The Most Difficult Conflict to Resolve, Ranked

Choose the conflict you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 16, 2024 06:29
Conflicts, large and small, shape our lives and our world. Determining which disputes are the most challenging to resolve can provide valuable insights into human nature and the complexities of our societies. By ranking these conflicts, one can better understand the various factors that contribute to their intractability and the broader implications for global peace and harmony. Through your participation, this website harnesses collective intelligence to evaluate and categorize conflicts based on difficulty of resolution. Your votes help create a dynamic and informative ranking, offering a clear snapshot of global and local challenges. This process not only enlightens but also empowers readers to contribute their perspectives, enhancing the resource for all.

What Is the Most Difficult Conflict to Resolve?

  1. 1
    Ukrainian Crisis

    Ukrainian Crisis

    A series of events including the annexation of Crimea by Russia and the war in Eastern Ukraine.
    • Start Year: 2014
    • Key Issues: Territorial integrity, nationalism, foreign intervention
  2. 2
    Sudanese Conflict

    Sudanese Conflict

    Includes conflicts in Darfur, the Second Sudanese Civil War, and ongoing tensions between Sudan and South Sudan.
    • Start Year: 2003
    • Key Issues: Ethnic tensions, resource disputes, political instability
  3. 3
    Somali Civil War

    Somali Civil War

    A civil war in Somalia that began in the late 20th century, involving various armed factions fighting for control of the country.
    • Start Year: 1991
    • Key Issues: Clan-based conflict, terrorism, lack of central government
  4. 4
    Syrian Civil War

    Syrian Civil War

    A multi-sided civil war in Syria, involving the Syrian Arab Republic led by the Assad regime, Syrian opposition, various foreign jihadists, and international powers.
    • Start Year: 2011
    • Key Issues: Authoritarian governance, civil rights, foreign intervention
  5. 5
    Kashmir Conflict

    Kashmir Conflict

    A territorial conflict primarily between India and Pakistan, with China also controlling a portion of the land.
    • Start Year: 1947
    • Key Issues: Territorial claims, religious and cultural identity
  6. 6
    Yemeni Civil War

    Yemeni Civil War

    An ongoing conflict that began in 2014 between two factions claiming to constitute the Yemeni government, along with their supporters and allies.
    • Start Year: 2014
    • Key Issues: Governance, foreign intervention, humanitarian crisis
  7. 7
    Afghanistan Conflict

    Afghanistan Conflict

    Involves multiple factions fighting for control, including the Taliban and the Afghan Government, with international involvement.
    • Start Year: 2001
    • Key Issues: Governance, foreign intervention, terrorism
  8. 8
    Libyan Civil War

    Libyan Civil War

    An ongoing conflict in Libya, beginning with the Arab Spring protests, leading to a civil war between rival factions.
    • Start Year: 2014
    • Key Issues: Governance, foreign intervention, control of oil resources
  9. 9
    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    A long-standing battle over land, identity, and sovereignty in the Middle East.
    • Start Year: Mid-20th century
    • Key Issues: Territorial disputes, national identity
  10. 10
    Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

    Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

    A territorial and ethnic conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.
    • Start Year: 1988
    • Key Issues: Territorial claims, ethnic tensions

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult conflict to resolve. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or conflict is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 6 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each conflict once every 24 hours. The rank of each conflict is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Difficult Conflict to Resolve

Ukrainian Crisis
Rank #1 for the most difficult conflict to resolve: Ukrainian Crisis (Source)
Conflicts arise from various sources. They may stem from differences in beliefs, resources, or power. Resolving conflicts can be tough, but some are harder than others. The most difficult conflicts to resolve often share common traits.

One key trait is deep-rooted history. When conflicts span generations, they become part of a group's identity. People grow up hearing stories of past wrongs. These stories shape their views and actions. This makes it hard to change minds and find common ground.

Another trait is strong emotions. When people feel deeply hurt, angry, or afraid, they become less willing to compromise. Emotions cloud judgment and make it hard to see the other side's point of view. In such cases, even small issues can become big obstacles.

Complexity is also a factor. Some conflicts involve many parties with different interests. Each party may have its own goals and grievances. This makes it hard to find a solution that satisfies everyone. The more complex the conflict, the harder it is to untangle.

Lack of trust adds to the difficulty. Trust is key to any resolution. Without it, parties doubt each other's intentions. They may fear that any agreement will be broken. Building trust takes time and effort, but it is crucial for lasting peace.

Scarcity of resources can also play a role. When resources like land, water, or money are limited, competition becomes fierce. Each side may feel that it cannot afford to give up anything. This zero-sum mindset makes compromise seem impossible.

Cultural differences can further complicate matters. Different cultures have different ways of resolving disputes. What seems fair to one group may seem unfair to another. Misunderstandings can arise, making it harder to reach an agreement.

External influences can also make conflicts hard to resolve. Outside parties may have their own interests in the conflict. They might support one side over the other, adding fuel to the fire. This can prolong the conflict and make resolution more elusive.

Stubborn leadership can be a major hurdle. Leaders may refuse to back down for fear of losing face or power. They may use the conflict to rally support and distract from other issues. Changing leadership can sometimes open the door to resolution, but it is not always easy.

Finally, lack of communication is a common barrier. When parties do not talk to each other, they cannot understand each other's needs and concerns. Open, honest dialogue is essential for finding common ground. Without it, misunderstandings and mistrust fester.

In summary, the most difficult conflicts to resolve are those with deep-rooted history, strong emotions, complexity, lack of trust, scarcity of resources, cultural differences, external influences, stubborn leadership, and poor communication. These factors create a web of challenges that make resolution seem out of reach. However, understanding these traits can be the first step toward finding a way forward.

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