The Most Exciting Things in Life, Ranked

Choose the things you think is the most exciting!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 6, 2024 06:15
In a world bustling with choices and preferences, it often becomes overwhelming to sift through everything individually to identify the best. A structured ranking helps streamline this process, giving clarity on what generally appeals to the masses or holds value. This leads to a community-driven guide that assists individuals in making informed decisions or simply finding joy in what is broadly appreciated. By participating in the voting process, users directly influence the outcomes, ensuring that the rankings reflect the current popular opinion. This dynamic interaction not only fosters a sense of community but also keeps the content fresh and relevant. It's a collaborative effort to highlight and celebrate the most engaging aspects of life, curated by those who experience and cherish them.

What Are the Most Exciting Things in Life?

  1. 1
    Traveling - experiencing new cultures, meeting new people, and seeing different parts of the world.
    Traveling is the act of journeying from one place to another, typically to explore different destinations, experience new cultures, or engage in leisure activities. It involves the physical movement of individuals or groups, often with the purpose of visiting tourist attractions, historical sites, natural wonders, or simply enjoying a change of scenery.
    • Mode of transport: Varies (e.g., by car, plane, train, etc.)
    • Duration: Can range from a few hours to several months
    • Purpose: Leisure, exploration, business, education, etc.
    • Destinations: Unlimited worldwide options
    • Accommodation: Hotels, hostels, resorts, camping, etc.
  2. 2
    Love is finding that special someone who makes your heart skip a beat and brings joy to your life.
    Love is an intense feeling of affection, warmth, and deep attachment towards someone or something. It is a complex emotion that is characterized by compassion, care, and generosity.
    • Unconditional: Love is not based on conditions or expectations
    • Selfless: Love is giving without expecting anything in return
    • Empathetic: Love involves understanding and feeling the emotions of others
    • Powerful: Love has the ability to transform people and relationships
    • Universal: Love is a feeling that transcends cultures, languages, and borders
  3. 3
    Accomplishing goals is whether it's completing a project at work or achieving a personal goal, the feeling of accomplishment is exhilarating.
    Accomplishing goals refers to the process of achieving specific objectives or targets that individuals or groups have set for themselves. It brings a sense of fulfillment, satisfaction, and growth as it pushes people to work towards their desired outcomes and overcome obstacles in the pursuit of success.
    • Motivation: The driving force that initiates, guides, and sustains goal-directed behavior
    • Focus: The ability to concentrate efforts and energy towards achieving the desired goals
    • Persistence: The determination to keep going despite challenges and setbacks
    • Planning: Creating a structured approach to outline the steps and resources needed to achieve goals
    • Self-discipline: The ability to stay committed, follow through, and avoid distractions
  4. 4
    Adventure - trying new things, taking risks, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
    Adventure is an exhilarating and thrilling activity that involves exploring the unknown, facing challenges, and embarking on a journey filled with excitement and adrenaline. It provides individuals with an opportunity to break away from their routine, push their boundaries, and create lifelong memories.
    • Nature of activity: Highly immersive and engaging outdoor pursuit.
    • Variety of experiences: Involves a wide range of activities such as hiking, camping, rock climbing, mountaineering, water sports, etc.
    • Element of risk: Inherently involves some level of risk and uncertainty, making it both thrilling and challenging.
    • Physical fitness requirements: Often requires a reasonable level of physical fitness and endurance.
    • Mental resilience: Necessitates mental resilience and adaptability to overcome obstacles and unexpected situations.
  5. 5
    Creativity - expressing yourself through art, music, writing, or any other form of creative outlet.
    Creativity is the ability to generate new and unique ideas, concepts, and solutions. It involves thinking outside the box, finding connections between seemingly unrelated things, and pushing the boundaries of traditional thoughts and practices. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature, enabling us to innovate, express ourselves, and bring new things into existence.
    • Imagination: Creativity involves the ability to imagine and envision new possibilities.
    • Originality: The ideas generated through creativity are unique and distinguishable.
    • Problem-solving: Creativity helps in finding innovative solutions to challenges and issues.
    • Flexibility: It allows for adaptability and the ability to think in unconventional ways.
    • Open-mindedness: Being open to different perspectives and ideas facilitates creative thinking.
  6. 6
    Learning - expanding your knowledge and skills, and discovering new things about the world around you.
    Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or understanding through study, experience, or teaching. It is a lifelong journey of developing oneself intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
    • Continuous: Learning is ongoing and can happen at any point in life.
    • Adaptive: Learning can be tailored to individual needs and preferences.
    • Interactive: Learning often involves active engagement and participation.
    • Varied: Learning can occur through different mediums such as books, lectures, discussions, experiences, etc.
    • Progressive: Learning builds upon previous knowledge and experiences.
  7. 7
    Helping others is making a positive impact in someone else's life and contributing to a greater good.
    Helping others refers to the act of providing assistance, support, or aid to individuals or communities in need. The concept revolves around selflessly giving one's time, resources, or skills for the betterment of others. It encompasses various forms of help, such as volunteering, donating, mentoring, and lending a helping hand in times of crisis.
    • Impact: Helping others has a positive impact on both the person providing assistance and the recipient.
    • Empathy: It requires understanding and empathy towards the needs and struggles of others.
    • Altruism: Helping others often stems from a genuine desire to improve the well-being of others without expecting anything in return.
    • Collaboration: It often involves collaboration and working together with individuals or organizations to achieve common goals.
    • Personal Growth: Helping others can lead to personal growth by enhancing skills, developing compassion, and expanding one's perspective.
    Helping others in other rankings
  8. 8

    Personal growth

    Personal growth - continually improving yourself and becoming the best possible version of yourself.
    Personal growth refers to the continuous process of self-improvement, development, and learning. It involves expanding one's knowledge, skills, and experiences, as well as cultivating positive traits and habits. Personal growth often involves setting goals, overcoming challenges, and embracing change in various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, physical and mental wellbeing, and spirituality.
    • 1: Self-reflection and self-awareness
    • 2: Goal-setting and planning
    • 3: Continuous learning and acquiring new knowledge
    • 4: Embracing challenges and stepping outside the comfort zone
    • 5: Developing and improving skills and abilities
  9. 9
    Nature - experiencing the beauty and majesty of the natural world, from mountains and oceans to forests and deserts.
    Nature is the physical world and everything in it which includes all living and non-living things such as trees, oceans, mountains and animals. It is a vast and diverse ecosystem that exists on Earth and beyond.
    • Biodiversity: Nature holds around 8.7 million species in existence.
    • Ecological balance: An interdependent relationship among all the living and non-living things that contributes to the ecological balance.
    • Air and water quality: Nature provides pure and clean air and water which is essential for the survival of all living things.
    • Renewable resources: It provides us with renewable sources of energy like solar, wind and hydropower.
    • Climate regulation: Nature helps in maintaining the temperature and climate of the Earth through various natural cycles.
  10. 10
    Laughter - the joy and release of laughter, whether it's through comedy, spending time with loved ones, or just enjoying life's simple pleasures.
    Laughter is a universal expression of joy and amusement that brings people together in moments of happiness. It is the sound produced by the lungs and vocal cords when the body experiences pleasure or finds something humorous.
    • Physiological Response: Triggered by the release of endorphins and dopamine in the brain.
    • Social Bonding: Builds connections among individuals and strengthens relationships.
    • Stress Relief: Helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation.
    • Health Benefits: Boosts the immune system, improves cardiovascular health, and reduces pain.
    • Mood Elevator: Enhances mood and overall well-being.

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Ranking factors for exciting things

  1. Novelty
    New experiences and discoveries often bring excitement, so the degree of novelty can be a key factor.
  2. Challenge and personal growth
    Experiences that push individuals out of their comfort zone and help them grow can be very exciting.
  3. Emotional impact
    Excitement often comes with strong emotions, such as joy, anticipation, and awe, so consider how various experiences engage emotions.
  4. Social interaction and shared experiences
    Exciting experiences are often made even more thrilling when shared with others, so consider the social aspect of an experience.
  5. Rarity and uniqueness
    Rare and unique experiences can be particularly exciting since they are often not easily replicated.
  6. Sense of adventure
    Some people seek out excitement in the form of adventure and exploration, so consider the level of adventure associated with different experiences.
  7. Adrenaline rush
    For some, the physical thrill of adrenaline is a major factor in determining excitement, such as in extreme sports or thrill-seeking experiences.
  8. Mental stimulation
    Exciting experiences can also involve engaging and stimulating one's mind, such as solving complex problems or learning something new.
  9. Long-lasting impact and memorable moments
    Experiences that leave a lasting impression or create unforgettable memories are often considered exciting.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most exciting things in life. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Thing is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 162 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Thing once every 24 hours. The rank of each Thing is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most exciting things in life

Life is full of surprises and exciting moments that make it worth living. From traveling to new destinations, trying new foods, meeting new people, to achieving personal goals, life is full of exciting things that keep us motivated and engaged. Exciting experiences can be subjective, and what one person finds thrilling may not be as exciting to the other. However, there are some common things that most people find exciting such as exploring new places, learning new skills, trying new things, and spending time with loved ones. In this article, we will explore some of the most exciting things in life that keep us inspired, energized, and fulfilled.

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