The Most Difficult to Read, Ranked

Choose the to read you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 29, 2024 06:26
In the realm of literature, not all texts offer a stroll through a sunlit park. Some resemble a climb up a steep, rocky bluff – daunting yet ultimately rewarding. Identifying these challenging reads helps potential readers brace for the ascent, arming them with insights into the complexities they might encounter. This preemptive knowledge enhances the reading experience by setting appropriate expectations. By casting your vote on which books you find most demanding, you contribute to a communal resource that assists others in navigating their reading choices. Each vote helps paint a clearer picture of which works might require extra dedication and perseverance. Engage in shaping this insightful resource, helping to guide fellow enthusiasts toward making informed decisions about where to invest their reading energy.

What Is the Most Difficult to Read?

  1. 1
    The Voynich Manuscript - an illustrated codex written in an unknown script and language, which has yet to be deciphered. It is considered one of the most mysterious books in the world.
    The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious medieval codex written in an unknown language and script. It is named after Wilfrid Voynich, a Polish-American bookseller who purchased it in 1912. The manuscript has puzzled both linguists and cryptographers for over a century due to its unbreakable code and the bizarre nature of its illustrations.
    • Language: Unknown
    • Script: Unknown
    • Date of Origin: 15th century
    • Number of Pages: 240
    • Contents: Herbal and botanical illustrations, astronomical and astrological diagrams, biological drawings, and unidentified text
    The Voynich Manuscript in other rankings
  2. 2
    Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce
    Faber and Faber · Public domain
    Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce is a novel written in an obscure and complex style, with numerous layers of meaning and allusions. It is considered one of the most difficult works of fiction ever written.
    Finnegan's Wake is a novel written by James Joyce, known for its highly complex and challenging narrative. It is considered one of the most difficult works of literature to read and comprehend. The novel primarily focuses on the dreams, thoughts, and fictional world of various characters, blending multiple languages, dialects, and wordplay throughout its pages.
    • Publication Date: 1939
    • Genre: Modernist fiction
    • Narrative Style: Stream of consciousness
    • Language: English, mixed with multiple languages
    • Length: Approximately 670 pages
  3. 3
    The Bible is a collection of texts sacred to Christians and Jews, which contains numerous allegories, metaphors and symbolic language that can be difficult to interpret. It is considered one of the most influential books in history.
    The Bible is a religious text that holds great significance for many religious and cultural communities around the world. It is a collection of sacred scriptures and writings that are revered as divinely inspired by Christians and Jews. The Bible is divided into two main sections, the Old Testament, which contains religious texts and history prior to the birth of Jesus Christ, and the New Testament, which focuses on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It covers a wide range of genres, including narratives, poetry, laws, prophecies, and letters. The Bible has been translated into numerous languages and has had a profound impact on literature, art, and religious practices throughout history.
    • Number of Books: 66 (for Protestant versions)
    • Number of Chapters: 1,189
    • Number of Verses: 31,102
    • Languages: Written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek
    • Publication Date: Between the 15th century BCE and the 1st century CE
    The Bible in other rankings
  4. 4
    Das Kapital by Karl Marx
    Zentralbibliothek Zürich · Public domain
    Das Kapital by Karl Marx is a dense and challenging work of political economy, which outlines Marx's theory of capitalism and the exploitation of the working class. It is considered one of the most important works of Marxist theory.
    Das Kapital is a theoretical work by Karl Marx that provides a critical analysis of capitalist production and the capitalist mode of production as a whole. It delves into topics such as labor exploitation, commodity fetishism, surplus value, and the inherent contradictions of capitalism. The book aims to uncover the social, economic, and political mechanisms that make up capitalist societies.
    • Publication Year: 1867
    • Original Language: German
    • Genre: Political Economy
    • Length: Approximately 2,500 pages (three volumes)
    • Complexity: Highly complex and dense theoretical work
  5. 5
    Ulysses by James Joyce is a novel written in a stream-of-consciousness style, which can be difficult to follow due to its complex structure and fragmented narrative. It is considered a modernist masterpiece.
    Ulysses is a complex and challenging novel written by James Joyce. It is considered one of the most difficult books to read due to its experimental and unconventional style. The novel follows the lives of several characters in Dublin, Ireland, over the course of a single day, using stream-of-consciousness narrative and an abundance of literary allusions. Ulysses explores various themes such as identity, sexuality, religion, and the nature of language. It is known for its intricate wordplay, dense prose, and non-linear structure.
    • Genre: Modernist novel
    • Publication Year: 1922
    • Length: Approximately 265,000 words
    • Narrative Style: Stream-of-consciousness
    • Setting: Dublin, Ireland
    Ulysses by James Joyce in other rankings
  6. 6
    The Cantos by Ezra Pound is a long and complex poem, which combines elements of history, mythology, politics and literature. It is considered one of the most challenging works of modernist poetry.
    The Cantos by Ezra Pound is a lengthy and complex poetic work considered one of the most difficult literary works to read. It is a vast collection of 120 cantos, or sections, that span across a wide range of topics including history, mythology, literature, and politics. Pound intended The Cantos to be a comprehensive epic of modern civilization.
    • Publication Date: 1917-1969 (Various editions)
    • Length: Over 800 pages
    • Language: English, with multiple languages interspersed
    • Style: Modernist poetry, mixing different forms and techniques
    • Allusions: Numerous literary, historical, and cultural references
  7. 7
    The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein is a philosophical treatise which attempts to clarify the relationship between language and reality. It is considered one of the most important works of 20th century philosophy.
    The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is a philosophical treatise written by Ludwig Wittgenstein. It was first published in 1921 and is considered one of the most difficult books to read in the field of philosophy. The book explores the relationship between language, logic, and the world, and aims to outline the limits of language and meaning.
    • Publication Year: 1921
    • Field: Philosophy
    • Difficulty Level: High
    • Topics Covered: Language, Logic, World
    • Philosophical School: Analytic Philosophy
  8. 8
    Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon is a postmodern novel which combines elements of science fiction, history and conspiracy theory. It is considered one of the most challenging works of 20th century literature.
    Gravity's Rainbow is a complex and challenging novel written by Thomas Pynchon. It revolves around the intersecting lives of numerous characters during World War II and delves into themes like paranoia, entropy, and the impact of technology on humanity. Pynchon's writing style is characterized by its dense prose, intricate plot structure, and extensive use of symbolism and allusions to historical events and literary works.
    • Publication Year: 1973
    • Genre: Postmodern fiction
    • Length: 760 pages
    • Multiple Narratives: Features a vast array of characters with distinct storylines
    • Puzzling Plot: Intricate and nonlinear narrative structure
    Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon in other rankings
  9. 9
    The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant is a philosophical treatise which attempts to establish the limits and scope of human knowledge. It is considered one of the most influential works of modern philosophy.
    The Critique of Pure Reason is a renowned philosophical work by Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher of the 18th century. It is considered one of the most difficult and influential books in the field of philosophy. The main focus of the book is on epistemology, attempting to determine the limits and nature of human knowledge.
    • Publication Year: 1781
    • Genre: Philosophy
    • Language: German
    • Subject: Epistemology
    • Length: Around 700 pages
  10. 10
    The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury. The language and vocabulary can be difficult for modern readers, as it is written in Middle English. It is considered one of the most important works of medieval literature.
    The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is a literary work considered to be one of the most difficult books to read. It is a collection of 24 stories written in Middle English during the 14th century. The tales are set in a frame story, with a group of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury. Chaucer's work showcases a diverse range of characters and explores various themes such as love, betrayal, religion, and social class.
    • Language: Middle English
    • Genre: Literary Fiction
    • Published: Late 14th century
    • Length: 22,000 lines
    • Structure: Collection of stories within a frame narrative
    The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer in other rankings

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Ranking factors for difficult to read

  1. Lexical complexity
    The difficulty of the vocabulary used in the text, including the use of rare or specialized words, jargon, and complex multi-syllabic terms.
  2. Sentence structure and syntax
    The complexity of the sentence structure, including the use of long sentences with multiple clauses, passive voice, or unusual grammatical constructions.
  3. Coherence and organization
    The logical flow and organization of the text, including the clear presentation of ideas, use of transitions, and overall structure of the content.
  4. Reading level
    The estimated reading level of the text, often calculated based on metrics such as the Flesch-Kincaid readability score or the Gunning Fog index.
  5. Abstract or figurative language
    The use of metaphors, symbolism, or other abstract language that may be difficult for some readers to comprehend.
  6. Context and background knowledge
    The extent to which the text relies on specific background knowledge or context that the reader may or may not possess.
  7. Cultural or historical context
    The relevance of the text's cultural or historical context to understanding its meaning, which may be challenging for readers unfamiliar with the specific context.
  8. Ambiguity or nuance
    The presence of ambiguity, subtlety, or nuance in the text, which may make it more challenging to fully comprehend.
  9. Density of information
    The amount of information packed into the text, which may make it more challenging to digest and understand.
  10. Purpose and intended audience
    The intended purpose of the text and the target audience, which may affect the difficulty of the content, as different readers may find certain topics more or less challenging depending on their familiarity with the subject.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult to read. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or read is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 197 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each read once every 24 hours. The rank of each read is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


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More information on most difficult to read

Reading is an essential skill that we use every day, but not all text is created equal. Some writing can be challenging to read for various reasons, such as complex vocabulary, convoluted sentence structures, or unfamiliar subject matter. However, what makes a text difficult to read can vary from person to person, depending on their background, education, and experience. In this article, we will explore the most challenging types of text to read and why they can be so daunting. Whether you're a student struggling with a challenging textbook or a professional trying to decipher a complex legal document, understanding the factors that make a text difficult to read can help you overcome these obstacles and improve your reading skills.

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