The Most Handsome King in India, Ranked

Choose the king you think is the most handsome!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:53
Throughout history, the allure of monarchy has captured public attention, not just for their regal duties but also for their personal charisma and style. In India, where the legacy of kings stretches back through centuries, the fascination with these figures includes their remarkable aesthetic appeal and dignified presence. This site offers everyone a unique opportunity to voice their opinion on who stands out as the most handsome king in Indian history. Each vote helps in shaping an ongoing, collective assessment, reflecting diverse perspectives and insights. Your participation is vital as it adds depth to the narrative and richness to the appreciation of historical allure.

Who Is the Most Handsome King in India?

  1. 1
    Maharana Pratap

    Maharana Pratap

    The king of Mewar, famed for his indomitable spirit and courage, was also noted for his royal bearing and handsome features.
    • Reign: 1572–1597 CE
    • Dynasty: Sisodia Rajput
  2. 2
    Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II

    Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II

    The founder of Jaipur, known for his contributions to architecture, astronomy, and town planning, also had a regal presence.
    • Reign: 1699–1743 CE
    • Dynasty: Kachwaha
  3. 3


    The king of the Vijayanagara Empire, known for his prowess in arts and literature, was also noted for his handsome features.
    • Reign: 1509–1529 CE
    • Dynasty: Tuluva
  4. 4
    Rajendra Chola I

    Rajendra Chola I

    A Chola dynasty emperor, not only celebrated for his military conquests but also admired for his stately appearance.
    • Reign: 1014–1044 CE
    • Dynasty: Chola
  5. 5


    The third Mughal emperor, known for his administrative genius and secular outlook, also had a charismatic persona.
    • Reign: 1556–1605 CE
    • Dynasty: Mughal
  6. 6
    Tipu Sultan

    Tipu Sultan

    The ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore, known for his bravery and also for his distinguished looks.
    • Reign: 1782–1799 CE
    • Dynasty: Sultanate of Mysore
  7. 7
    Raja Ravi Varma

    Raja Ravi Varma

    Though primarily a celebrated painter, Ravi Varma belonged to the royal family of Travancore and was known for his princely charm and features.
    • Born: April 29, 1848
    • Died: October 2, 1906
  8. 8
    Prithviraj Chauhan

    Prithviraj Chauhan

    A king from the Chahamana (Chauhan) dynasty, known for his valiant spirit and handsome appearance.
    • Reign: 1178–1192 CE
    • Dynasty: Chahamana (Chauhan)
  9. 9


    An emperor of the Gupta Empire, celebrated for his military and administrative skills, and also for his majestic appearance.
    • Reign: c. 335–c. 380 CE
    • Dynasty: Gupta
  10. 10


    The founder of the Maratha Empire, his leadership qualities were matched by his noble and striking appearance.
    • Reign: 1674–1680 CE
    • Dynasty: Bhosale Maratha

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most handsome king in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or king is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each king once every 24 hours. The rank of each king is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Handsome King in India

Maharana Pratap
Rank #1 for the most handsome king in India: Maharana Pratap (Source)
India's history boasts many remarkable kings. Among them, one stands out for his unparalleled beauty. This king's charm captivated many hearts. His looks were celebrated in poems, songs, and tales. His reign was marked by both admiration and respect.

This king hailed from a lineage of warriors. His ancestors were known for their bravery and valor. He inherited not just their courage but also their striking features. His sharp jawline, piercing eyes, and regal demeanor set him apart. Artists of his time often sought to capture his likeness on canvas and stone.

His court was a hub of culture and art. Many poets and writers found inspiration in his presence. They penned verses that praised his beauty and grace. These works have survived the test of time, offering a glimpse into his era. They describe him as a figure of unmatched elegance.

Despite his looks, this king was not just a pretty face. He was a wise ruler, known for his fair judgments. His subjects admired him for his sense of justice. He implemented policies that were ahead of his time. His reign saw growth in trade, art, and literature.

He had a keen interest in architecture. Under his rule, many grand structures were built. These buildings still stand today, bearing testimony to his vision. They reflect a blend of artistic styles, showcasing his appreciation for beauty.

His personal life, too, was the stuff of legends. Many tales speak of his romantic escapades. Women from far and wide were drawn to his court. They hoped to catch a glimpse of him or win his favor. Yet, he remained discerning, choosing his consorts with care.

His charisma extended beyond his looks. He had a magnetic personality that drew people to him. His conversations were engaging, filled with wit and wisdom. He had a knack for making everyone feel valued. This made him popular among his courtiers and subjects alike.

His influence was not confined to his kingdom. Neighboring rulers admired him and sought alliances. They sent emissaries with gifts, hoping to forge ties. His reputation as a handsome and wise king spread far and wide.

He faced many challenges during his reign. Rivals envied his success and sought to dethrone him. Yet, he remained steadfast, using both diplomacy and strength. His reign was marked by peace and prosperity, a testament to his leadership.

In the annals of history, this king's name is etched with reverence. His legacy lives on, not just in the monuments he built, but in the hearts of those who remember his tales. His beauty was more than skin deep; it was a reflection of his soul.

Today, many still speak of this king with admiration. His story serves as a reminder of the timeless allure of true beauty. It is a blend of outer charm and inner grace. This king exemplified both, making him a legend for the ages.

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