The Most Famous Little Rascal, Ranked

Choose the Little Rascal you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:42
Deciding who stands out in a beloved series like the Little Rascals can spark lively debates and stir fond memories. Each character, with unique quirks and memorable antics, holds a special place in fans' hearts. By ranking these iconic figures, viewers can engage with the series in a fun, interactive way while reflecting on the charm that each Little Rascal brought to the screen. This list provides a dynamic snapshot of public opinion, showing which characters resonate the most with audiences today. As votes accumulate, the rankings change, offering an up-to-date reflection of fan favorites. Your vote helps to highlight the qualities of each character, contributing to a community-driven appreciation of this classic series.

Who Is the Most Famous Little Rascal?

  1. 1
    Darla Hood

    Darla Hood

    As the leading lady of the gang, Darla was often at the center of the boys' affections, particularly Alfalfa's.
    • Character: Darla
    • Years Active: 1935–1941
  2. 2
    Jackie Cooper

    Jackie Cooper

    As 'Jackie', Cooper was one of the earliest members of the gang and went on to have a successful career in film and television.
    • Character: Jackie
    • Years Active: 1929–1931
  3. 3
    Mary Ann Jackson

    Mary Ann Jackson

    Playing 'Mary Ann', Jackson was one of the prominent female characters in the early years of the series.
    • Character: Mary Ann
    • Years Active: 1928–1931
  4. 4
    Carl Switzer

    Carl Switzer

    Played the role of Alfalfa, known for his distinct cowlick and off-key singing, making him one of the most iconic members of the Little Rascals.
    • Character: Alfalfa
    • Years Active: 1935–1940
  5. 5
    George McFarland

    George McFarland

    Known as 'Spanky', McFarland was one of the most recognizable and beloved characters of the series, often portrayed as the ringleader of the group.
    • Character: Spanky
    • Years Active: 1932–1942
  6. 6

    Eugene Lee

    Known as 'Porky', Lee was often paired with Buckwheat and is remembered for his catchphrase, 'O-tay!'
    • Character: Porky
    • Years Active: 1935–1939
  7. 7
    Matthew Beard

    Matthew Beard

    Originally known as 'Stymie', Beard's character was known for his bald head and bowler hat, becoming one of the series' most enduring figures.
    • Character: Stymie
    • Years Active: 1930–1935
  8. 8
    Billie Thomas

    Billie Thomas

    Best known for his character 'Buckwheat', Thomas's portrayal was groundbreaking for African American actors in cinema at the time.
    • Character: Buckwheat
    • Years Active: 1934–1944
  9. 9
    Norman Chaney

    Norman Chaney

    Chaney played 'Chubby', known for his well, chubby appearance and sweet nature.
    • Character: Chubby
    • Years Active: 1929–1931
  10. 10
    Bobby Blake

    Bobby Blake

    Blake portrayed 'Mickey', remembered for his roles in the later episodes of the series.
    • Character: Mickey
    • Years Active: 1939–1944

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Little Rascal. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Rascal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 35 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Rascal once every 24 hours. The rank of each Rascal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Little Rascal

Darla Hood
Rank #1 for the most famous Little Rascal: Darla Hood (Source)
The Little Rascals, also known as Our Gang, is a series of short films from the 1920s to the 1940s. The series portrays a group of poor neighborhood children and their adventures. The films are known for their humor and charm.

The characters are diverse and each brings a unique personality to the group. They often get into trouble but always manage to find a way out. The series captures the innocence and curiosity of childhood. The children deal with everyday issues and their own mischief. They show creativity and teamwork to solve their problems.

The series began in 1922, created by Hal Roach. He wanted to show kids acting like real kids, not small adults. The films were silent at first, but later included sound. The transition to sound did not change the charm of the series. The children continued to entertain audiences with their antics.

The Little Rascals became very popular. Their popularity led to merchandise, including toys and books. The films were shown in theaters and later on television. They reached a wide audience and became a part of American culture.

The series also broke new ground by featuring black and white children playing together. This was unusual for the time and helped promote racial integration. The children did not see color; they saw friends. This aspect of the series was ahead of its time and is still praised today.

The actors who played the Little Rascals were real children. They were discovered in various ways, some through auditions and others by chance. Many of them had no acting experience but were chosen for their natural charm. They often improvised their lines, adding to the authenticity of the series.

The Little Rascals faced many challenges. The child actors worked long hours and sometimes faced difficult conditions. Despite this, they enjoyed making the films. They formed close bonds with each other and the crew. Many of them continued to act in other projects after leaving the series.

The legacy of the Little Rascals lives on. The films are still enjoyed by new generations. They remind us of a simpler time and the joys of childhood. The characters and their adventures remain timeless. They continue to make people laugh and feel nostalgic.

The Little Rascals are more than just a series of films. They are a piece of history that shows the spirit of childhood. The series has left a lasting impact on popular culture. The Little Rascals will always be remembered for their humor, charm, and the way they brought people together.

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