The Most Famous Artist in India, Ranked

Choose the artist you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 20, 2024 08:03
In the colorful and dynamic landscape of Indian art, artists contribute expansive arrays of styles and stories from the many corners of the subcontinent. Inspirational figures emerge from all forms of media, reshaping how we see, think, and feel about the environment around us. Ranking these artists not only highlights their influence but also provides insight into the cultural heartbeat of India. Each vote cast on this list is a reflection of personal tastes and cultural impact, coming together to sculpt a collective appreciation of artistic genius. The resulting rankings offer a unique snapshot of societal trends and click preferences, which can shift as new talents emerge and new narratives are told. Engaging with this process not only enriches the viewer's experience but enriches the broader dialogue about art in India.

Who Is the Most Famous Artist in India?

  1. 1
    Raja Ravi Varma
    Bhawani Ram · Public domain
    He is considered to be one of the greatest painters in the history of Indian art. His work is known for its use of vivid colors and realistic portrayal of Indian life and mythology.
    Raja Ravi Varma in other rankings
  2. 2
    MF Husain
    Abrsinha · CC BY-SA 4.0
    He is known as the "Picasso of India" and was one of the most important artists of the 20th century. His work is characterized by his unique style of painting and his use of Indian themes and motifs.
  3. 3
    He was a poet, writer, and artist who was the first Indian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. His work is known for its simplicity and its focus on the beauty of nature.
    Rabindranath Tagore in other rankings
  4. 4
    She was an Indian-Hungarian painter who is considered to be one of the greatest painters of the 20th century. Her work is known for its bold use of color and its depiction of Indian life and culture.
  5. 5
    Jamini Roy
    Marajozkee · CC BY-SA 4.0
    He was a Bengali painter who is known for his unique style of painting that combined traditional Indian folk art with modernism. His work is characterized by its simplicity and its use of bold colors.
  6. 6
    He was an Indian painter who is known for his modernist style and his use of bold lines and colors. His work is characterized by its powerful and emotional impact.
  7. 7
    He was a Bengali painter who is known for his contribution to the Indian modern art movement. His work is characterized by its use of traditional Indian themes and its focus on simplicity and beauty.
  8. 8
    He is a contemporary Indian artist who is known for his work in sculpture and installation art. His work is characterized by its use of everyday objects and its commentary on Indian society and culture.
  9. 9
    She is a contemporary Indian artist who is known for her work in sculpture, installation, and painting. Her work is characterized by its use of traditional Indian motifs and its exploration of identity and gender issues.
  10. 10
    Anish Kapoor
    Bengt Oberger · CC BY-SA 4.0
    He is a British-Indian artist who is known for his work in sculpture and installation art. His work is characterized by its use of simple forms and its exploration of space and perception.

Missing your favorite artist?


Ranking factors for famous artist

  1. Popularity
    The popularity of an artist among the masses is one of the key factors. This can be determined by the number of records sold, number of social media followers, and concert attendance.
  2. Critical acclaim
    The critical acclaim and recognition an artist has received from industry insiders and critics can also be considered.
  3. Cultural influence
    An artist's impact on the culture and society of India, and their ability to shape and define trends in music and art may also be taken into account.
  4. Awards and honours
    An artist's accolades, including national and international awards and recognitions they have received, can also play a role in ranking their fame.
  5. Legacy
    An artist's legacy and their lasting impact on the industry and future generations can also be a factor.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous artist in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or artist is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 152 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each artist once every 24 hours. The rank of each artist is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most famous artist in india

India is a country that is rich in culture and art. It has produced some of the most renowned artists in the world. From ancient times to modern day, Indian art has been a source of inspiration for many. India's art scene is diverse, with artists working in various mediums such as painting, sculpture, and photography. When it comes to identifying the most famous artist in India, it is a difficult task as there are so many great artists to choose from. India has produced some of the world's most renowned artists such as Raja Ravi Varma, Jamini Roy, M.F. Husain, Francis Newton Souza, and Amrita Sher-Gil, to name a few. Each of these artists has made a significant contribution to Indian art and has helped to shape the art scene in India. Their works have been admired not only in India but also globally. However, the debate on who is the most famous artist in India remains open to interpretation. Art enthusiasts and critics have their own opinions, and it's a topic that continues to spark discussion. Nonetheless, what remains undeniable is the rich and diverse art scene in India that continues to inspire artists and art lovers alike.

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