The Most Famous Alexander, Ranked

Choose the Alexander you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:30
History and popular culture have presented us with many distinguished individuals named Alexander, each excelling in different domains. Identifying the most influential among them is both a challenge and an intriguing pursuit. As the legacies of these figures are discussed and celebrated differently across cultures and disciplines, establishing a comprehensive ranking helps provide clarity and a structured analysis. By participating in the ranking process, users contribute to a collective assessment that reflects diverse perspectives and insights. This not only enhances the understanding of each Alexander's impact but also stimulates engaging discussions among participants. The dynamic nature of live voting ensures that the list remains current and reflective of ongoing changes in public opinion.

Who Is the Most Famous Alexander?

  1. 4
    Alexander Fleming

    Alexander Fleming

    Biologist, pharmacologist, and botanist known for discovering penicillin.
    • Nobel Prize: 1945 in Physiology or Medicine
    • Discovery: Penicillin in 1928
  2. 5
    Alexander Pope

    Alexander Pope

    18th-century English poet best known for his satirical verse and translation of Homer.
    • Notable Works: The Rape of the Lock, The Dunciad
    • Era: Enlightenment
  3. 6
    Alexander McQueen

    Alexander McQueen

    British fashion designer known for his controversial and provocative designs.
    • Brand: Alexander McQueen
    • Awards: British Designer of the Year (multiple times)
  4. 7
    Alexander Calder

    Alexander Calder

    American sculptor known as the originator of the mobile, a type of kinetic sculpture.
    • Sculpture Type: Mobiles
    • Movement: Abstract expressionism
  5. 8
    Alexander II of Russia

    Alexander II of Russia

    Emperor of Russia who enacted significant reforms including the emancipation of serfs.
    • Reign: 1855–1881
    • Reform: Emancipation of the serfs, 1861
  6. 9
    Alexander Pushkin

    Alexander Pushkin

    Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era.
    • Notable Works: Eugene Onegin, Boris Godunov
    • Death: 1837 (Duel)
  7. 10
    Alexander Volta

    Alexander Volta

    Italian physicist, chemist, and a pioneer of electricity and power.
    • Invention: Voltaic pile (battery)
    • Unit of Electric Potential: Volt (named after him)

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Alexander. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Alexander is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 203 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Alexander once every 24 hours. The rank of each Alexander is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Alexander

Alexander the Great
Rank #1 for the most famous Alexander: Alexander the Great (Source)
Alexander is a name that echoes through history. It carries stories of greatness, ambition, and conquest. Many figures named Alexander have shaped the world in various ways. They have left marks that are still visible today.

The name Alexander comes from the Greek name Alexandros. It means "defender of the people" or "protector of men." This name has been borne by kings, emperors, and leaders. Each one has contributed to the legacy of the name.

One Alexander was known for his military genius. He led campaigns that stretched across continents. His strategies are still studied in military schools. His empire was vast, and it changed the course of history. He founded cities that became cultural and economic hubs. These cities fostered trade and spread ideas.

Another Alexander made his mark in the field of science. He pushed the boundaries of human knowledge. His inventions and discoveries improved the quality of life for many. His work laid the foundation for future advancements. Today, his name is often associated with innovation and progress.

Yet another Alexander was a ruler known for his reforms. He sought to modernize his country. He introduced changes that improved governance and the economy. His efforts brought stability and growth. His reign is remembered as a time of progress and enlightenment.

The legacy of Alexander is not limited to one field. It spans military, science, and governance. Each Alexander has left a unique imprint on history. Their achievements inspire and teach valuable lessons.

The name Alexander continues to be popular. It is a name given to boys in many cultures. Parents choose it for its strong and noble connotations. The name carries a sense of history and significance.

In literature, Alexander is a symbol of greatness. Writers use it to evoke images of heroism and leadership. It appears in stories, poems, and plays. The name brings with it a sense of grandeur and importance.

In popular culture, Alexander remains a prominent figure. Films, books, and documentaries explore the lives of famous Alexanders. They highlight their achievements and struggles. These works keep the legacy of Alexander alive for new generations.

The influence of Alexander is evident in various fields. In architecture, some structures bear his name. In education, institutions are named after him. In science, his contributions are still recognized.

The name Alexander has stood the test of time. It represents a blend of strength, intelligence, and vision. Each Alexander has added to its rich history. Their stories remind us of the potential for greatness within us all.

In conclusion, Alexander is a name that carries weight. It is associated with leaders, innovators, and reformers. The legacy of Alexander is diverse and far-reaching. It continues to inspire and influence the world today.

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