The Most Advanced Math Problem, Ranked

Choose the math problem you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:17
Mathematics often presents challenges that provoke not only curiosity but also rigorous intellectual effort. Among these, some problems stand out for their complexity and the profound impacts their solutions might have on various scientific fields. Having a list that compiles the most challenging among these helps not just aspiring mathematicians but also educators and students to focus on key areas that need exploration and understanding. By allowing votes on which problems should be deemed the most complex and significant, this site aids in continually updating and refining how these problems are viewed by the broader math community. Your participation helps prioritize these problems and share insights, generating a dynamic snapshot of collective opinions and current scholarly pursuits within advanced mathematics.

What Is the Most Advanced Math Problem?

  1. 1

    Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap

    This problem asks for a mathematical proof of the existence of quantum Yang-Mills fields and a mass gap above zero energy.
    • Field: Theoretical Physics
    • Millennium Prize Problem: Yes
  2. 2
    Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

    Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

    This conjecture concerns the number of rational points on elliptic curves and relates it to the rank of the group of rational points.
    • Field: Number Theory
    • Millennium Prize Problem: Yes
  3. 3
    Hodge Conjecture

    Hodge Conjecture

    This conjecture posits that for certain types of non-singular projective algebraic varieties, certain classes of cohomology groups are algebraic.
    • Field: Algebraic Geometry
    • Millennium Prize Problem: Yes
  4. 4
    ABC Conjecture

    ABC Conjecture

    This conjecture, proposed in the 1980s, relates the prime factors of three positive integers a, b, and c that satisfy the equation a + b = c.
    • Field: Number Theory
    • Proposed: 1980s
  5. 5
    Collatz Conjecture

    Collatz Conjecture

    This conjecture posits that the sequence defined for any positive integer n by repeatedly applying the process n = n/2 if n is even and n = 3n + 1 if n is odd will eventually reach the number 1.
    • Field: Number Theory
    • Simple to State: Yes
  6. 6
    Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness

    Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness

    This problem involves determining whether solutions always exist (and are smooth) for the Navier-Stokes equations, which describe the motion of fluid substances.
    • Field: Fluid Dynamics
    • Millennium Prize Problem: Yes
  7. 7
    Goldbach's Conjecture

    Goldbach's Conjecture

    This conjecture asserts that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers.
    • Field: Number Theory
    • Proposed: 1742
  8. 8
    P vs NP Problem

    P vs NP Problem

    This problem asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be quickly solved by a computer.
    • Complexity Class: Computational Complexity
    • Millennium Prize Problem: Yes
  9. 9
    Riemann Hypothesis

    Riemann Hypothesis

    This hypothesis suggests that all non-trivial zeros of the analytical continuation of the Riemann zeta function have a real part of 1/2.
    • Field: Number Theory
    • Millennium Prize Problem: Yes
  10. 10

    Twin Prime Conjecture

    This conjecture suggests that there are infinitely many prime numbers p such that p + 2 is also prime.
    • Field: Number Theory
    • Infinitely Many: Yes

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced math problem. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Math problem is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 48 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Math problem once every 24 hours. The rank of each Math problem is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Advanced Math Problem

Math has always been a field of great interest. It presents challenges that push the limits of human understanding. Among these challenges, some problems stand out as the most advanced. These problems often require deep knowledge and creativity. They are not just puzzles but questions that can change how we see the world.

Advanced math problems come from various branches of mathematics. These branches include algebra, geometry, number theory, and calculus. Each branch has its own set of rules and concepts. Yet, the most advanced problems often blend ideas from multiple branches. This blending makes them even more complex and fascinating.

To tackle these problems, mathematicians use a range of tools. These tools include logic, proofs, and algorithms. Logic helps in forming sound arguments. Proofs are used to show that a statement is true. Algorithms are step-by-step procedures to solve problems. Together, these tools form the backbone of mathematical problem-solving.

Collaboration is key in solving advanced math problems. Mathematicians often work in teams. They share ideas and build on each other's work. This teamwork can span years or even decades. Sometimes, progress is slow. But each small step brings them closer to a solution.

Technology also plays a crucial role. Computers can handle large calculations and complex simulations. This ability helps mathematicians test their ideas. However, computers cannot replace human intuition and creativity. They are tools that aid the process, not the solution itself.

History shows that solving advanced math problems can lead to significant breakthroughs. These breakthroughs can impact other fields like physics, engineering, and computer science. For example, solutions to certain problems have led to advancements in cryptography. Cryptography is essential for secure communication in the digital age.

The journey to solve these problems is often long and demanding. It requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to explore the unknown. Many mathematicians spend their entire careers working on a single problem. Yet, the reward is not just in finding the solution. The process itself leads to new insights and understanding.

Education plays a vital role in preparing future mathematicians. Strong foundational knowledge is crucial. Students must learn the basics before tackling advanced problems. This education often starts early and continues through advanced degrees. Mentorship from experienced mathematicians can also provide valuable guidance.

Despite the challenges, the pursuit of solving advanced math problems continues. It is a quest driven by curiosity and the desire to understand the universe. Each solved problem opens new doors and poses new questions. This cycle of discovery keeps the field of mathematics vibrant and ever-evolving.

In summary, the most advanced math problems are complex and multifaceted. They require a blend of knowledge, creativity, and collaboration. The journey to solve them is long but rewarding. It leads to new insights and advancements that can impact many areas of life. The pursuit of these problems continues to push the boundaries of human understanding.

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