The Most Difficult Physics Problem, Ranked

Choose the problem you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:32
Physics often poses challenges that push the boundaries of understanding and innovation. Grasping the complexities of some problems in this field can be daunting even for seasoned professionals. By collectively evaluating which issues are the most perplexing, we can better focus our intellectual resources where they are most needed. This community-driven ranking offers a unique opportunity for experts and enthusiasts alike to voice their opinions on the scale of difficulty of various physics problems. By voting, you contribute to a clearer picture of where collective confusion or interest lies, potentially guiding future educational and research priorities.

What Is the Most Difficult Physics Problem?

  1. 1
    Quantum Gravity

    Quantum Gravity

    A field of theoretical physics that seeks to describe gravity according to the principles of quantum mechanics.
    • Challenge: Developing a theory that incorporates both quantum mechanics and general relativity.
  2. 2

    Dark Matter

    A type of matter hypothesized to account for a large part of the total mass in the universe, but which has not yet been directly observed.
    • Mystery: What constitutes dark matter and how it can be detected.
  3. 3
    Dark Energy

    Dark Energy

    A hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and tends to accelerate the expansion of the universe.
    • Puzzle: Understanding the nature and mechanism of dark energy.
  4. 4
    Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness

    Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness

    A millennium problem concerning the mathematical properties of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid dynamics.
    • Issue: Determining whether solutions always exist and are smooth under all conditions.
  5. 5
    Theory of Everything

    Theory of Everything

    A hypothetical framework explaining all known physical phenomena in the universe.
    • Goal: To unify general relativity with quantum mechanics.
  6. 6
    Reconciliation of Black Hole Information Paradox

    Reconciliation of Black Hole Information Paradox

    The paradox concerning the loss of information in black holes and its contradiction with quantum mechanics.
    • Problem: Whether information that falls into a black hole is destroyed or preserved.
  7. 7
    Neutrino Mass Problem

    Neutrino Mass Problem

    The question of why neutrinos have mass and the implications for particle physics and cosmology.
    • Enigma: Determining the exact masses of neutrinos and the mechanism that gives them mass.
  8. 8
    Grand Unified Theory

    Grand Unified Theory

    A theoretical framework seeking to describe the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear forces by a single, unified force.
    • Objective: To unify the three gauge interactions of the Standard Model.
  9. 9
    Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Confinement

    Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Confinement

    The theory describing the strong force, explaining how quarks and gluons interact to form protons, neutrons, and other hadrons.
    • Problem: Understanding why quarks cannot be isolated and observed as free particles.
  10. 10


    A proposed extension of space-time symmetry that relates two basic classes of elementary particles: bosons and fermions.
    • Challenge: Finding experimental evidence for supersymmetry.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult Physics problem. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or problem is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 78 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each problem once every 24 hours. The rank of each problem is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Difficult Physics Problem

Quantum Gravity
Rank #1 for the most difficult Physics problem: Quantum Gravity (Source)
Physics seeks to understand the fundamental laws of nature. Some problems in physics challenge our deepest understanding. These problems often lie at the intersection of theory and observation. They test the limits of human knowledge and push the boundaries of science.

Physicists use both theoretical models and experiments to explore these questions. Theoretical models provide a framework for understanding complex systems. They use mathematics to describe how particles and forces interact. Experiments test these models and provide data. Sometimes, the results of experiments do not match the predictions of models. This can lead to new insights or reveal gaps in our understanding.

One challenge in physics involves unifying different theories. For example, gravity and quantum mechanics both describe fundamental forces. However, they operate on different scales and in different ways. Finding a way to combine these theories into a single framework is a major goal. This unified theory would provide a deeper understanding of the universe.

Another difficulty arises from the vast range of scales in the universe. Physicists study both the smallest particles and the largest structures. Each scale presents its own challenges and requires different tools. Understanding how these scales relate to each other is a complex task.

Some problems involve understanding the nature of matter and energy. Physicists seek to understand what makes up the universe. They also want to know how these components interact. This involves studying particles, forces, and fields. It also involves understanding the properties of different states of matter.

Observations of the universe provide important clues. Telescopes and other instruments collect data from distant stars and galaxies. This data helps physicists understand the history and structure of the universe. It also provides tests for theoretical models. Sometimes, new observations challenge existing theories. This can lead to new questions and new lines of research.

Physics also involves understanding the behavior of complex systems. These systems can be difficult to model and predict. They often involve many interacting parts and can exhibit unexpected behavior. Understanding these systems requires new approaches and techniques.

Collaboration is key to solving difficult problems in physics. Physicists work together across disciplines and borders. They share data, ideas, and techniques. This collaboration helps to advance the field and find new solutions.

Education and training are also important. Physicists need a strong foundation in mathematics and science. They also need to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This training helps them tackle complex problems and develop new theories.

Technology plays a crucial role in advancing physics. New instruments and tools allow physicists to make more precise measurements. They also enable new types of experiments and observations. Advances in computing power allow for more complex simulations and data analysis.

Despite the challenges, progress in physics continues. Each new discovery builds on previous work and opens new avenues for research. The pursuit of understanding drives physicists to keep exploring. They seek to uncover the fundamental laws that govern the universe. This quest for knowledge is at the heart of physics.

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