The Most Difficult Thing to Draw, Ranked

Choose the thing you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:33
Artists often encounter challenges that push their skills to the limit, and the difficulty of capturing certain subjects on paper can be a particularly formidable hurdle. By ranking these challenges, both novice and experienced artists can gain insights into which areas might require more practice and patience. This shared knowledge aids in setting realistic learning goals and preparing for the complexity of certain subjects. This interactive ranking system relies heavily on the contributions of its users. By casting votes, artists of all backgrounds help paint a clearer picture of which subjects are universally recognized as the most challenging. Thus, every vote not only influences the ranking but also enriches the collective understanding, allowing others to benefit from a broad spectrum of experiences and perspectives.

What Is the Most Difficult Thing to Draw?

  1. 1
    Human Faces

    Human Faces

    Capturing the subtleties and expressions of human faces is challenging due to the complexity of emotions and the need for accurate proportions.
    • Complexity Level: High
  2. 2


    The diversity of animal forms, textures, and movements makes them difficult to draw accurately, especially when capturing their essence and dynamism.
    • Variety Difficulty: High
  3. 3
    Perspective and Foreshortening

    Perspective and Foreshortening

    Mastering perspective and foreshortening is crucial for creating depth and realism in drawings, making it a difficult skill to acquire.
    • Technical Skill Required: High
  4. 5


    Hands are notoriously difficult to draw because of their intricate structures, various positions, and the detailed anatomy.
    • Detail Intensity: Very High
  5. 6
    Urban Landscapes

    Urban Landscapes

    The intricate details of buildings, streets, and the bustling atmosphere of urban landscapes make them complex to draw accurately.
    • Detail Overload: High
  6. 7
    Fabric and Clothing

    Fabric and Clothing

    The folds, textures, and patterns of fabric and clothing demand a deep understanding of how material drapes and interacts with the human body.
    • Drapery Complexity: High
  7. 8
    Transparent and Reflective Surfaces

    Transparent and Reflective Surfaces

    Capturing the essence of transparent and reflective surfaces requires understanding light and its interaction with objects, a complex skill to master.
    • Light Interaction Complexity: Very High
  8. 9


    The eyes are challenging due to their depth, the reflection of light they capture, and their role as the 'windows to the soul,' requiring precise detail for realism.
    • Expression Importance: Critical
  9. 10


    Drawing hair requires capturing its flow, texture, and volume, making it difficult to render realistically without it looking flat or overly stylized.
    • Texture Difficulty: High

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult thing to draw. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or thing is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 74 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each thing once every 24 hours. The rank of each thing is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Difficult Thing to Draw

Human Faces
Rank #1 for the most difficult thing to draw: Human Faces (Source)
Drawing can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. Artists often seek to capture the essence of their subjects. However, achieving this can be complex. The most difficult thing to draw often involves intricate details, subtle nuances, and precise proportions. These elements require a high level of skill and patience.

Artists must understand the subject's structure. This involves studying its form, shape, and how different parts connect. Observing these details helps in creating a realistic representation. Without this understanding, the drawing may lack depth and accuracy.

Light and shadow play a crucial role in drawing. They add dimension and bring the subject to life. Capturing the interplay of light and shadow requires keen observation. This skill helps in rendering the subject with a sense of realism. Artists must practice shading techniques to master this aspect.

Texture adds another layer of complexity. Different surfaces reflect light in unique ways. Artists must replicate these variations to make the drawing believable. This involves using various tools and techniques. Mastery of texture can elevate a drawing from good to exceptional.

Proportions are vital in drawing. They ensure that different elements relate correctly to each other. Inaccurate proportions can distort the subject's appearance. Artists use guidelines and measurements to maintain correct proportions. This practice requires precision and attention to detail.

Emotion and expression add life to a drawing. Capturing these elements involves understanding subtle cues. This can be the hardest part as it requires conveying feelings through lines and shapes. Artists often study human and animal behavior to improve their skills in this area.

Perspective is another challenging aspect. It involves representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface. This requires understanding how objects appear from different angles. Mastery of perspective can make a drawing more dynamic and realistic.

Practice is essential in overcoming these challenges. Artists must draw regularly to improve their skills. Each drawing offers a learning opportunity. Feedback from peers and mentors can also aid in development. Studying the work of masters provides insights into advanced techniques.

Patience and perseverance are key. Mastery does not come overnight. Artists must be willing to make mistakes and learn from them. Each challenge conquered brings them closer to their goal. The journey is as important as the destination.

Ultimately, the most difficult thing to draw pushes artists to their limits. It challenges their skills and tests their patience. Yet, it also offers the greatest rewards. The sense of achievement from overcoming these challenges is immense. This pursuit of excellence drives artists to improve continually.

In conclusion, drawing the most difficult subject involves understanding structure, mastering light and shadow, capturing texture, maintaining proportions, conveying emotion, and mastering perspective. It requires practice, patience, and perseverance. The journey is demanding but rewarding, offering growth and satisfaction.

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