The Most Difficult Pie to Make, Ranked

Choose the pie you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:32
Many home bakers find themselves in a culinary challenge when attempting to perfect the art of pie-making. The degree of difficulty can vary widely depending on the type of pie, prompting animated debates among enthusiasts about which is the hardest to master. Establishing a consensus can guide novices and experts alike in preparation for the more intricate recipes. On this site, anyone can cast a vote for the pie they believe poses the greatest challenge. This collective input helps to form a dynamic ranking that reflects real-time changes in voters' opinions. Such rankings not only foster a community of shared learning and experience but also present an opportunity for bakers to meet and conquer their pie-making challenges.

What Is the Most Difficult Pie to Make?

  1. 1
    Baked Alaska Pie

    Baked Alaska Pie

    Combines pie and Baked Alaska, featuring a layer of cake and ice cream encased in meringue, then baked quickly to brown the meringue. The difficulty is in baking without melting the ice cream.
    • Origin: United States
    • Main challenge: Browning meringue while keeping ice cream frozen
  2. 2
    Croquembouche Pie

    Croquembouche Pie

    A highly complex pie that incorporates the elements of croquembouche (a French dessert consisting of choux pastry balls piled into a cone and bound with threads of caramel) into a pie format.
    • Origin: France
    • Main challenge: Assembling choux pastry balls with caramel without collapsing
  3. 3
    Mille-Feuille Pie

    Mille-Feuille Pie

    Inspired by the classic French pastry, this pie version layers puff pastry and cream. The challenge is in baking the pastry so it's perfectly puffed and flaky, and assembling without crushing the layers.
    • Origin: France
    • Main challenge: Achieving perfect puff pastry layers
  4. 4
    Beef Wellington Pie

    Beef Wellington Pie

    A savory pie with a filling of beef tenderloin, mushrooms, and pâté wrapped in puff pastry. The difficulty lies in cooking the beef to perfection while ensuring the pastry is flaky and not soggy.
    • Origin: United Kingdom
    • Main challenge: Achieving perfect doneness of beef and pastry simultaneously
  5. 5
    Macaron Pie

    Macaron Pie

    A pie that incorporates the elements of a macaron, with a macaron shell base and a filling of ganache or buttercream. The difficulty is in creating a large macaron shell that doesn’t crack or become hollow.
    • Origin: France
    • Main challenge: Baking a large, flawless macaron shell
  6. 6

    Sweet Potato Meringue Pie

    A variation of the classic sweet potato pie, topped with a meringue. The difficulty is in achieving a smooth sweet potato filling and a stiff, glossy meringue that holds its shape when baked.
    • Main challenge: Creating a smooth filling and perfect meringue peaks
  7. 7
    Pithivier Pie

    Pithivier Pie

    A traditional French pie made with puff pastry, filled with almond cream or frangipane. The challenge is in creating the intricate lattice design on top without damaging the delicate pastry.
    • Origin: France
    • Main challenge: Crafting and preserving the decorative top
  8. 8
    Turducken Pie

    Turducken Pie

    A savory pie inspired by the turducken, which is a dish consisting of a deboned chicken stuffed into a deboned duck, further stuffed into a deboned turkey, with layers of stuffing between each.
    • Origin: United States
    • Main challenge: Deboning and layering three types of poultry evenly
  9. 9

    Chocolate Soufflé Pie

    Combines the elements of a soufflé with a pie. The challenge is in maintaining the soufflé's rise without it collapsing, especially when incorporating it into a pie format.
    • Main challenge: Keeping the soufflé risen and light within a pie
  10. 10

    Sour Cherry Pie with Lattice Crust

    A fruit pie that requires the preparation of a lattice crust, which involves weaving strips of pastry over and under each other. The difficulty lies in maintaining the structure and appearance of the lattice.
    • Main challenge: Creating and maintaining a perfect lattice crust

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult pie to make. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or pie is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 81 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each pie once every 24 hours. The rank of each pie is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Difficult Pie to Make

Baked Alaska Pie
Rank #1 for the most difficult pie to make: Baked Alaska Pie (Source)
Baking pies can be a rewarding experience. Some pies, however, challenge even skilled bakers. These pies require precise techniques and careful attention to detail. The difficulty often lies in the crust, filling, and baking process.

The crust is the foundation of any pie. It must be flaky yet sturdy. Achieving this balance requires cold ingredients and minimal handling. Overworking the dough can lead to a tough crust. Underworking it can make it fall apart. The temperature of the kitchen can also affect the dough. A warm kitchen can cause the butter to melt too soon, ruining the texture.

The filling of a difficult pie can present its own set of challenges. Some fillings need to be cooked before baking. This adds an extra step and increases the chances of making a mistake. The filling must be thick enough to hold its shape but not so thick that it becomes gummy. Balancing the moisture content is crucial. Too much liquid can make the crust soggy. Too little can result in a dry pie.

Baking the pie is another critical step. The oven temperature must be just right. Too hot, and the crust can burn before the filling sets. Too cool, and the pie can end up undercooked. Some pies require a two-step baking process. This involves baking the crust first, then adding the filling and baking again. Timing is key to ensure both parts are perfectly cooked.

Even after baking, some pies need additional steps. They might need to cool for several hours. Cutting into a pie too soon can cause the filling to spill out. Patience is essential to achieve the perfect slice.

The ingredients for these pies are often specific and high-quality. Fresh, seasonal fruits can be hard to find. Specialty items might be expensive or rare. Substituting ingredients can alter the taste and texture of the pie.

Decorating the pie can also add to the difficulty. Some pies require intricate latticework or other designs on the crust. This demands a steady hand and a keen eye for detail. The decorations need to bake evenly with the rest of the pie. This can be tricky to achieve without overbaking or underbaking parts of the crust.

The weather can also play a role in the difficulty. Humid conditions can make the dough sticky and hard to work with. Dry conditions can make it crumbly. Adjusting the recipe to account for weather conditions adds another layer of complexity.

Even with all these challenges, the reward of a perfectly baked pie is worth the effort. The satisfaction of creating something beautiful and delicious makes the process worthwhile. Each step, from preparing the dough to the final decoration, contributes to the end result. While some pies are easier to make, the most difficult ones offer a sense of accomplishment that is unmatched.

Bakers who take on these challenges often learn valuable skills. They become more precise, patient, and attentive. These skills can improve their overall baking abilities. Even if the pie doesn't turn out perfect, the experience gained is invaluable.

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