The Most Handsome Indian King, Ranked

Choose the king you think is the most handsome!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 30, 2024 07:54
Throughout history, the majesty and charisma of Indian kings have been celebrated in tales and paintings, captivating hearts with their regal demeanor and distinctive styles. Deciding the most handsome among them merges the past with the present, as we review their portraits and stories to celebrate their legacy. This ranking offers a fun, engaging way to connect with history and share opinions on these legendary figures. Here, you can cast your vote and see how others have voted, shaping a live leaderboard of history's most visually striking rulers. Whether you are a history aficionado or just curious, your input is crucial in creating a comprehensive list that reflects a wide array of perspectives. Engage with the past, contribute your viewpoint, and help determine which king deserves the top spot for his looks.

Who Is the Most Handsome Indian King?

  1. 1
    Raja Ravi Varma

    Raja Ravi Varma

    Though not a king in the traditional sense, Raja Ravi Varma was a celebrated Indian painter and artist, often remembered for his royal lineage and distinguished look.
    • Born: April 29, 1848
  2. 2
    Maharaja Ranjit Singh

    Maharaja Ranjit Singh

    The founder of the Sikh Empire, known for his leadership qualities and distinguished appearance.
    • Reign: 1801–1839
  3. 3


    The founder of the Maratha Empire, Shivaji is revered for his heroic exploits and noble countenance.
    • Reign: 1674–1680
  4. 4


    The emperor of the Maurya Dynasty, known for his conversion to Buddhism and depicted with stately grace in ancient sculptures.
    • Reign: 268–232 BCE
  5. 5


    A ruler of the Vardhana dynasty, known for his patronage of the arts and depicted as a handsome and enlightened king.
    • Reign: 606–647 CE
  6. 6
    Prithviraj Chauhan

    Prithviraj Chauhan

    A king from the Chahamana (Chauhan) dynasty, known for his valiant spirit and handsome appearance.
    • Reign: 1178–1192 CE
  7. 7


    The king of the Vijayanagara Empire, celebrated for his patronage of the arts and his majestic appearance.
    • Reign: 1509–1529
  8. 8


    A ruler of the Gupta Empire, known for his military genius and portrayed with regal and handsome features in his coinage.
    • Reign: c. 319–c. 335/350–375 CE
  9. 9
    Tipu Sultan

    Tipu Sultan

    The ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore, remembered for his bravery in battle and regal bearing.
    • Reign: 1782–1799
  10. 10


    One of the greatest emperors of the Mughal Dynasty, Akbar is remembered for his powerful dynasty and charismatic appearance.
    • Reign: 1556–1605

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most handsome Indian king. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or king is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 68 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each king once every 24 hours. The rank of each king is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Handsome Indian King

Raja Ravi Varma
Rank #1 for the most handsome Indian king: Raja Ravi Varma (Source)
In Indian history, many kings stood out for their looks and charisma. These rulers were not only leaders but also icons of beauty and grace. They left a mark on their subjects and the world through their appearance and charm.

These kings hailed from various regions of India. Each region had its own unique culture and traditions, which influenced the way these kings presented themselves. They wore fine clothes made of silk and cotton. Their attire often included intricate embroidery and vibrant colors. Jewelry, such as necklaces, rings, and bracelets, added to their regal look.

The physical appearance of these kings was often a blend of their heritage and the environment they lived in. Many had sharp features, such as high cheekbones and strong jaws. Their eyes were expressive, often described as deep and captivating. They maintained their physique through regular exercise and a balanced diet. This helped them stay fit and strong, ready to lead their armies and protect their kingdoms.

These kings also took great care of their grooming. They used natural oils and herbs to keep their skin healthy and glowing. Their hair was often long and well-maintained, sometimes adorned with ornaments. They paid attention to their beards and mustaches, keeping them well-trimmed and styled.

Art and literature from their times often celebrated their looks. Poets and writers composed verses praising their beauty. Artists created paintings and sculptures that captured their regal presence. These works of art have survived through the ages, giving us a glimpse into the past.

The charisma of these kings was not limited to their physical appearance. They possessed qualities that made them stand out. They were brave and skilled in warfare. They were wise and just rulers, known for their fair decisions. Their leadership inspired loyalty and respect among their subjects.

These kings were also patrons of art and culture. They supported artists, musicians, and scholars. Their courts were centers of learning and creativity. This added to their allure, making them not only handsome but also cultured and refined.

Their love lives were often the stuff of legends. Many had multiple queens and consorts, each chosen for their beauty and grace. These relationships were often celebrated in songs and stories, adding to the mystique of these kings.

Their legacy lives on in the monuments and structures they built. Palaces, forts, and temples stand as a testament to their grandeur. These architectural marvels reflect their taste and style, showcasing their love for beauty and elegance.

In conclusion, the most handsome Indian kings were more than just good looks. They were leaders, warriors, and patrons of art and culture. Their appearance, combined with their qualities, made them iconic figures in history. Their legacy continues to inspire and fascinate us, reminding us of a time when beauty and power went hand in hand.

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