The Most Beautiful Woman in Mythology, Ranked

Choose the woman you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:29
Throughout history, the tales and legends of mythology have captivated audiences with their rich narratives and complex characters, among which the enchanting figures of beautiful women stand out. These characters are often woven into the fabric of myths across various cultures, symbolizing different virtues and traits. The perception of beauty in these stories can be incredibly diverse, reflecting the values and aesthetics of the societies that created them. By participating in the ranking of the most beautiful women in mythology, users engage with these timeless stories in a dynamic way. This interactive process not only provides insight into what qualities are celebrated today but also breathes new life into these ancient narratives. Each vote is a reflection of personal and cultural preferences, making the results a fascinating snapshot of contemporary values intertwined with historical lore.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Woman in Mythology?

  1. 2
    Helen of Troy

    Helen of Troy

    Described as the most beautiful woman in Greek mythology, her abduction by Paris led to the Trojan War.
    • Also known as: Helen of Sparta
  2. 3


    The Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, and death. Freya is known for her beauty and her chariot pulled by cats.
    • Associated animals: Cats, boar
  3. 4


    The Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility, love, war, and sex. Known for her beauty and fierceness, she was a key deity in Mesopotamian religion.
    • Symbol: Lion
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    A mortal woman in Greek mythology who became the wife of Eros (Cupid) and was later granted immortality by Zeus. She symbolizes the soul and is celebrated for her enduring love story with Eros.
    • Symbolizes: The soul
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    The Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity (both material and spiritual). She is known for her beauty and is often depicted with lotus flowers.
    • Consort: Vishnu
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    The Greek goddess of the underworld and spring growth. Known for her beauty, she was abducted by Hades, the king of the underworld, which led to the changing seasons.
    • Mother: Demeter
  7. 8


    The Roman goddess of love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory. She plays a key role in many Roman myths and literature.
    • Greek counterpart: Aphrodite
  8. 9
    Xi Wangmu

    Xi Wangmu

    The Chinese goddess of immortality, known as the Queen Mother of the West. She is depicted as a beautiful woman with the power to grant longevity and immortality.
    • Associated with: Peaches of Immortality
  9. 10


    The Yoruba goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and rivers. She is one of the most beloved Orishas and is known for her sensuality and for caring for the poor and the sick.
    • Element: Water

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful woman in mythology. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or woman is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 112 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each woman once every 24 hours. The rank of each woman is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Woman in Mythology

Rank #1 for the most beautiful woman in mythology: Aphrodite (Source)
In mythology, tales of beauty captivate audiences. The most beautiful woman often plays a central role. Her story intertwines with gods, heroes, and mortals. She embodies grace and allure, causing admiration and conflict.

Her origins vary across cultures. Some depict her as a divine being, born from the sea or the sky. Others see her as a mortal, blessed with unmatched beauty. Her presence often signals change, sparking events that shape myths and legends.

She attracts many suitors. Gods and kings vie for her affection. Her beauty inspires grand gestures and fierce battles. Her choices influence the fate of kingdoms and the lives of many. Her allure can lead to both joy and tragedy.

Her beauty is not just physical. She possesses charm and intelligence. Her wit matches her looks, making her a complex character. She navigates challenges with grace, often outsmarting those who seek to control her.

Her story reflects the values and ideals of the culture that created her. She symbolizes perfection, a standard of beauty and virtue. Yet, she is also a reminder of the power and danger of desire. Her tale warns of the consequences of envy and obsession.

In some myths, she finds love and happiness. Her beauty brings her a worthy partner. Together, they overcome obstacles and find peace. In others, her beauty leads to sorrow. She becomes a pawn in the schemes of others. Her life is marked by loss and struggle.

Her legacy endures. Artists and writers draw inspiration from her story. She appears in paintings, sculptures, and literature. Her image evolves, but her essence remains the same. She is timeless, a symbol of beauty and the complexities it brings.

In modern times, her story continues to resonate. She represents the enduring fascination with beauty and its impact on human lives. Her tale is a reminder of the power of myth and its ability to convey universal truths.

Her story is a testament to the enduring power of myth. It shows how beauty can shape destinies and inspire legends. Her tale is a window into the human experience, reflecting our deepest desires and fears. She remains a figure of fascination, her beauty forever etched in the annals of mythology.

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