helen of Troy (Source)
In Greek mythology, beauty often played a crucial role in the lives of mortals and gods alike. Many tales highlight individuals whose beauty surpassed all others, leading to both admiration and conflict. These stories reflect the values and beliefs of ancient Greek society, where physical appearance often intertwined with fate and divine favor.

One key theme in these myths is the idea that exceptional beauty can be both a blessing and a curse. Those deemed the most beautiful often found themselves at the center of intense attention. Gods and goddesses would take notice, sometimes offering gifts or seeking relationships. Mortals, too, would respond, sometimes with admiration, but often with jealousy or desire.

The admiration of beauty could lead to positive outcomes. Divine beings might bestow gifts, protection, or even immortality on the beautiful mortal. These gifts often came with conditions or challenges, testing the character and resolve of the individual. Success in these trials could elevate the mortal's status, leading to a place among the stars or eternal renown in the myths.

However, beauty also brought significant challenges. Jealousy from others could lead to strife and conflict. Rivals might seek to undermine or harm the beautiful individual. In some stories, even the gods themselves could become envious, leading to severe consequences. Punishments could range from curses to transformations, often aimed at humbling the mortal or removing the source of envy.

The involvement of gods and goddesses added another layer of complexity. Divine beings, driven by their own desires and emotions, could be unpredictable. Their favor could shift quickly, turning admiration into wrath. The beautiful mortal had to navigate these divine relationships carefully, balancing gratitude with caution.

Beauty also played a role in love and romance. Many myths revolve around the pursuit of the beautiful mortal by gods, mortals, or both. These stories often highlight the tension between genuine affection and the desire to possess. The beautiful individual could find true love, but often only after overcoming significant trials and tribulations. These romantic pursuits could lead to epic quests, battles, and dramatic resolutions, each adding to the rich tapestry of Greek mythology.

In some tales, beauty served as a catalyst for larger events. Wars could start over the desire to claim the beautiful mortal. Alliances could form or dissolve based on the pursuit of beauty. These stories reflect the belief that beauty held immense power, capable of shaping the course of history.

The portrayal of beauty in Greek mythology serves as a reminder of the complexities of human nature. It shows how physical appearance can influence one's destiny, for better or worse. These myths offer timeless lessons about the importance of character, the dangers of envy, and the unpredictable nature of divine favor. They remind us that beauty, while powerful, is just one aspect of a person's worth.

Through these stories, we gain insight into the ancient Greek worldview. Beauty was a double-edged sword, capable of bringing great joy and great sorrow. The most beautiful mortals in these myths navigated a world where their appearance could open doors or lead to their downfall. Their stories continue to captivate, offering a window into the values and beliefs of a distant time.

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