The Most Beloved Eye Color, Ranked

Choose the eye color you think is the most beloved!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:25
Evaluating which eye colors capture the most adoration can be as fleeting as trends in fashion, signaling shifting cultural preferences and aesthetic tastes. Societies around the world have historically attributed various symbolic meanings and qualities to different eye colors, influencing perceptions and preferences. By voting on their favorite eye colors, individuals contribute to a collective view, offering insights into what appeals to the public at a specific point in time. Each vote on this site affects the real-time ranking of favorite eye colors, reflecting current global inclinations and personal favorites. This dynamic polling station not only feeds curiosity but also engages a broader audience to participate in a simple yet revealing vote. Whether driven by mere preference, cultural significance, or aesthetic appreciation, your participation could shift perceptions and influence trends.

What Is the Most Beloved Eye Color?

  1. 1


    Often associated with depth and stability, blue is a color that represents both sea and sky, and is considered by many to be the most desirable eye color.
    • Perceived Attractiveness: High
  2. 2


    Amber eyes have a strong golden or coppery hue and are often thought to be quite exotic due to their rarity.
    • Unique Feature: Strong golden or coppery hue
  3. 3


    Hazel eyes are a mixture of various colors, including green and brown, which gives them a unique and often mesmerizing appearance.
    • Color Variation: Can change depending on lighting
  4. 4
    Light Brown

    Light Brown

    Light brown eyes are warm and inviting, with a soft glow that can appear golden under the right lighting conditions.
    • Commonality: More common in Europe and America
  5. 5


    Green eyes are among the rarest eye colors in the world and are often considered to be incredibly captivating and enchanting.
    • Rarity: Less than 2% of the world's population
  6. 6
    Dark Brown

    Dark Brown

    Dark brown is the most common eye color globally and is dominant in various genetic pools, often associated with mystery and trustworthiness.
    • Dominance: Most common eye color worldwide
  7. 7


    Black eyes are very dark brown eyes that appear black, and are common in East Asia and Africa, often associated with depth and mystery.
    • Perception: Associated with depth and mystery
  8. 8


    Grey eyes are rare and often considered to exude a certain level of sophistication and calmness, akin to a cloudy sky.
    • Perception: Associated with intelligence and wisdom
  9. 9


    Mixed or heterochromia iridum is when each eye is a different color, or one eye has multiple colors, creating a distinct and unique appearance.
    • Rarity: Very rare
  10. 10


    Red or violet eyes occur due to albinism and are extremely rare. They can appear haunting and are a subject of fascination for many.
    • Cause: Albinism

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beloved eye color. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or eye color is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 5 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each eye color once every 24 hours. The rank of each eye color is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Beloved Eye Color

Rank #1 for the most beloved eye color: Blue (Source)
Eye color fascinates many people. It often sparks curiosity and admiration. The color of one's eyes can hold a special charm. People may find certain shades more attractive. This preference can vary by culture and personal taste.

Genetics play a key role in determining eye color. It depends on the amount and type of pigments in the iris. The iris is the part of the eye that controls the size of the pupil. The pigments come from melanin, the same substance that affects skin and hair color. Different combinations of melanin create a range of eye colors.

Some eye colors are more common in certain regions. This can be due to historical migration and genetic mixing. For instance, certain shades may be prevalent in one continent but rare in another. People often associate eye color with heritage and identity. This connection can enhance the appeal of certain eye colors.

Eye color can change over time. Babies often have lighter eyes at birth. As they grow, the melanin in their eyes increases. This process can darken their eye color. Sometimes, eye color can change due to health or age. These changes can add to the mystique of eye color.

In media and literature, eye color is often used to describe characters. It can signify traits like mystery, warmth, or strength. Artists and writers use eye color to create vivid images. This helps readers and viewers connect with characters on a deeper level.

People sometimes enhance their eye color. They may use makeup, clothing, or accessories to highlight their eyes. Contact lenses offer another way to change eye color. These lenses can be temporary or permanent. They allow individuals to experiment with different looks.

In some cultures, eye color carries symbolic meaning. It can represent emotions or spiritual beliefs. For example, some shades might symbolize wisdom or purity. These associations can influence how people perceive eye color.

Studies show that people often have a favorite eye color. This preference can affect social interactions. For example, it might influence romantic attraction. Some people feel drawn to certain eye colors because they find them unique or rare.

Eye color can also impact self-esteem. People with a particular eye color might feel special or different. This can boost their confidence. Conversely, some might wish for a different eye color. They might use cosmetic products to achieve their desired look.

Overall, eye color remains a captivating trait. Its beauty and variety continue to intrigue people. Whether through genetics, culture, or personal preference, eye color holds a special place in human fascination.

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