The Most Difficult Course in the Philippines, Ranked

Choose the course you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 25, 2024 06:23
Choosing the right course in college is a pivotal decision for many students in the Philippines. It influences career paths, potential earnings, and personal fulfillment. However, some courses are notoriously tough, demanding not only intellectual prowess but also immense dedication and resilience. Understanding which ones hold these daunting challenges helps prospective students prepare better for what lies ahead. This ranking offers a unique insight into the academic demands of various courses, as perceived by those who have experienced them firsthand. By casting your vote, you contribute to a broader understanding, helping future students make informed decisions. Each vote sharpens the picture of which courses are the toughest, providing a valuable resource for the next generation of learners.

What Is the Most Difficult Course in the Philippines?

  1. 1
    This course is considered the most challenging due to its extensive curriculum, long hours of study and practice, and rigorous licensing exams.
    Medicine is a challenging academic subject that encompasses the study of diseases, the prevention of illnesses, and the promotion of health. It involves the understanding of human anatomy, physiology, and the application of medical knowledge to diagnose and treat various medical conditions. Medicine is a vital field that requires a deep understanding of scientific principles, critical thinking skills, and continuous learning to keep up with advancements. Healthcare professionals, such as doctors and nurses, play a crucial role in the field of medicine.
    • Duration of Study: Approximately 6-10 years (including undergraduate and medical school)
    • Specializations: Cardiology, dermatology, neurology, pediatrics, surgery, etc.
    • Clinical Rotations: Hands-on training in different medical specialties
    • Medical Ethics: Adherence to ethical principles, patient confidentiality, and informed consent
    • Evidence-Based Medicine: Applying research findings to guide medical decisions
  2. 2


    Law school requires a significant amount of reading, writing, and critical thinking. The bar exams are also notoriously difficult, with a low passing rate.
    Law is a complex and multifaceted academic subject that encompasses a set of rules and regulations created and enforced by society to govern behavior. It is primarily concerned with maintaining order, resolving disputes, and protecting individual rights and liberties.
    • Branches: Law consists of several branches including civil law, criminal law, constitutional law, administrative law, and international law.
    • Sources of Law: Law derives its authority from various sources, such as constitutions, statutes, regulations, case law, and legal precedents.
    • Legal Systems: Different countries have different legal systems, including common law, civil law, Islamic law, and socialist law.
    • Legal Concepts: Law encompasses a wide range of legal concepts, such as liability, contracts, property rights, torts, evidence, and jurisprudence.
    • Legal Processes: Law involves processes such as legislation, litigation, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and legal research.
  3. 3
    The field of engineering is broad, and it requires a strong foundation in math and science, as well as creativity and problem-solving skills.
    Engineering is the application of scientific, mathematical, and practical principles to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, systems, and processes. It involves the use of creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking to develop innovative solutions to various challenges.
    • Broad Field: Engineering encompasses various disciplines such as civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, aerospace, and more.
    • Problem-solving: Engineers are trained to identify problems, analyze them, and develop effective solutions through a systematic and logical approach.
    • Design: Engineering involves the process of conceptualizing, designing, and developing products, structures, or systems to meet specific requirements.
    • Application of Science and Mathematics: Engineers utilize scientific principles and mathematical calculations to understand and predict the behavior of materials, forces, and systems.
    • Innovation: Engineers constantly strive to push the boundaries of technology, seeking innovative solutions to improve efficiency, functionality, and sustainability.
  4. 4
    Architecture students have to balance artistic and technical skills, and they have to learn how to design structures that are functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing.
    Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. It involves the creative integration of form, function, and aesthetics to create structures that meet human needs while also enhancing the built environment. Architecture is a combination of artistic expression, engineering principles, and cultural influences.
    • Creativity: Architecture allows for innovative and imaginative designs.
    • Functionality: Buildings are designed to fulfill specific purposes and serve the needs of their occupants.
    • Sustainability: Ecological considerations are increasingly incorporated into architecture to minimize environmental impact.
    • Technology: Advances in materials and construction techniques continually shape architectural possibilities.
    • Cultural Expression: Architecture can reflect and embody cultural values, beliefs, and traditions.
  5. 5
    Accountancy requires a deep understanding of financial concepts, as well as attention to detail and analytical skills. The CPA licensure exam is also challenging.
    Accountancy is a professional course that focuses on the principles, theories, and practices of financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, and taxation. It involves the preparation, analysis, and interpretation of financial statements, as well as providing insights for decision-making and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. The field of accountancy plays a crucial role in business and financial operations by providing reliable financial information and ensuring the integrity and transparency of financial data.
    • Rigorous Curriculum: Accountancy programs in the Philippines typically span for five years, incorporating core accounting subjects, business-related courses, and practical training.
    • Board Examination: Graduates of Accountancy need to pass the Philippine Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Board Exam to become licensed professionals.
    • Comprehensive Subject Areas: Accountancy covers various subject areas such as financial accounting, cost accounting, tax accounting, auditing, management accounting, and law and ethics.
    • Mathematically Intensive: Accountancy requires strong quantitative skills as it involves complex calculations, financial analysis, and statistical interpretation.
    • Attention to Detail: Precision and accuracy are essential in accountancy to ensure the reliability and correctness of financial information.
  6. 6
    Veterinary Medicine
    self · CC BY-SA 3.0
    This course is challenging because it requires a strong foundation in biology, anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and pharmacology, among others.
    Veterinary Medicine is a specialized branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and injuries in animals. It involves the study of various animal species, their anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology, along with the principles of animal health management and public health. Veterinary Medicine plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being and health of animals and contributes to public health by controlling zoonotic diseases.
    • Duration: Minimum of 6 years (including a 1-year internship)
    • Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
    • Course Subjects: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Animal Nutrition, Surgery, Medicine, etc.
    • Practical Training: Extensive hands-on training in clinical settings, laboratories, and farms
    • Specializations: Veterinary Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Microbiology, etc.
    Veterinary Medicine in other rankings
  7. 7
    Chemistry involves complex concepts and formulas, and it requires students to have a deep understanding of the periodic table, chemical reactions, and laboratory procedures.
    Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the properties, composition, structure, behavior, and reactions of matter. It explores the substances that make up the universe and the changes they undergo. Chemistry is also concerned with the study of elements, compounds, and the interactions between them.
    • Central Science: Chemistry is often referred to as the central science because it connects the physical sciences, such as physics and astronomy, with the life sciences, such as biology and medicine.
    • Atomic Structure: Chemistry involves the study of atoms, their structure, and how they combine to form molecules. Understanding the arrangement of electrons, protons, and neutrons in atoms is crucial to understanding chemical behavior.
    • Chemical Reactions: Chemistry focuses on understanding and characterizing chemical reactions, including the transformation of substances, the release or absorption of energy, and the formation of new compounds.
    • Periodic Table: The periodic table of elements is a fundamental tool in chemistry. It organizes all known elements based on their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties.
    • Bonding and Molecular Structure: Chemistry explores the different types of chemical bonds and their influences on the structure and properties of molecules. This knowledge is essential for understanding the behavior and properties of substances.
  8. 8
    Psychology is a challenging course because it requires students to have a solid grasp of theories and concepts related to human behavior, as well as research methods and statistical analysis.
    Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. It encompasses various sub-disciplines such as cognitive, developmental, social, and clinical psychology. Its primary focus is to understand individual and group behavior, mental processes, and the underlying mechanisms that shape human experience. Psychology utilizes research methods, empirical data, and theories to explore different areas like perception, learning, memory, motivation, personality, emotion, and social interaction.
    • Branches: Cognitive, Developmental, Social, Clinical, etc.
    • Focus: Understanding mind and behavior
    • Areas of Study: Perception, Learning, Memory, Motivation, Personality, Emotion, etc.
    • Research Methods: Observational studies, experiments, surveys, interviews, etc.
    • Empirical Data: Data collected through systematic observation and experimentation
  9. 9
    Nursing students have to learn a wide range of medical concepts and procedures, as well as how to provide compassionate care to patients. The nursing licensure exam is also notoriously difficult.
    Nursing is a challenging and demanding course in the Philippines that prepares individuals to become competent and compassionate professional nurses. It involves the study of medical science, principles of nursing care, and practical experience in various healthcare settings.
    • Duration: 4 years (8 semesters) undergraduate program
    • Curriculum: A combination of theoretical courses, laboratory work, and clinical rotations
    • Licensing Exam: Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination (PNLE)
    • Specializations: Nursing education, community health nursing, medical-surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing, and more
    • Practical Experience: Extensive clinical practice in hospitals and community settings
  10. 10
    IT students have to learn a variety of programming languages, database management systems, and software development tools. They also have to keep up with the latest technological trends and innovations.
    Information Technology is a course offered in many universities and colleges in the Philippines. It focuses on the study, development, implementation, and management of computer-based information systems. It covers a wide range of topics including programming languages, software development, database management, network administration, system analysis and design, cybersecurity, and IT project management. The course equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to solve complex IT problems and address the technological needs of organizations.
    • Duration: Typically 4 years
    • Curriculum: Covers programming, software development, database management, network administration, system analysis and design, cybersecurity, IT project management, etc.
    • Career Opportunities: Software Developer, Web Developer, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, IT Project Manager, IT Consultant, System Analyst, IT Auditor, etc.
    • Industry Demands: High demand for IT professionals in various sectors including technology, finance, healthcare, government, and telecommunications.
    • Laboratory Work: Hands-on experience in computer programming, hardware troubleshooting, network setup, and software development.
    Information Technology in other rankings

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Ranking factors for difficult course

  1. Academic rigor
    This refers to the depth and complexity of the subjects covered in the course, the workload, and the intellectual challenges that students have to face while studying the course. The more demanding the coursework, the higher the course ranks in terms of difficulty.
  2. Competition and acceptance rate
    The number of students applying for the course and the acceptance rate can be a good indicator of its difficulty level. Higher competition and lower acceptance rates generally suggest that the course is more challenging, as it attracts high-performing students and may have more stringent admission requirements.
  3. Skills required
    Some courses may require advanced skills and knowledge that need to be acquired prior to enrollment, such as advanced mathematics, programming, or laboratory skills. The more specialized skills required, the more difficult the course is likely to be.
  4. Duration and intensity
    Longer courses and those with more intense schedules, such as those with more contact hours and more extensive practical or research components, can be considered more challenging due to the increased time commitment and workload.
  5. Attrition and graduation rates
    Courses with high attrition and low graduation rates may indicate that students find the course highly challenging and struggle to complete it.
  6. Career prospects and job placement
    The more difficult a course, the fewer qualified professionals will be available in that field, potentially leading to better job placement and career prospects for graduates.
  7. Assessment methods and grading
    Courses with more complex and demanding assessment methods, such as examinations, research projects, and practical assignments, can be considered more difficult.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult course in the Philippines. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Class is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 191 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Class once every 24 hours. The rank of each Class is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most difficult course in the philippines

Background Information: The Philippine education system is known for its rigorous academic standards and high-level of competitiveness among students. With a wide range of courses and programs offered in various universities and colleges across the country, students are often faced with the challenge of choosing the right course that suits their interests and abilities. In the Philippines, some courses are notorious for being extremely difficult due to the complex nature of their curriculum, high academic requirements, and grueling workload. These courses demand a great deal of dedication, perseverance, and hard work from students who aspire to succeed in their chosen fields. From the demanding medical-related courses such as Medicine, Nursing, and Dentistry, to the challenging engineering courses like Chemical, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering, the Philippines offers a diverse range of difficult courses that require exceptional academic skills and knowledge. With the increasing competitiveness in the job market, pursuing a difficult course in the Philippines can open up a multitude of opportunities and pave the way for a successful career. However, it is important for students to weigh the pros and cons of each course before making a decision, as the road to success in these fields can be long and arduous.

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