The Most Brilliant Student in the World, Ranked

Choose the student you think is the most brilliant!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 20, 2024 07:29
The concept of identifying and celebrating the most brilliant students across the globe serves a dual purpose. It not only provides recognition to those who have demonstrated exceptional aptitude and achievement in their educational pursuits but also acts as a motivator for other students. By shining a light on these high achievers, it creates a benchmark for excellence that others can aspire to. Through a dynamic voting process, this list remains a timely reflection of current opinions and achievements in the academic world. Everyone is invited to contribute their vote, ensuring that the resulting ranking is inclusive and representative of diverse perspectives. This participative approach helps maintain a broad-based support and interest in the ongoing pursuit of academic excellence.

Who Is the Most Brilliant Student in the World?

  1. 1
    Terence Tao

    Terence Tao

    An Australian-American mathematician, Terence Tao was a child prodigy who achieved a score of 760 on the SAT math section at the age of 8. He is now a professor of mathematics at UCLA and has won numerous awards, including the Fields Medal.
    • Fields Medal: 2006
  2. 2

    Kim Ung-Yong

    Kim Ung-Yong is a South Korean engineer and former child prodigy who holds the Guinness World Record for highest IQ. He was able to read Japanese, Korean, German, and English by the age of 4.
    • Guinness World Record for Highest IQ:
  3. 3

    Akrit Jaswal

    Akrit Jaswal is an Indian surgeon who performed his first surgery at the age of 7. Known as the world's youngest surgeon, he has a high IQ and has been considered one of the smartest people in the world.
    • First Surgery Age: 7
  4. 4

    Alia Sabur

    Alia Sabur is an American materials scientist who became the youngest professor in history at the age of 18. She has made significant contributions to the field of materials science.
    • Youngest Professor Age: 18
  5. 5

    Priyanshi Somani

    Priyanshi Somani is an Indian mental calculator who won the Mental Calculation World Cup in 2010. She has been recognized as having the fastest human calculator in the world.
    • Mental Calculation World Cup: 2010
  6. 6

    Gregory Smith

    Gregory Smith is an American peace and children's rights activist who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 12. He entered college at the age of 10 and has been recognized for his high intelligence and activism.
    • Nobel Peace Prize Nomination Age: 12
  7. 7

    Sho Yano

    Sho Yano is an American physician who started college at the age of 9 and earned an M.D. and Ph.D. from the Pritzker School of Medicine by the age of 21. He is known for his high IQ and accomplishments at a young age.
    • M.D. and Ph.D. Age: 21
  8. 8

    Jacob Barnett

    Jacob Barnett is an American astrophysicist and mathematician who was a child prodigy. He was enrolled in college courses by the age of 8 and has worked on his own theory of relativity.
    • College Courses Age: 8
  9. 9
    Saul Kripke

    Saul Kripke

    Saul Kripke is an American philosopher and logician who was a child prodigy, teaching himself ancient Hebrew by the age of 6 and mastering complex mathematical and philosophical concepts by his teens.
    • Ancient Hebrew Age: 6
  10. 10
    Magnus Carlsen

    Magnus Carlsen

    Magnus Carlsen is a Norwegian chess grandmaster who became a grandmaster at the age of 13. Known for his exceptional memory and strategic thinking, he has been the World Chess Champion multiple times.
    • Grandmaster Age: 13

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most brilliant student in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or student is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 208 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each student once every 24 hours. The rank of each student is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Brilliant Student in the World

Terence Tao
Rank #1 for the most brilliant student in the world: Terence Tao (Source)
The title of the most brilliant student in the world often sparks debate. Many factors contribute to this designation. Intelligence, creativity, and dedication are key traits. These students excel in various fields, from science to the arts. Their journeys often start early, showing promise in childhood.

Support from family and teachers plays a crucial role. Encouragement and resources help nurture their talents. Access to good education is vital. Schools with advanced programs often identify and foster these students. They offer challenging curricula and opportunities for growth.

These students often participate in competitions. Math and science olympiads are common platforms. Winning such contests brings recognition. It also opens doors to further opportunities. Scholarships and grants often follow.

Brilliant students usually have a thirst for knowledge. They read extensively and explore new subjects. Curiosity drives them to learn beyond the classroom. Many engage in research projects. They often publish papers or present at conferences. This early exposure to academia sets them apart.

Mentorship is another important element. Guidance from experts helps them navigate their paths. Mentors provide advice and share experiences. They also introduce students to networks and resources. This support system is invaluable.

Balancing academics with personal life is a challenge. These students often have to manage stress and expectations. Time management becomes crucial. Extracurricular activities provide a break. Many are involved in music, sports, or community service. These activities help them develop well-rounded personalities.

Technology plays a big role in their education. Access to the internet and digital tools enhances learning. Online courses and tutorials offer additional resources. They can connect with peers and experts worldwide. This global interaction broadens their perspectives.

Despite their brilliance, they face obstacles. Not all have equal opportunities. Socio-economic factors can limit access to resources. Some overcome these barriers through sheer determination. Their stories inspire others.

Recognition of their achievements is important. Awards and honors validate their efforts. They motivate them to continue striving for excellence. Media coverage often highlights their accomplishments. This visibility can lead to further support.

In summary, the most brilliant student in the world is a product of many influences. Natural talent, hard work, and support systems all contribute. They excel in academics and often in other areas as well. Their journeys are marked by curiosity and a drive to learn. They face challenges but often overcome them. Their stories are a testament to the power of education and perseverance.

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