The Most Difficult Survival Game, Ranked

Choose the survival game you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:33
Survival games challenge players to manage resources, withstand environmental hazards, and overcome complex obstacles under the pressure of ongoing threats. Determining which game tops the chart as the most challenging can help both veterans and newcomers to the genre set expectations and prepare strategies. By comparing notes and experiences, players can gain insights into which games are most demanding and rewarding. This live ranking gathers input from a diverse community of gamers, updating as new votes are cast. It offers an opportunity for fans to have their say in shaping perceptions around the difficulty of these games. Whether you are looking to confirm your opinions or you are on the lookout for a new challenge, your contribution matters. Vote now and see where your favorite games stand in real-time.

What Is the Most Difficult Survival Game?

  1. 1

    Don't Starve

    An uncompromising wilderness survival game full of science and magic.
    • Developer: Klei Entertainment
    • Release Year: 2013
  2. 2

    The Long Dark

    A first-person survival game that simulates an environmental disaster scenario in the Canadian wilderness.
    • Developer: Hinterland Studio
    • Release Year: 2017
  3. 3


    A gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game.
    • Developer: Bohemia Interactive
    • Release Year: 2018
  4. 4

    Green Hell

    A sweltering struggle for survival in the Amazonian rainforest.
    • Developer: Creepy Jar
    • Release Year: 2019
  5. 5


    An underwater adventure game set on an alien ocean planet.
    • Developer: Unknown Worlds Entertainment
    • Release Year: 2018
  6. 6

    This War of Mine

    A war survival video game that differs from most war-themed video games by focusing on the civilian experience of war.
    • Developer: 11 bit studios
    • Release Year: 2014
  7. 7


    A multiplayer-only survival game where the objective is to survive in the wilderness using gathered or stolen materials.
    • Developer: Facepunch Studios
    • Release Year: 2018
  8. 8

    ARK: Survival Evolved

    A survival game that combines dinosaurs, crafting, and building mechanics.
    • Developer: Studio Wildcard
    • Release Year: 2017
  9. 9

    Conan Exiles

    An open-world survival game set in the lands of Conan the Barbarian.
    • Developer: Funcom
    • Release Year: 2018
  10. 10


    A city-building survival game where players must manage a city's resources to combat the freezing cold.
    • Developer: 11 bit studios
    • Release Year: 2018

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult survival game. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or survival is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 175 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each survival once every 24 hours. The rank of each survival is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


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More about the Most Difficult Survival Game

Survival games challenge players to stay alive in hostile environments. These games test resource management, strategic planning, and adaptability. Players often start with minimal supplies and must gather resources to build shelters, craft tools, and find food and water.

Survival games immerse players in worlds where danger lurks around every corner. Weather can change rapidly, bringing storms or extreme temperatures. Wild animals may attack, and other players or NPCs can pose threats. The need to eat and drink adds another layer of difficulty. Players must hunt, gather, or grow food while ensuring they have clean water.

Crafting systems are central to survival games. Players collect materials like wood, stone, and metal to create tools, weapons, and structures. Crafting requires knowledge of recipes and the right combination of items. Some games include complex skill trees, where players unlock new abilities and crafting options as they progress.

Inventory management is crucial. Players must decide what to carry and what to leave behind. Weight limits and limited storage space force tough choices. Carrying too much can slow movement, making escape from threats harder.

Exploration is a key element. Players must venture into unknown areas to find resources and learn about the environment. This can lead to encounters with new dangers or valuable discoveries. Maps may be incomplete or nonexistent, requiring players to navigate by landmarks or memory.

Survival games often feature permadeath or harsh penalties for dying. This raises the stakes, as mistakes can have severe consequences. Players must balance risk and reward, deciding when to fight, flee, or hide.

The environment itself can be an enemy. Players face challenges like harsh weather, natural disasters, and limited visibility. Some games include seasons, with changing conditions that affect survival strategies. Players must adapt to these changes, planning for winter or taking advantage of summer abundance.

Realism adds to the difficulty. Players must manage health, stamina, and sometimes even mental well-being. Injuries can slow movement or require treatment. Sleep may be necessary to avoid exhaustion, but finding a safe place to rest can be difficult.

Multiplayer survival games introduce social dynamics. Players can form alliances for mutual benefit or compete for resources. Trust becomes a valuable commodity, as betrayal can be a constant threat. Communication and cooperation are key to surviving in these environments.

Survival games appeal to those who enjoy challenges and strategic thinking. They require patience, observation, and quick decision-making. Success often comes from learning through failure, as each attempt provides new insights.

The most difficult survival games push players to their limits. They create immersive worlds where every choice matters and danger is ever-present. These games offer a unique blend of tension, strategy, and discovery, making them a compelling experience for dedicated players.

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