The Most Famous Living Mathematician, Ranked

Choose the living mathematician you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:42
Identifying the most renowned living mathematicians helps illuminate the current intellectual landscape of mathematics. By acknowledging these scholars, we appreciate the substantive contributions they make to both theoretical understanding and practical applications in various fields. This recognition also aids students and enthusiasts in finding mentors and inspirations within the academic sphere. Your votes play a critical role in shaping this dynamic list and highlighting who is making significant impacts today. By participating, you contribute to a broader conversation about value and influence in the mathematics community. So, cast your vote and see how your perspectives align with the collective viewpoint of others in recognizing contemporary mathematical leaders.

Who Is the Most Famous Living Mathematician?

  1. 1
    Terence Tao

    Terence Tao

    An Australian-American mathematician, Terence Tao is known for his contributions to number theory, harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and combinatorics.
    • Fields Medal: 2006
  2. 2
    Grigori Perelman

    Grigori Perelman

    A Russian mathematician, Grigori Perelman is famous for his work on the Poincaré conjecture, one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems.
    • Millennium Prize: Solved the Poincaré conjecture
  3. 3

    Andrew Wiles

    A British mathematician, Andrew Wiles is renowned for proving Fermat's Last Theorem, a problem that was unsolved for more than 350 years.
    • Abel Prize: 2016
  4. 4
    Richard Taylor

    Richard Taylor

    A British and American mathematician, Richard Taylor is renowned for his work in number theory, particularly for his role in proving the Sato-Tate conjecture and parts of the Langlands program.
    • Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics: 2015
  5. 5
    Peter Scholze

    Peter Scholze

    A German mathematician, Peter Scholze is known for his work in arithmetic algebraic geometry, particularly in the theory of perfectoid spaces.
    • Fields Medal: 2018
  6. 6

    Manjul Bhargava

    An American-Canadian mathematician of Indian descent, Manjul Bhargava is known for his contributions to number theory, specifically for his work on elliptic curves and quadratic forms.
    • Fields Medal: 2014
  7. 7
    Maryna Viazovska

    Maryna Viazovska

    A Ukrainian mathematician, Maryna Viazovska is best known for her solution to the sphere packing problem in eight dimensions.
    • Fields Medal: 2022
  8. 8
    Ian Agol

    Ian Agol

    An American mathematician, Ian Agol is known for his work in geometric topology, particularly for his contributions to three-dimensional manifolds.
    • Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics: 2016
  9. 9
    Stanislav Smirnov

    Stanislav Smirnov

    A Russian-Swiss mathematician, Stanislav Smirnov is known for his work on percolation theory and the conformal invariance of lattice models in statistical physics.
    • Fields Medal: 2010
  10. 10
    Cédric Villani

    Cédric Villani

    A French mathematician, Cédric Villani is known for his work on partial differential equations, Riemannian geometry, and mathematical physics. He is also a public figure in France.
    • Fields Medal: 2010

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous living mathematician. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or mathematician is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 101 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each mathematician once every 24 hours. The rank of each mathematician is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Famous Living Mathematician

Terence Tao
Rank #1 for the most famous living mathematician: Terence Tao (Source)
Mathematicians have always played a crucial role in advancing human knowledge. Today, one mathematician stands out among the rest. This individual has made significant contributions that have shaped modern mathematics. Their work spans several fields, impacting both theoretical and applied mathematics.

From an early age, this mathematician showed a keen interest in numbers and patterns. They pursued their passion through rigorous study and dedication. Their academic journey led them to some of the most prestigious institutions in the world. Here, they found mentors who recognized their potential and guided them.

Their early work focused on solving complex problems that had stumped others for years. They developed new theories and methods that provided fresh insights. These breakthroughs earned them recognition and respect in the mathematical community. Their peers praised their ability to think outside the box and tackle difficult problems with innovative solutions.

As their career progressed, they continued to push the boundaries of what was possible. They collaborated with other leading mathematicians, sharing ideas and working together on groundbreaking projects. These collaborations led to new discoveries and advancements in various fields, including geometry, number theory, and algebra.

One of their most notable achievements involved solving a long-standing problem that had puzzled mathematicians for centuries. This solution not only answered a fundamental question but also opened up new areas of research. It demonstrated their deep understanding of mathematical principles and their ability to apply them in novel ways.

In addition to their research, this mathematician has also made significant contributions to education. They have written numerous books and papers that are widely used by students and professionals alike. Their clear and concise writing style makes complex concepts accessible to a broader audience. They have also taught at several leading universities, inspiring the next generation of mathematicians.

Their impact extends beyond the academic world. Their work has practical applications in fields such as cryptography, computer science, and engineering. These applications have led to advancements in technology and have had a profound effect on our daily lives. Their contributions have made our world more secure, efficient, and connected.

Despite their many achievements, this mathematician remains humble and dedicated to their work. They continue to explore new ideas and push the limits of what we know. Their passion for mathematics is evident in everything they do, and they serve as a role model for aspiring mathematicians everywhere.

Their legacy is already well-established, but they show no signs of slowing down. They remain at the forefront of mathematical research, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities. Their work continues to inspire and influence others, ensuring that their impact will be felt for generations to come.

In summary, this mathematician's contributions to the field are unparalleled. Their innovative solutions, collaborative spirit, and dedication to education have left a lasting mark on mathematics. They have not only advanced our understanding of the subject but have also inspired countless others to follow in their footsteps. Their work will continue to shape the future of mathematics and beyond.

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