The Most Famous Ghostwriter, Ranked

Choose the ghostwriter you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:39
In the literary world, ghostwriters remain the unsung heroes of many popular works. Their anonymity allows them to impart their writing prowess without the constraints of fame, often producing results that resonate deeply with readers. Understanding the influence of these writers sheds light on the intricate layers of the publishing industry. By creating a list where individuals can vote on these influential ghostwriters, we provide a space for acknowledgment and recognition of their work. This dynamic ranking not only honors their contributions but also gives insights into which authors have shaped significant pieces of literature behind the scenes. Your votes help celebrate and illuminate the hidden architects of the written word.

Who Is the Most Famous Ghostwriter?

  1. 1

    Andrew Neiderman

    Famous for ghostwriting the V.C. Andrews novels after her death.
    • Notable Work: V.C. Andrews novels
  2. 2
    James Patterson

    James Patterson

    Bestselling author known for collaborating with ghostwriters on his novels.
    • Notable Series: Alex Cross
  3. 3
    Alexandra Ripley

    Alexandra Ripley

    Chosen to ghostwrite Scarlett, the sequel to Gone with the Wind.
    • Notable Work: Scarlett
  4. 4
    Peter Lerangis

    Peter Lerangis

    Ghostwriter for the popular children's series The Baby-Sitters Club and others.
    • Notable Series: The Baby-Sitters Club
  5. 5

    Richard Castle

    Fictional character from the TV show Castle, portrayed as having ghostwriters for his novels.
    • Notable Fact: Fictional character
  6. 6
    H.P. Lovecraft

    H.P. Lovecraft

    Renowned writer who also ghostwrote for other authors, including Harry Houdini.
    • Notable Client: Harry Houdini
  7. 7
    E.L. James

    E.L. James

    Rumored to have used a ghostwriter for parts of the Fifty Shades series.
    • Notable Series: Fifty Shades
  8. 8

    Donald Bain

    Wrote many of the Murder, She Wrote novels under the name of the show's protagonist.
    • Notable Series: Murder, She Wrote
  9. 9
    William Goldman

    William Goldman

    Acclaimed author and screenwriter, rumored to have ghostwritten a number of famous novels and films.
    • Notable Work: Rumored ghostwriting
  10. 10
    Alan Dean Foster

    Alan Dean Foster

    Known for ghostwriting the novelization of Star Wars and other sci-fi novels.
    • Notable Work: Star Wars novelization

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous ghostwriter. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ghostwriter is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 40 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ghostwriter once every 24 hours. The rank of each ghostwriter is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Ghostwriter

Ghostwriting has a long history. It involves writing for someone else who takes the credit. This practice spans many fields. Politicians, celebrities, and authors often use ghostwriters. The reasons vary. Some lack time. Others lack writing skill. The ghostwriter steps in to fill this gap.

A ghostwriter must adapt. They must capture the client's voice. This requires skill and empathy. They must listen and understand the client's style. This ensures the final product feels authentic. The client’s audience should not sense the ghostwriter's presence.

Ghostwriters work under strict confidentiality. They sign agreements to keep their role secret. This protects the client's reputation. It also ensures the ghostwriter does not claim credit. The ghostwriter's name rarely appears on the final work.

The ghostwriting process involves many steps. First, the ghostwriter meets the client. They discuss ideas and goals. The ghostwriter then creates an outline. This serves as a roadmap. The client reviews and approves it. Next, the ghostwriter drafts the content. This draft goes through several revisions. The client provides feedback. The ghostwriter makes changes until the client is satisfied.

Ghostwriters often work on books. They help clients tell their stories. This can be memoirs, novels, or self-help books. They also write speeches. Politicians and public figures rely on them for important addresses. Ghostwriters craft articles and blog posts too. They help maintain a client's public image.

The demand for ghostwriters is high. Many people want to share their stories. But not everyone can write well. Ghostwriters provide a valuable service. They help bring these stories to life. This benefits both the client and the audience.

Ghostwriting is a lucrative field. Skilled ghostwriters can earn a good income. They often charge by the project. Rates vary based on the work's complexity and length. Experienced ghostwriters command higher fees. They build reputations based on quality and reliability.

Despite the rewards, ghostwriting has challenges. It requires patience and flexibility. Ghostwriters must handle criticism well. They must also manage tight deadlines. The work can be demanding. But for many, the satisfaction of helping others is worth it.

Ghostwriting remains a hidden profession. Many successful works owe their existence to ghostwriters. Yet, these writers remain in the shadows. They find pride in their craft. They know their work makes a difference. This quiet contribution shapes many fields. It allows voices to be heard that might otherwise remain silent.

In the end, ghostwriting is about collaboration. It brings together the client's vision and the ghostwriter's skill. This partnership creates something greater than the sum of its parts. It bridges gaps and brings stories to the world. Through ghostwriting, many achieve their dreams of sharing their message.

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