The Most Difficult Aspect of Writing an Essay, Ranked

Choose the aspect you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 15, 2024 06:28
Many writers, from first-year students to seasoned authors, frequently face challenges in crafting essays. Pinpointing which parts of the essay writing process pose the greatest difficulties can be a revealing journey. By establishing a ranking of these challenges, writers can better understand common pitfalls and seek targeted guidance or strategies for improvement. On this site, we offer a dynamic ranking system where your votes determine which aspects of writing an essay are the most troublesome. This serves as a community-driven guide to highlight and address the toughest parts of the writing process. Your input not only contributes to a broader knowledge base but also helps enhance the resources available to every writer who visits.

What Is the Most Difficult Aspect of Writing an Essay?

  1. 1

    Editing and Proofreading

    Identifying and correcting errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation can be tedious.
    • Necessity: Thorough editing and proofreading are necessary for creating a polished final draft.
  2. 2
    Writer's Block

    Writer's Block

    The inability to start writing or come up with ideas is a common obstacle.
    • Effect: Writer's block can significantly delay the writing process.
  3. 3

    Developing Arguments

    Creating persuasive and logical arguments to support the thesis can be difficult.
    • Skill: Argument development is a critical skill in essay writing.
  4. 4

    Maintaining Objectivity

    Staying neutral and avoiding bias, especially on controversial topics, is challenging.
    • Requirement: Objectivity is required for academic and research-based essays.
  5. 5

    Creating a Thesis Statement

    Formulating a clear and concise thesis statement that guides the essay's direction is often difficult.
    • Purpose: A thesis statement serves as the essay's primary argument or claim.
  6. 6
    Citing Sources

    Citing Sources

    Properly citing all sources to avoid plagiarism is essential but can be complex.
    • Importance: Accurate citation is crucial for academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism.
  7. 8


    Gathering relevant information and data can be time-consuming and overwhelming.
    • Challenge: Finding credible and relevant sources is a key challenge in the research process.
  8. 9
    Finding a Good Topic

    Finding a Good Topic

    Identifying a topic that is both interesting and sufficiently narrow can be challenging.
    • Importance: A good topic is essential for a focused and engaging essay.
  9. 10

    Organizing Ideas

    Structuring the essay in a coherent and logical manner can be challenging.
    • Key Aspect: Good organization is crucial for the flow and understandability of the essay.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult aspect of writing an essay. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or aspect is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


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A participant may cast an up or down vote for each aspect once every 24 hours. The rank of each aspect is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Difficult Aspect of Writing an Essay

Writing an essay can be challenging. Many find it hard to start. The blank page seems daunting. Ideas may swirl in the mind, but putting them down is tough. Organizing thoughts is another hurdle. A clear structure helps, but getting there takes effort.

Choosing the right words is crucial. Words must convey the right meaning. They must fit the tone and purpose. This requires a good grasp of language. Missteps can confuse the reader. Clarity is key. Simple, direct sentences work best.

Staying focused is important. Writers often stray from the main point. This can dilute the message. Each paragraph should support the main idea. Irrelevant details should be avoided. Consistency keeps the reader engaged.

Developing arguments takes skill. Each point must be logical. Evidence should back up claims. This adds credibility. Weak arguments can undermine the essay. Strong reasoning is persuasive.

Transitions matter. They link ideas smoothly. Without them, writing feels choppy. Good transitions guide the reader. They make the essay flow. This improves readability.

Editing is crucial. First drafts are rarely perfect. Rereading helps catch mistakes. Grammar and spelling errors distract the reader. Polishing the essay enhances its quality. It shows attention to detail.

Feedback is valuable. Others can spot issues the writer missed. Constructive criticism improves the essay. It offers new perspectives. Accepting feedback is part of the process.

Time management is a common issue. Procrastination leads to rushed work. Starting early allows for revisions. Breaking tasks into steps helps. This makes the process less overwhelming.

Maintaining originality is vital. Plagiarism is serious. It discredits the writer. Original thoughts stand out. They add value. Citing sources properly is important. It shows respect for others' work.

Confidence plays a role. Doubt can hinder progress. Believing in one's ability is crucial. Practice builds confidence. Experience improves skills.

Writing an essay involves many steps. Each step is important. Overcoming challenges takes practice. With time, the process becomes easier. The end result is rewarding.

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