The Most Difficult Part of Learning, Ranked

Choose the part you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:25
Navigating through the challenges of learning can often feel like solving a complex puzzle. Each learner encounters different hurdles that can make the process daunting. By identifying and ranking these challenging aspects, individuals can gain insights into common obstacles and better prepare themselves for the journey ahead. This live ranking serves as a collective knowledge pool where learners from various backgrounds contribute their experiences by voting on the toughest parts of their educational journeys. The outcome is not just a list, but a guide that highlights the areas needing most attention and resources, helping future learners to strategize their learning plans more effectively.

What Is the Most Difficult Part of Learning?

  1. 1
    Lack of motivation is one of the most challenging aspects of learning. Without motivation, learners may find it challenging to engage with the material and retain important information.
    Lack of motivation refers to a state in which an individual lacks the desire or enthusiasm to initiate or sustain a particular course of action or behavior. It can be a significant obstacle in making positive changes in one's life or achieving goals.
    • Apathy: Feeling indifferent or showing a lack of interest or concern towards goals or tasks.
    • Procrastination: Tendency to delay taking action, often leading to missed opportunities or uncompleted tasks.
    • Low energy levels: Feeling physically or mentally drained, making it difficult to find motivation.
    • Lack of clarity: Unclear understanding of the benefits or outcomes of making a change.
    • Negative mindset: Persistent negative thoughts or self-doubt that hinder motivation.
  2. 2

    Time management

    Peter Drucker
    Learning requires time and effort, and often learners struggle to balance their studies with work, family, and other commitments. Effective time management skills are essential to make the most of the learning process.
    Time management is the ability to plan, organize, and prioritize tasks in order to make the most efficient use of time. It involves setting goals, creating schedules, and managing distractions to ensure productivity and maximize accomplishments.
    • Goal setting: The skill of defining clear objectives and identifying what needs to be accomplished.
    • Prioritization: The ability to determine the order of tasks and address the most important ones first.
    • Planning: Creating a schedule or action plan that outlines the necessary tasks and their deadlines.
    • Time allocation: Allocating appropriate amounts of time to each task based on its importance and complexity.
    • Organizational skills: Efficiently arranging tasks, resources, and information to enhance productivity and minimize confusion.
    Time management in other rankings
  3. 3
    Fear of failure can be a significant obstacle to learning. It can lead to anxiety, self-doubt, and avoidance of challenging tasks.
    Fear of failure is an emotional and psychological state characterized by the aversion or phobia towards failure. It is the fear of not achieving desired goals or expectations, and the anticipation of possible negative consequences that may result from failure.
    • Overwhelming Anxiety: Fear of failure often leads to overwhelming anxiety and stress, hindering progress in learning.
    • Perfectionism: Fear of failure is commonly associated with perfectionism, as individuals feel the need to constantly succeed and avoid any mistakes.
    • Low self-esteem: It often stems from low self-esteem or negative self-perception, making individuals doubt their abilities and potential.
    • Avoidance behavior: It can lead to avoidance behavior, where individuals shy away from taking on new challenges or opportunities to prevent potential failure.
    • Negative self-talk: Fear of failure often triggers negative self-talk, with individuals continually doubting their capabilities and focusing on potential failure.
  4. 4
    The lack of resources, such as textbooks, teachers, and access to technology, can hinder the learning process. This can be particularly challenging for students in developing countries or low-income communities.
    Lack of resources is a major challenge in Change Management where there is insufficient availability of necessary tools, funds, personnel, or time to effectively implement and sustain the desired changes within an organization.
    • Cause: Insufficient budget allocation
    • Cause: Limited availability of skilled workforce
    • Cause: Lack of necessary equipment or technology
    • Effect: Delays or inability to complete change initiatives
    • Effect: Inefficient use of existing resources
    Lack of resources in other rankings
  5. 5
    Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia or ADHD, can make it challenging for students to process and retain information. Special accommodations and support may be necessary to help these learners succeed.
    Learning disabilities are neurological disorders characterized by persistent difficulties in acquiring, processing, and/or utilizing information, despite average or above-average intelligence. These disabilities affect the brain's ability to interpret and respond to information, leading to difficulties in reading, writing, comprehension, mathematics, and other academic skills. Learning disabilities are lifelong conditions that can significantly impact academic, social, and emotional development.
    • Common Types: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, etc.
    • Prevalence: Approximately 10% of the population is affected by learning disabilities.
    • Diagnosis: Assessment by professionals such as psychologists and educational specialists.
    • Individualized Education Plan (IEP): Tailored educational plans created to address specific learning needs.
    • Accommodations and Assistive Technology: Tools and strategies to support learning, such as audio recordings or text-to-speech software.
  6. 6
    Students who are learning in a language that is not their first language may struggle with comprehension and expression. This can make it difficult to keep up with the material and participate in class discussions.
    Language barriers refer to the obstacles that arise when trying to acquire information in a language that is unfamiliar or not well understood by the individual. This can impede their ability to fully comprehend and engage with the information being presented, hindering their overall understanding.
    • Difficulty: Difficulty in understanding written or oral communication in a different language.
    • Misinterpretation: Potential for misinterpretation of information due to lack of language proficiency.
    • Limited access: Restricted access to certain resources and information available only in specific languages.
    • Lack of fluency: Inability to articulate one's thoughts and ideas effectively in a non-native language.
    • Translation challenges: Difficulties in finding accurate translations that convey the intended meaning.
  7. 7
    Distractions, such as social media or noise, can make it challenging to focus on learning. Learners need to develop strategies to minimize distractions and stay engaged with the material.
    Distractions are external stimuli or activities that divert the attention of remote learners from their primary task of learning. They can range from environmental factors like noise or interruptions to personal temptations like social media or household chores.
    • Types: Environmental distractions, personal distractions
    • Environmental Distractions: Noise, interruptions, inadequate workspace, uncomfortable seating
    • Personal Distractions: Social media, household chores, personal responsibilities, family obligations
    • Impact: Reduced focus and concentration, decreased productivity, difficulty in maintaining a learning routine
    • Prevention Strategies: Creating a designated learning space, reducing background noise, setting boundaries with family members, using productivity apps or website blockers
  8. 8
    Feedback is essential for learners to understand their progress and identify areas for improvement. Without feedback, learners may struggle to gauge their understanding of the material and make necessary adjustments.
    Lack of feedback is a common challenge in the learning process where learners do not receive sufficient or timely information about their progress or performance. This can hinder the ability to identify areas of improvement and can make learning feel stagnant or unproductive. Without feedback, learners may struggle to gauge their understanding or to make necessary adjustments to their studying or practice methods.
    • Effect on motivation: Lack of feedback can negatively impact motivation and engagement in the learning process.
    • Progress monitoring: Feedback allows learners to track their progress and identify areas where additional efforts are required.
    • Identification of misconceptions: Feedback helps learners identify and correct misconceptions or misunderstandings.
    • Enhancing learning outcomes: Timely and constructive feedback can enhance learning outcomes and promote deeper understanding.
    • Timeliness: Prompt feedback is crucial to ensure learners receive information while it is still relevant.
  9. 9
    Some subjects, such as advanced mathematics or physics, can be particularly challenging due to their complexity and abstract nature. Learners may need additional support or resources to understand these subjects fully.
    Complex material refers to academic or technical content that is challenging to understand and master due to its intricate nature and advanced concepts. It typically involves complex theories, principles, or methodologies, requiring deep analysis and critical thinking to fully grasp.
    • Abstractness: High
    • Difficulty: High
    • Depth: Extensive
    • Specialized Vocabulary: Extensive
    • Technicality: High
  10. 10
    Some subjects, such as history or foreign languages, require a significant amount of memorization. This can be challenging for learners who struggle with rote learning or have difficulty retaining information.
    Memorization in acting refers to the process of learning and recalling lines, cues, and blocking in a performance. It is a crucial aspect of acting, as actors need to be able to accurately and effortlessly remember their lines and deliver them convincingly. Memorization requires diligent practice and involves the use of various mnemonic techniques to aid in the retention of information.
    • Importance: Crucial for a convincing performance
    • Techniques: Mnemonic devices, repetition, visualization
    • Challenges: Lengthy and complex scripts, multiple character roles
    • Time: Varies based on the complexity of the role and individual capacity
    • Rehearsal: Frequent repetition and practice with fellow cast members

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Ranking factors for difficult part

  1. Prior knowledge and experience
    The learner's background and familiarity with the subject can greatly affect the difficulty of learning. If they have no prior knowledge or experience, they may struggle more than someone who has a basic understanding.
  2. Complexity of the subject
    Some subjects are more complex than others, requiring a deeper understanding of concepts and the ability to grasp abstract ideas. This can make learning more difficult.
  3. Learning style
    Each learner has a preferred learning style, such as auditory, visual, or kinesthetic. The alignment of the learning material with the learner's preferred style can impact the difficulty of learning.
  4. Motivation
    A key factor in learning is the level of motivation that the learner possesses. High motivation can lead to a higher level of effort, making it easier to overcome challenges in learning.
  5. Cognitive abilities
    Certain cognitive skills, such as memory, attention, and cognitive flexibility, can impact the difficulty of learning. Some learners may struggle more with these skills than others.
  6. Language barriers
    For some learners, language can be a major barrier, especially if the learning material is in a foreign language. This can make the process of learning significantly more difficult.
  7. Learning environment
    The environment in which learning takes place can also affect the process – distractions, lack of relevant resources, inadequate support from the instructor or peers, and a negative atmosphere can all contribute to the difficulty of learning.
  8. Time and pacing
    The amount of time allotted for learning and the pace at which the material is presented can greatly impact how difficult it is to absorb and retain information.
  9. Personal factors
    Factors such as stress, mental health, physical health, and other personal challenges can also affect the difficulty of learning.
  10. Instruction quality
    The quality of instruction and the teaching methods used can also impact the level of difficulty in learning. An instructor who clearly explains concepts and provides engaging examples can make learning easier than one who doesn't.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult part of learning. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or part is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 150 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each part once every 24 hours. The rank of each part is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most difficult part of learning

Learning is a lifelong process that requires continuous effort and dedication. While it can be an exciting and rewarding experience, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most difficult aspects of learning is identifying and navigating the obstacles that stand in our way. These obstacles can take many forms, from external factors like time constraints and lack of resources, to internal factors like self-doubt and fear of failure. Overcoming these challenges requires resilience, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace the learning process as a journey rather than a destination. In this article, we'll explore some of the most common difficulties that learners face and offer practical tips and strategies for overcoming them.

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