The Most Difficult CPA Exam, Ranked

Choose the exam you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:29
Many aspiring CPAs often wonder which part of the CPA exam poses the greatest challenge. By sharing thoughts and experiences, candidates can better prepare themselves for what lies ahead. This collection and ranking of opinions helps illuminate the tougher aspects of the exams and could potentially ease the journey for future exam takers. Here, everyone has the opportunity to contribute their views and vote on what they believe is the most daunting part of the CPA exam process. Engaging in this ongoing voting process not only aids in creating a resourceful guide for newcomers but also fosters a community among those immersed in similar professional challenges.

What Is the Most Difficult CPA Exam?

  1. 1

    Auditing and Attestation (AUD)

    Tests knowledge on the entire auditing process, including ethics, professional responsibilities, and the preparation of reports.
    • Content: Ethics, professional responsibilities, forming conclusions and reporting.
    • Duration: 4 hours
    • Question Type: MCQs and TBS
  2. 2

    Taxation of Individuals

    Part of the REG section, this area tests candidates on the taxation of individuals, which can be complex due to the nuances of tax law and regulations.
    • Content: Tax process, procedures, accounting methods, property transactions.
    • Integrated Section: REG
  3. 3

    Audit Risk

    This topic within the AUD section addresses the assessment and response to audit risk in an audit engagement, a critical skill for auditors.
    • Content: Risk assessment, materiality, risk response.
    • Integrated Section: AUD
  4. 4

    Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)

    Covers knowledge of the general business environment and business concepts that candidates need to know in order to understand the underlying business reasons for and accounting implications of business transactions.
    • Content: Corporate governance, economic concepts and analysis, financial management, information technology, and operations management.
    • Duration: 4 hours
    • Question Type: MCQs, TBS, and Written Communication Tasks
  5. 5

    Regulation (REG)

    Focuses on federal taxation, ethics, professional responsibilities, and business law.
    • Content: Federal taxation, ethics, business law, and professional responsibilities.
    • Duration: 4 hours
    • Question Type: MCQs and TBS
  6. 6

    Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)

    Covers financial reporting frameworks from multiple standards (like FASB, SEC, and IASB). Candidates find the breadth and depth of material challenging.
    • Content: Conceptual framework, financial statement accounts, transactions, local and state governments.
    • Duration: 4 hours
    • Question Type: Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and Task-Based Simulations (TBS)
  7. 7

    Audit Evidence

    A significant part of the AUD section, dealing with the evidence-gathering process, which is foundational to forming an audit opinion.
    • Content: Types of evidence, documentation, internal control.
    • Integrated Section: AUD
  8. 8

    Governmental Accounting

    Included in the FAR section, this topic tests candidates on accounting and financial reporting for state and local governments, known for its unique and complex standards.
    • Content: Governmental accounting standards, fund accounting, financial reporting for state and local governments.
    • Integrated Section: FAR
  9. 9

    Advanced Financial Accounting

    Though not a separate CPA exam section, Advanced Financial Accounting topics are integrated into the FAR section, challenging candidates with complex concepts involving consolidations, foreign currency transactions, and partnership accounting.
    • Content: Consolidations, foreign currency transactions, partnership accounting.
    • Integrated Section: FAR
  10. 10

    Taxation of Entities

    Also part of the REG section, this focuses on the taxation of different entities like corporations, partnerships, and S corporations, including entity formation, operations, and dissolution.
    • Content: Corporate taxation, partnership taxation, S corporations.
    • Integrated Section: REG

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult CPA exam. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or exam is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


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A participant may cast an up or down vote for each exam once every 24 hours. The rank of each exam is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


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More about the Most Difficult CPA Exam

The CPA exam tests knowledge and skills needed for a career in accounting. It is known for its difficulty. Many candidates find it challenging to pass on their first attempt. The exam has a reputation for being one of the toughest professional exams.

The exam consists of multiple sections. Each section covers different areas of accounting. Candidates must study a wide range of topics. These include financial accounting, auditing, regulation, and business concepts. The breadth of knowledge required makes the exam difficult.

Preparation is key to passing the exam. Candidates often spend hundreds of hours studying. They use various resources, such as textbooks, online courses, and practice exams. Some also join study groups to help understand complex topics. Time management is crucial during preparation. Candidates must balance study time with other commitments.

The exam format adds to its difficulty. It includes multiple-choice questions, task-based simulations, and written communication tasks. The questions test both theoretical knowledge and practical application. Task-based simulations require candidates to perform specific accounting tasks. Written communication tasks assess the ability to write clear and concise reports.

The exam is computer-based. Candidates must complete each section within a set time limit. This adds pressure and requires good time management skills. Many candidates find the time constraints challenging. They must work quickly and accurately to complete all questions.

The exam is adaptive. This means the difficulty of questions can change based on performance. If a candidate answers correctly, the next question may be harder. This adaptive nature makes the exam unpredictable. Candidates must be prepared for varying levels of difficulty.

Passing the exam requires a score of 75 or higher on each section. Scores are based on a weighted scale. This means some questions carry more weight than others. Candidates often find it hard to gauge their performance during the exam. They must aim to answer as many questions correctly as possible.

The exam is offered several times a year. Candidates can retake sections if they do not pass. However, they must pass all sections within an 18-month window. This adds pressure to perform well in each attempt. Failing a section means additional time and effort to prepare for a retake.

Many candidates seek support from mentors or colleagues. Experienced professionals can offer valuable insights and advice. They can help candidates understand difficult concepts and provide tips for success. Support networks can also offer encouragement and motivation.

Despite the challenges, passing the exam is a significant achievement. It demonstrates a high level of knowledge and skill in accounting. It opens doors to many career opportunities. Certified Public Accountants are in high demand and often earn higher salaries.

In conclusion, the CPA exam is a rigorous test of accounting knowledge and skills. Its difficulty lies in the breadth of topics covered, the exam format, and the adaptive nature of questions. Preparation, time management, and support are crucial for success. Passing the exam is a rewarding accomplishment that can lead to a successful career in accounting.

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