The Most Dramatic Tides in the World, Ranked

Choose the tides you think is the most dramatic!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:15
Maritime enthusiasts and coastal dwellers often engage in discussions about the impressive nature of the world's dramatic tides. Having a ranked list of these tides can greatly enhance planning and safety measures for those living near or visiting these coastal areas. By understanding which tides present the most dramatic changes, individuals can better prepare for the unique challenges they pose. A comprehensive list, generated from user votes, serves as a key resource, providing insights and sparking curiosity about these natural phenomena. Voting on such a list not only aids in promoting awareness but also empowers users to share their experiences and knowledge with a broader community. Together, users contribute to a dynamic resource that is continuously updated and refined through collective input.

What Are the Most Dramatic Tides in the World?

  1. 1
    King Sound

    King Sound

    King Sound in Western Australia is known for its large tidal movements, influenced by its unique geographical features.
    • Tidal range: Up to 11.8 meters (39 feet)
  2. 2

    Morecambe Bay

    Located in the United Kingdom, Morecambe Bay is known for its quicksand and fast-moving tides.
    • Tidal range: Up to 10 meters (33 feet)
  3. 3
    Ungava Bay

    Ungava Bay

    Situated in northern Quebec, Canada, Ungava Bay experiences extremely high tides due to its unique shape and location.
    • Tidal range: Up to 17 meters (56 feet)
  4. 4
    Bristol Channel

    Bristol Channel

    The Bristol Channel lies between South Wales and the English counties of Somerset and Devon, known for its high tidal range.
    • Tidal range: Up to 15 meters (49 feet)
  5. 5
    Cook Inlet

    Cook Inlet

    Located in Alaska, USA, Cook Inlet experiences significant tidal variations, making it one of the most dramatic tides in the world.
    • Tidal range: Up to 12 meters (39 feet)
  6. 6


    Located in Normandy, France, Mont-Saint-Michel is famous for its medieval architecture and the dramatic tides that surround it.
    • Tidal range: Up to 14 meters (46 feet)
  7. 7
    Bay of Fundy

    Bay of Fundy

    Located between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in Canada, the Bay of Fundy is famous for having the highest tides in the world.
    • Tidal range: Up to 16.3 meters (53 feet)
  8. 8
    Turnagain Arm

    Turnagain Arm

    Part of Cook Inlet in Alaska, Turnagain Arm's tides are not only high but also notable for bore tide phenomena.
    • Tidal range: Up to 10.7 meters (35 feet)
  9. 9
    Amazon River

    Amazon River

    The Amazon River in Brazil is famous for its tidal bore, known as the 'Pororoca,' which creates dramatic tides along its length.
    • Tidal range: Up to 4 meters (13 feet)
  10. 10
    Severn Estuary

    Severn Estuary

    Bordering England and Wales, the Severn Estuary is noted for its high tidal range, which is one of the highest globally.
    • Tidal range: Up to 15 meters (49 feet)

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most dramatic tides in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Tide is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 1 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Tide once every 24 hours. The rank of each Tide is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Dramatic Tides in the World

King Sound
Rank #1 for the most dramatic tides in the world: King Sound (Source)
Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. They occur in predictable patterns and affect coastal regions worldwide. Some places experience more dramatic tides than others. These areas see significant differences between high and low tides, creating unique and sometimes challenging environments.

The gravitational forces from the moon and the sun pull on the Earth's water. The moon has a stronger effect because it is closer. When the moon is directly overhead or on the opposite side of the Earth, it pulls the water toward it, creating a high tide. On the sides of the Earth perpendicular to the moon, low tides occur. The sun's gravitational pull also affects tides, but to a lesser extent.

In some regions, the shape of the coastline and the ocean floor amplifies tidal effects. Narrow bays, inlets, and estuaries can funnel water, increasing the height of tides. When the tide rises, water rushes into these areas, and when it falls, water flows out quickly. This movement can create strong currents and turbulent waters.

Tidal ranges, the difference between high and low tides, vary around the world. Some places have small tidal ranges, with only a meter or two difference. Others experience dramatic tidal ranges, with differences of several meters. These dramatic tides can have significant impacts on the environment and human activity.

In regions with dramatic tides, the landscape changes drastically between high and low tides. At high tide, water covers large areas, while at low tide, vast expanses of mudflats or sandbars are exposed. This creates unique habitats for various plants and animals. Many species have adapted to these changing conditions, thriving in both submerged and exposed environments.

Human activities in areas with dramatic tides must adapt to these changes. Coastal communities often build structures like docks and piers that can withstand the forces of strong tides. Fishing and boating activities must consider tidal schedules to ensure safety and efficiency. In some places, tidal energy is harnessed to generate electricity, using the power of the moving water.

Tourism can also be impacted by dramatic tides. Coastal attractions may be accessible only at certain times of the day, depending on the tide. Visitors to these areas often plan their activities around the tidal schedule to experience the full beauty and power of the tides.

Dramatic tides can also pose risks. Strong currents and rapidly changing water levels can be dangerous for swimmers and boaters. Coastal erosion can be more pronounced in areas with large tidal ranges, threatening structures and natural habitats. Understanding and respecting the power of tides is crucial for safety and environmental conservation.

In conclusion, tides are a natural phenomenon influenced by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. Some regions experience dramatic tidal ranges due to the shape of their coastlines and ocean floors. These tides create unique environments and challenges for both nature and human activities. By understanding and adapting to these powerful forces, people can safely enjoy and benefit from the dynamic coastal landscapes shaped by dramatic tides.

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