The Most Famous Caesar, Ranked

Choose the Caesar you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 19, 2024 07:33
Determining which Caesar stands out most in history can be quite enlightening, given their profound impact on the world. Historical rankings often change as new research and perspectives emerge, which makes dynamic voting invaluable. Through the collective voting of a diverse audience, a clearer, more contemporary picture of significance is formed. This continuously updated poll invites you to contribute to a living historical assessment. By casting your vote, you help shape the ongoing narrative, ensuring that the rankings reflect both current scholarly insights and popular opinion. It’s a unique opportunity to see how your view aligns with others and to engage with history in an interactive way.

Who Is the Most Famous Caesar?

  1. 1
    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar

    Roman general, statesman, and dictator who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.
    • Full Name: Gaius Julius Caesar
    • Assassination Date: March 15, 44 BC
  2. 2


    Roman Emperor known for his extravagance, eccentricity, and tyrannical rule.
    • Full Name: Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
    • Reign: AD 37-41
  3. 3


    Roman Emperor best known for his tyranny, the Great Fire of Rome, and his persecution of Christians.
    • Full Name: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
    • Reign: AD 54-68
  4. 4


    Roman Emperor known for his erratic behavior and for considering himself the reincarnation of Hercules.
    • Full Name: Lucius Aurelius Commodus
    • Reign: AD 180-192
  5. 5
    Gaius Julius Caesar

    Gaius Julius Caesar

    A prominent general of the late Roman Republic, he played a critical role in the events that led to the rise of the Roman Empire.
    • Full Name: Gaius Julius Caesar
    • Assassination Date: March 15, 44 BC
  6. 6


    The founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor, ruling from 27 BC until his death in AD 14.
    • Full Name: Gaius Octavius Thurinus
    • Reign Start: 27 BC
  7. 7

    Julius Caesar Drusus

    A prominent figure in the early Roman Empire, known for his military campaigns and administrative reforms.
    • Full Name: Nero Claudius Drusus
    • Birth: 38 BC
  8. 8


    Roman Emperor who expanded the Roman Empire to include new territories, including the conquest of Britain.
    • Full Name: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
    • Reign: AD 41-54
  9. 9
    Julius Caesar Octavianus (Augustus)

    Julius Caesar Octavianus (Augustus)

    Often simply known as Augustus, he was Julius Caesar's adopted heir and the first Roman Emperor.
    • Full Name: Gaius Octavius
    • Reign Start: 27 BC
  10. 10


    The second Roman Emperor, ruling from AD 14 to 37, known for his reclusive and somber nature.
    • Full Name: Tiberius Claudius Nero
    • Reign: AD 14-37

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Caesar. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Caesar is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 84 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Caesar once every 24 hours. The rank of each Caesar is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Caesar

Julius Caesar
Rank #1 for the most famous Caesar: Julius Caesar (Source)
Caesar is a name that echoes through history. It brings to mind images of power, leadership, and influence. The name itself has become synonymous with rulers and emperors. The most famous Caesar left an indelible mark on the world. His life and actions shaped the course of history.

Born into a patrician family, he quickly rose through the ranks. His ambition and skill were evident from a young age. He sought to expand his influence and control. His military campaigns were legendary. He led his troops with unmatched strategy and bravery. His victories on the battlefield earned him respect and fear. He showed a keen understanding of politics and governance.

He was not just a warrior; he was also a statesman. He enacted reforms that changed the structure of society. He sought to centralize power and reduce corruption. His policies aimed to improve the lives of his people. He understood the importance of public support. He used his oratory skills to sway the masses. His speeches were powerful and persuasive.

His rise to power was not without challenges. He faced opposition from rivals and enemies. His path was fraught with danger and intrigue. He navigated these obstacles with cunning and determination. His ability to outmaneuver his opponents was remarkable. He built alliances and defeated conspiracies.

His personal life was as complex as his public one. He had relationships that were both beneficial and tumultuous. His charisma attracted loyalty and admiration. Yet, he also faced betrayal and loss. These experiences shaped his character and resolve.

His legacy is a blend of admiration and controversy. Some view him as a hero who brought stability and progress. Others see him as a tyrant who sought absolute power. His actions and decisions continue to be studied and debated. His impact on the world is undeniable.

The name Caesar has endured through the ages. It has become a title for rulers in various cultures. It symbolizes authority and leadership. The most famous Caesar's story is a testament to human ambition and resilience. His life serves as a lesson in the complexities of power and governance.

His influence extended beyond his lifetime. He set the stage for future leaders and empires. His reforms and ideas influenced generations. His name and legacy are etched in the annals of history. His story is a reminder of the heights and depths of human potential.

The most famous Caesar remains a figure of fascination. His life and achievements continue to inspire and provoke thought. His story is a rich tapestry of ambition, power, and legacy. It is a tale that transcends time, offering insights into the nature of leadership and the human condition.

In the end, the most famous Caesar's life is a reflection of the enduring quest for power and the impact of leadership. His story is a crucial chapter in the history of civilization. It is a narrative that will continue to be told and retold, capturing the imagination of each new generation.

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