The Most Famous Gladiator, Ranked

Choose the Gladiator you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 13, 2024 07:39
Ranking the most famous gladiators helps illuminate the diverse skills and celebrated histories of these ancient warriors. Each gladiator had unique qualities and fighting styles that captured the attention of audiences in their time. By identifying and ranking these fighters, we gain a clearer view of their influence and legacy within the context of ancient entertainment and combative sport. Your participation in ranking these iconic figures provides a dynamic and crowd-sourced perspective on history's most captivating gladiators. As votes are cast and preferences are made, the list changes, offering a contemporary reflection on ancient popularity. This interactive engagement not only enriches historical understanding but also connects modern audiences with the ancient world in an engaging way.

Who Is the Most Famous Gladiator?

  1. 1


    A Gallic gladiator and military leader in the slave revolt led by Spartacus.
    • Alliance: Spartacus
    • Time Period: Died 72 BC
  2. 2


    A Thracian gladiator who led a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic.
    • Rebellion: Third Servile War
    • Time Period: 111–71 BC
  3. 3


    Roman Emperor known for participating as a gladiator in the arena.
    • Reign: AD 180–192
    • Notoriety: Fighting as a gladiator
  4. 4


    A Syrian slave who won his freedom four times through gladiatorial combat.
    • Victories: 21
    • Nationality: Syrian
  5. 5

    Marcus Attilius

    A Roman gladiator who gained fame for winning his first fight against Hilarus, a gladiator owned by Nero with many victories.
    • First Victory: Against Hilarus
    • Owner of Opponent: Nero
  6. 6


    A gladiator who earned his freedom through an epic battle with Priscus in the Flavian Amphitheatre.
    • Epic Battle: With Priscus
    • Outcome: Earned freedom
  7. 7


    Lesser-known gladiator who gained fame for his skill and determination in the arena.
    • Skill: High
    • Determination: Noteworthy
  8. 8


    A famous Roman gladiator who fought in the heavyweight category.
    • Popularity: Highly celebrated in Rome
    • Category: Heavyweight
  9. 9


    A Bestiarius who fought wild animals in the Colosseum and was known for his incredible strength and bravery.
    • Specialty: Bestiarius
    • Animals Fought: Wild animals
  10. 10


    A gladiator who is remembered for his legendary fight with Verus, which ended in a draw.
    • Epic Battle: With Verus
    • Outcome: Draw

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Gladiator. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Gladiator is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 80 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Gladiator once every 24 hours. The rank of each Gladiator is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Gladiator

Gladiators were fighters in ancient Rome. They fought in arenas for public entertainment. These events were a key part of Roman culture. People from all walks of life watched these battles. The games were held in large amphitheaters, the most famous being the Colosseum in Rome.

Gladiators came from various backgrounds. Some were slaves, others were prisoners of war. A few were free men who chose to fight. They trained in special schools called ludus. Their training was intense and focused on combat skills. They learned to use different weapons and shields. Their diet was rich in protein to build muscle and increase strength.

Each gladiator had a distinct fighting style. Some fought with heavy armor and large shields. Others used lighter gear for speed and agility. They were paired against opponents with different styles. This created a thrilling spectacle for the audience. The crowd cheered for their favorites and jeered at the losers.

The life of a gladiator was brutal. Many died in the arena. Those who survived could gain fame and wealth. They became heroes to the people. Some even won their freedom. The most skilled fighters were celebrated across the empire. Their names were known far and wide. They inspired legends and stories that have lasted through the ages.

Gladiatorial games were not just about combat. They were also a display of Roman power and control. The games served to remind the people of Rome's strength. They were a way to keep the masses entertained and distracted. The rulers used these events to gain favor with the public.

The gladiators' legacy lives on today. They are a symbol of strength and courage. Their stories are told in books, movies, and TV shows. They capture our imagination and remind us of a time when life was both grand and harsh. The image of a gladiator, standing tall in the arena, ready to fight, endures as a powerful icon.

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