The Most Handsome Ruler in India, Ranked

Choose the ruler you think is the most handsome!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:54
Determining who holds the title of the most handsome ruler in India has long been a subject of widespread curiosity and friendly debate. People from various regions and backgrounds hold divergent opinions, often influenced by cultural significance and historical narratives. This active participation fuels an engaging conversation about the aesthetics and charismatic appeal of historical figures. By casting votes on a ranked list, users contribute to a dynamic and ongoing poll that reflects contemporary views and preferences. This engagement not only offers insight into public perception but also enriches the dialogue regarding India's regal history. Voting in this setting allows for a participatory approach to history, blending past lore with modern perspectives.

Who Is the Most Handsome Ruler in India?

  1. 1
    Krishna Deva Raya

    Krishna Deva Raya

    The greatest emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire, known for his patronage of arts and literature.
    • Reign: 1509-1529
  2. 2
    Prithviraj Chauhan

    Prithviraj Chauhan

    A king from the Chahamana (Chauhan) dynasty, known for his battles against Muhammad of Ghor.
    • Reign: 1178-1192
  3. 3
    Maharana Pratap

    Maharana Pratap

    King of Mewar, famed for his military resistance against the expansion of the Mughal Empire.
    • Reign: 1572-1597
  4. 4


    The fourth ruler of the Gupta Empire, known for his military and cultural achievements.
    • Reign: c. 335 – c. 380 CE
  5. 5


    An emperor of the Maurya Dynasty, who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent and is known for spreading Buddhism.
    • Reign: 268-232 BCE
  6. 6
    Tipu Sultan

    Tipu Sultan

    The ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore, remembered for his valiant struggle against British colonization.
    • Reign: 1782-1799
  7. 7
    Rajendra Chola I

    Rajendra Chola I

    A Chola ruler known for his naval expeditions and for expanding the Chola Empire.
    • Reign: 1014-1044
  8. 8


    The third Mughal emperor, who reigned from 1556 to 1605, known for his policy of religious tolerance.
    • Reign: 1556-1605
  9. 9
    Alauddin Khilji

    Alauddin Khilji

    14th-century ruler of the Khilji dynasty, known for his military conquests and robust administration.
    • Reign: 1296-1316
  10. 10
    Shah Jahan

    Shah Jahan

    Fifth Mughal emperor, who reigned from 1628 to 1658, best known for building the Taj Mahal.
    • Reign: 1628-1658

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most handsome ruler in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ruler is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ruler once every 24 hours. The rank of each ruler is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Handsome Ruler in India

Krishna Deva Raya
Rank #1 for the most handsome ruler in India: Krishna Deva Raya (Source)
India's history is rich with tales of kings and rulers. Many of these leaders were known not just for their power and wisdom, but also for their striking looks. Among these, one particular ruler stands out in legends and folklore as the most handsome.

This ruler's charm was legendary. Poets wrote verses about his beauty. Artists painted his likeness with great care. His appearance captivated many. People from far and wide came just to catch a glimpse of him. Women admired his grace, while men envied his presence. His looks were a blend of strength and elegance.

He came from a royal lineage known for its valor. His ancestors were great warriors and wise rulers. They built a kingdom that thrived under their rule. This handsome ruler inherited not just their throne, but also their good looks. His features were sharp and well-defined. His eyes held a depth that spoke of wisdom beyond his years. His smile could light up a room.

His beauty was not just skin deep. He had a kind heart and a sharp mind. He cared for his people and worked hard to improve their lives. He was a just ruler, fair in his decisions. His subjects loved and respected him. His court was filled with learned men and women. He valued knowledge and encouraged learning.

His reign was marked by prosperity. Trade flourished under his rule. The arts and culture saw a golden age. Musicians, poets, and artists found patronage in his court. Temples and palaces built during his time stand as a testament to his love for beauty and architecture. These structures, adorned with intricate carvings, reflect the aesthetic sense of their patron.

Despite his looks and charm, he faced challenges. Rivals envied his success and plotted against him. But his intelligence and bravery saw him through these trials. He led his army with courage and fought many battles. His strategic mind and physical prowess made him a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

His love life was the stuff of legends. Many tales speak of his romances. He had many admirers, both within and outside his kingdom. His marriages were often alliances to strengthen his kingdom. Yet, he treated his queens with respect and care. They, in turn, were devoted to him.

His legacy lives on. Stories of his reign are still told. His beauty, kindness, and wisdom are remembered even today. He remains an icon of what a ruler should be. His life is a blend of reality and myth, making him a timeless figure in Indian history.

In conclusion, the most handsome ruler in India was more than just a pretty face. His looks were matched by his intelligence, kindness, and bravery. He ruled with a fair hand and left a lasting legacy. His story continues to inspire and captivate people, making him a legend in the truest sense.

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