The Most Popular Drink in Korea, Ranked

Choose the drink you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 24, 2024 07:04
In the heart of Korea’s bustling streets and serene countryside, locals and visitors alike reach often for their favorite refreshments, creating a tapestry of tastes unique to the region. The popularity of a drink can reveal a lot about cultural trends, seasonal preferences, and even historical influences that shape a nation’s palate. By ranking these beloved beverages, we gain insight into what people are enjoying most at any given time, strengthening our understanding of Korea’s vibrant culture. This live ranking taps directly into the current wave of popular opinion, shifting with each new vote to reflect real-time preferences. Every individual’s vote helps paint a more accurate picture of the nation’s current favorite drinks. Join in and cast your vote to see how your preferences compare with others, and perhaps even find a new favorite to try on your next visit to a local or online Korean market.

What Is the Most Popular Drink in Korea?

  1. 1
    Soju is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from rice, wheat, or barley. It is the most popular drink in Korea and often consumed during social gatherings or meals.
    Soju is a clear distilled liquor that is considered the most popular alcoholic drink in Korea. It is traditionally made from rice, although other starches like wheat, barley, or sweet potatoes can be used as well. Soju has a mild taste with a slightly sweet flavor and a smooth, clean finish. It is typically consumed neat, but it can also be mixed with fruit juices or used as an ingredient in cocktails.
    • Alcohol Content: Generally ranges from 16% to 45%, but typically around 20%.
    • Color: Clear
    • Ingredients: Traditional Soju: Rice, wheat, barley, or sweet potatoes. Modern Soju: A combination of starches, such as grain, tapioca, and sweeteners.
    • Flavor: Mild with a slightly sweet taste
    • Serving Temperature: Usually served chilled, but can also be enjoyed at room temperature or mixed into hot beverages.
  2. 2
    Makgeolli is a traditional Korean rice wine that is milky in appearance and slightly sweet. It is often enjoyed with savory snacks or spicy food.
    Makgeolli is a traditional Korean fermented rice wine with a milky appearance and a slightly sweet and tangy taste. It is made by mixing rice, water, and a fermentation starter called nuruk. This cloudy and unfiltered beverage has a low alcohol content, usually ranging from 6% to 8%.
    • Appearance: Milky and cloudy
    • Taste: Slightly sweet and tangy
    • Alcohol Content: Around 6% to 8%
    • Ingredients: Rice, water, nuruk (fermentation starter)
    • Fermentation Process: Natural fermentation using nuruk
  3. 3
    Green tea
    Vyacheslav Argenberg · CC BY 4.0
    Green tea is a popular tea in Korea known for its health benefits and calming effects. It is often enjoyed with traditional Korean sweets or desserts.
    Green tea is a traditional Korean drink made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. It is characterized by its pale green color and unique vegetal flavor. Green tea has gained popularity for its numerous health benefits and is enjoyed both hot and cold in Korea.
    • Type: Camellia sinensis
    • Color: Pale green
    • Flavor: Vegetal
    • Health benefits: Rich in antioxidants, aids in weight loss, cardiovascular health, etc.
    • Temperature: Usually served hot but can be enjoyed cold as well
    Green tea in other rankings
  4. 4
    Coffee - coffee culture has become increasingly popular in Korea, with many coffee shops and cafes popping up throughout the country.
  5. 5
    Milkis is a carbonated milk drink that is popular among young Koreans. It is sweet and refreshing, often enjoyed as a substitute for soda.
    Milkis is a popular carbonated soft drink in Korea that combines the refreshing taste of soda with the creamy flavor of milk. It is a unique and beloved beverage known for its sweet and bubbly nature.
    • Flavor: Milky and fruity
    • Texture: Carbonated and creamy
    • Color: Pale white
    • Ingredients: Carbonated water, sugar, skim milk powder, corn syrup, citric acid, artificial flavors
    • Calories: Approximately 96 kcal per serving (250 ml)
  6. 6
    Bokbunja ju is a sweet, fruity wine made from black raspberries. It is often enjoyed as a dessert wine or after-dinner drink.
    Bokbunja ju is a traditional Korean fruit wine made from Bokbunja berries, which are native to Korea. It has a deep red color and a sweet, tangy flavor with a hint of natural acidity. Bokbunja ju is known for its medicinal properties and is often enjoyed for its health benefits. It is also considered a popular alcoholic beverage in Korea, particularly among women.
    • Berries: Made from Bokbunja berries
    • Color: Deep red
    • Flavor: Sweet, tangy with a hint of natural acidity
    • Medicinal Properties: Known for its health benefits
    • Popularity: Considered a popular alcoholic beverage in Korea
  7. 7
    Sikhye is a sweet rice drink that is often served as a dessert or snack. It has a slightly fizzy texture and is made from malted rice.
    Sikhye is a traditional Korean sweet rice beverage made from malted rice. It has a refreshing and slightly fizzy taste, with a unique combination of sweetness and subtle fermented flavors. Sikhye is typically enjoyed as a dessert or a special treat during festive occasions in Korea.
    • Type: Traditional Korean beverage
    • Ingredients: Malted rice, water, sugar, and sometimes pine nuts or jujube
    • Preparation: The malted rice is cooked and mixed with water. It is then sweetened with sugar and allowed to ferment for a short period, yielding its distinctive flavor and carbonation.
    • Appearance: Clear, amber-colored liquid with a slight cloudiness
    • Taste: Sweet, slightly fizzy, with subtle fermented flavors
  8. 8
    Dongdongju is a traditional Korean rice wine that is unfiltered and often served in a bowl. It has a slightly sour taste and is often enjoyed with spicy food.
    Dongdongju is a traditional Korean alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice. It has a milky, slightly sweet taste and a smooth texture. Dongdongju is often enjoyed during festive occasions and social gatherings in Korea.
    • Alcohol Content: 6-8% ABV
    • Main Ingredients: Rice, Nuruk (traditional fermentation starter), Water
    • Color: Cloudy, white
    • Serving Temperature: Chilled or at room temperature
    • Glassware: Traditional Korean bowls or small cups
  9. 9
    Fruit juices is with an abundance of fresh fruit available in Korea, fruit juices are a popular drink choice. Popular flavors include watermelon, pineapple, and grapefruit.
    Fruit juices in Colombia are refreshing and vibrant beverages made from a variety of tropical fruits. These juices are highly popular and widely consumed throughout the country.
    • Variety of Fruits: Exotic fruits like passion fruit, guava, lulo, maracuyá (passion fruit), mora (blackberry), mango, pineapple, and papaya are commonly used in Colombian fruit juices.
    • Freshness: The fruit juices are made with freshly squeezed or blended fruits, ensuring maximum flavor and nutritional value.
    • No Added Sugar: Most Colombian fruit juices are typically not sweetened with additional sugar, allowing the natural sweetness of the fruits to shine.
    • Variety of Preparations: Colombian fruit juices can be served as simple freshly squeezed juices, or they can be blended with ice to create refreshing frozen beverages known as 'batidos'.
    • Frequent Consumption: Fruit juices are consumed throughout the day in Colombia, not only during meals but also as refreshing drinks between meals.
    Fruit juices in other rankings
  10. 10
    Yakult is a probiotic drink that is popular in Korea for its health benefits. It has a sweet taste and is often consumed as a daily health supplement.
    Yakult is a popular probiotic drink in Korea that originated in Japan. It is a fermented milk beverage that contains live beneficial bacteria, primarily Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota. It has a sweet and tangy flavor, and is often consumed as a daily health drink.
    • Bottle size: 65 ml
    • Calories: 40
    • Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota
    • Shelf life: Approximately 30 days
    • Sugar content: Approximately 9 grams

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Ranking factors for popular drink

  1. Sales volume
    The number of units sold in a given period can be a significant indicator of a drink's popularity.
  2. Market share
    A drink's market share compared to other beverages in the market can show how popular it is among consumers.
  3. Google search trends
    The number of searches related to a particular drink can reflect its overall interest and popularity.
  4. Social media presence and engagement
    The number of followers, shares, likes, and comments on a drink's social media pages can indicate its popularity.
  5. Availability and distribution
    A drink's popularity can also be measured by how easily accessible it is to consumers. This includes the number of retail locations where it can be purchased and its presence on restaurant and bar menus.
  6. Cultural significance
    Drinks that have a strong cultural or historical connection to the country can be popular by default. In Korea, traditional drinks like soju, makgeolli, and sikhye hold cultural significance, which may contribute to their popularity.
  7. Celebrity endorsements and sponsorships
    Drinks that have well-known celebrities endorsing or promoting them may experience a boost in popularity.
  8. Product innovation and variation
    A diverse product range, including different flavors, packaging, and limited-edition releases, can influence a drink's popularity and appeal to a broader audience.
  9. Awards and recognitions
    Winning prestigious awards or receiving high ratings in industry competitions can also contribute to a drink's popularity in the market.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular drink in Korea. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or beverage is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 207 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each beverage once every 24 hours. The rank of each beverage is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most popular drink in korea

Korea is a country with a rich and diverse culinary culture, and the same holds true for its beverages. Korean people enjoy a variety of traditional drinks, such as Makgeolli, a type of rice wine, and Soju, a distilled liquor made from grains, as well as modern beverages like coffee and soda. However, when it comes to the most popular drink in Korea, there is one beverage that stands out above the rest: Green tea. Known for its health benefits and refreshing taste, green tea has become a staple in Korean culture and is enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether it's a hot cup of tea on a chilly winter day or a refreshing iced green tea on a hot summer day, this beloved beverage has captured the hearts of many Koreans and is a symbol of Korean drinking culture.

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