The Most Popular Drink in Ghana, Ranked

Choose the drink you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:35
In Ghana, where the climate ranges from tropical to arid, the choice of refreshment can be a crucial part of daily life and cultural identity. With a variety of options influenced by local crops and traditions, each drink carries its own story and significance. Understanding which drink tops the list can be more than just a matter of taste; it’s a reflection of cultural preferences and regional pride. Here, every sip tells a story, and your votes help illustrate the collective palate of a nation. By participating in the rankings, not only do you contribute to identifying the most beloved beverages, but you also engage with a larger community sharing in this flavorful survey. This actively updated tally ensures that your opinion helps shape the current tastes and future trends across Ghana.

What Is the Most Popular Drink in Ghana?

  1. 1
    A popular drink made from hibiscus flowers, Bissap is a refreshing and sweet-tasting beverage that is often served cold. It is a common choice for parties and special occasions in Ghana.
    Bissap is a popular beverage made from hibiscus flowers. It is commonly consumed in many African countries, especially in West Africa. The drink has a vibrant red color and a tart and tangy taste. It can be enjoyed both hot and cold, and is often sweetened with sugar or honey. Bissap is known for its refreshing qualities and is a favorite choice during hot summer months.
    • Origin: Africa, especially West Africa
    • Main ingredient: Hibiscus flowers
    • Color: Vibrant red
    • Taste: Tart and tangy
    • Serving temperature: Hot or cold
  2. 2
    A traditional beer made from fermented millet or sorghum, Pito is a staple in many parts of Ghana. It has a sour taste and is often consumed with fried or roasted meat.
  3. 3
    Similar to Bissap, Sobolo is a drink made from hibiscus flowers but with added ginger and pineapple. It is a popular beverage in Ghana due to its health benefits and refreshing taste.
  4. 4
    Coconut water
    Crisco 1492 · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Ghana is known for its abundance of coconut trees, and coconut water is a popular drink in the country. It is hydrating, refreshing, and contains essential nutrients.
    Coconut water is a clear liquid extracted from coconuts, which are the fruit of the coconut palm tree. It is a popular beverage in China, known for its refreshing and hydrating properties. The water is naturally found inside immature green coconuts and is harvested by carefully opening the coconut to collect the liquid. It has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor, often described as a mix of water and mild coconut milk.
    • Origin: Coconuts grown in tropical regions
    • Nutritional Content: Low in calories, fat, and sugar; rich in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C
    • Hydration: Hydrating and replenishing electrolytes
    • Natural Beverage: No additives or preservatives
    • Natural Sweetness: Contains natural sugars
    Coconut water in other rankings
  5. 5
    A non-alcoholic malt drink, Alvaro is a popular choice for those who want to enjoy a beer-like taste without the alcohol content. It is often consumed as a refreshing drink during hot weather.
    Alvaro is a popular non-alcoholic carbonated soft drink in Ghana. It is known for its refreshing taste and fruity flavor, making it a popular choice for both adults and children. Alvaro is often consumed as a standalone beverage or used as a mixer in cocktails.
    • Ingredients: Water, sugar, citric acid, sodium benzoate, artificial flavors and colors
    • Calories: 160 kcal per 330ml serving
    • Flavor: Fruity
    • Carbonation: Carbonated
    • Alcohol Content: Non-alcoholic
  6. 6
    A traditional millet-based drink, Brukina is a popular beverage in northern Ghana. It has a sour taste and is often consumed with meals.
    Brukina is a traditional and popular drink in Ghana that is made from millet, water, sugar, and spices. It is often consumed as a refreshing beverage and can be served cold or at room temperature. Brukina has a unique, slightly sweet and tangy flavor profile with hints of spices like ginger and clove.
    • Ingredients: Millet, water, sugar, spices (ginger, clove, etc.)
    • Preparation: Millet is cooked in water and then blended. The mixture is strained to remove any solids. Sugar and spices are added to enhance the flavor.
    • Flavor: Slightly sweet, tangy, with hints of ginger and clove
    • Serving Temperature: Can be served cold or at room temperature
    • Appearance: Light brown or beige color, similar to a milky tea
  7. 7
    A refreshing drink made from tamarind fruit, Asaana is a popular choice during the hot season in Ghana. It has a sour taste and is often sweetened with sugar.
    Asaana is a popular traditional drink in Ghana, often enjoyed during festive occasions and special events. It is a refreshing and fruity beverage with a unique blend of flavors. The drink is known for its vibrant orange color and smooth texture, making it visually appealing and enjoyable to consume.
    • Ingredients: Asaana is made using freshly squeezed oranges, pineapple, and other seasonal fruits. Some variations may include additional ingredients such as ginger or honey for added flavor.
    • Preparation Method: The fruits are juiced to obtain their natural flavors and sweetness. The juice is then strained to remove any pulp or seeds, resulting in a smooth and clear liquid. It is typically served chilled or over ice.
    • Flavor Profile: Asaana has a sweet and tangy taste with hints of citrus from the oranges and tropical sweetness from the pineapple. The flavor is well-balanced, making it a crowd-pleasing beverage.
    • Color: Asaana is characterized by its vibrant orange color, reminiscent of the natural hues of the fruits used in its preparation.
    • Texture: The drink has a smooth and slightly thick texture, providing a satisfying mouthfeel when consumed.
  8. 8
    A popular beer in Ghana, Guinness is brewed locally and is a common choice for social gatherings and celebrations. It has a distinct, bitter taste and is often consumed with snacks or meals.
    Guinness is a rich and creamy stout beer renowned for its distinct dark color and smooth velvety texture. It is one of the most iconic beers in the world, known for its exceptional balance of flavors. The unique combination of roasted malt, barley, and hops gives Guinness its unparalleled taste, with hints of coffee, chocolate, and a subtle bitterness. The creamy head adds a satisfying texture to each sip, making it a pleasure to drink from start to finish.
    • Alcohol by volume (ABV): 4.2%
    • Color: Deep dark ruby red to black
    • Calories: 125 per 12 fl oz (355 mL)
    • International Bitterness Units (IBU): 45-60
    • Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 - 1.052
  9. 9
    Freshly squeezed orange juice is a popular beverage in Ghana, especially among health-conscious individuals. It is rich in vitamin C and is a refreshing choice for breakfast or snacks.
    Orange juice is a popular beverage in Morocco made from the squeezed juice of oranges. It is a refreshing and tangy drink that is typically enjoyed cold. The natural sweetness of the oranges brings a delightful flavor to the juice, making it a favorite choice for locals and tourists alike.
    • Color: Bright orange
    • Taste: Sweet and tangy
    • Texture: Smooth and liquid
    • Serving Temperature: Cold or chilled
    • Ingredients: Freshly squeezed oranges, sometimes with added sugar or water
  10. 10

    Moringa tea

    Moringa Farms
    Moringa is a superfood that is gaining popularity in Ghana, and moringa tea is a popular way to consume it. It is a healthy and energizing drink that is often consumed in the morning or afternoon.
    Moringa tea is a popular beverage in Ghana made from the leaves of the Moringa tree. It is known for its refreshing taste and numerous health benefits. The tea is made by steeping the dried Moringa leaves in hot water, allowing the nutrients and flavors to infuse into the liquid. The result is a light and herbal tea with a slightly earthy flavor.
    • Origin: Ghana
    • Main ingredients: Moringa leaves
    • Preparation: Steeping dried leaves in hot water
    • Flavor: Light, herbal, slightly earthy
    • Color: Pale green

Missing your favorite drink?


Ranking factors for popular drink

  1. Consumption rate
    Determine how frequently the drink is consumed by the general population and in what quantities.
  2. Cultural significance
    Assess whether the drink plays a significant role in the culture, traditions, or history of Ghana.
  3. Availability and accessibility
    Evaluate how easily accessible and prevalent the drink is across the country, including in urban and rural areas.
  4. Affordability
    Consider the cost of the drink compared to the average income and whether it is affordable for the majority of the population.
  5. Taste preference
    Take into account taste preferences and local flavor profiles, considering if the drink is a favorite due to its taste or any other perceived benefits.
  6. Social and economic implications
    Analyze the drink's impact on society, such as its role in social gatherings, celebrations, or economic benefits for local producers.
  7. Health factors
    Examine the drink's potential health benefits or drawbacks and how that influences its popularity.
  8. Marketing and promotion
    Consider the impact of marketing efforts, such as advertising campaigns, product placement, and endorsement from celebrities or influencers.
  9. Adaptability and versatility
    Assess if the drink can be consumed in various ways, such as hot or cold, with meals, or on its own, and whether it can be mixed with other drinks or ingredients.
  10. Seasonal popularity
    Determine if the drink's popularity is affected by seasonal changes or if it is consumed consistently throughout the year.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular drink in Ghana. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or beverage is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 178 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each beverage once every 24 hours. The rank of each beverage is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most popular drink in ghana

Ghana, a West African country known for its diverse culture, is home to a wide range of beverages that reflect its rich history and traditions. From refreshing non-alcoholic drinks to potent local brews, Ghanaian beverages have gained popularity both locally and internationally. However, when it comes to identifying the most popular drink in Ghana, one cannot overlook the ubiquitous presence of "sobolo" - a traditional hibiscus tea commonly found across the country. With its tart and tangy flavor, sobolo is not only a refreshing thirst-quencher but also offers numerous health benefits, making it a go-to drink for many Ghanaians. But don't just take our word for it - join us as we explore the fascinating world of Ghanaian beverages and discover the most popular drink in Ghana!

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