The Most Famous Climber, Ranked

Choose the climber you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:35
The world of mountain climbing is filled with stories of courage, perseverance, and unparalleled adventure. Each climber brings a unique blend of skill, experience, and personal narrative that contributes to their fame and recognition. Identifying the most famous climber helps enthusiasts and newcomers alike appreciate the varied accomplishments within this challenging sport. By voting for the climbers who inspire you the most, you contribute to a collective appreciation of their efforts and achievements. This dynamic ranking not only reflects the current opinions of fans around the globe but also introduces lesser-known climbers who are making significant impacts. It's your participation that continuously shapes and refreshes the list, providing a current snapshot of climbing's most celebrated figures.

Who Is the Most Famous Climber?

  1. 1
    Reinhold Messner

    Reinhold Messner

    An Italian mountaineer, adventurer, and explorer, known for making the first solo ascent of Mount Everest without supplemental oxygen.
    • First Solo Ascent of Everest Without Oxygen: 1980
    • First to Climb All Fourteen Eight-thousanders: 1986
  2. 2
    Alex Honnold

    Alex Honnold

    An American rock climber best known for his free solo ascents of big walls, particularly his solo climb of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park in 2017.
    • First Free Solo Climb of El Capitan: 2017
  3. 3
    Lynn Hill

    Lynn Hill

    An American rock climber widely regarded as one of the leading competitive sport climbers in the world during the late 1980s and early 1990s, and for making the first free ascent of The Nose on El Capitan.
    • First Free Ascent of The Nose on El Capitan: 1993
  4. 4
    Tommy Caldwell

    Tommy Caldwell

    An American rock climber who made the first free ascent of the Dawn Wall on El Capitan in Yosemite National Park along with Kevin Jorgeson in 2015.
    • First Free Ascent of the Dawn Wall: 2015
  5. 5
    Chris Sharma

    Chris Sharma

    An American rock climber who has been described as one of the world's best climbers and is known for pushing the limits of sport climbing and bouldering.
    • Pioneered Numerous 5.15 Grade Climbs:
  6. 6
    Ueli Steck

    Ueli Steck

    A Swiss rock climber and mountaineer known for his speed records on the North Face trilogy in the Alps. He won two Piolet d'Or awards, in 2009 and 2014.
    • Speed Record on Eiger's North Face: 2008
  7. 7
    Tenzing Norgay

    Tenzing Norgay

    A Nepali-Indian Sherpa mountaineer who reached the summit of Mount Everest with Sir Edmund Hillary on the first confirmed ascent in 1953.
    • First Confirmed Ascent of Everest: 1953
  8. 8
    Edmund Hillary

    Edmund Hillary

    A New Zealand mountaineer, explorer, and philanthropist, who, along with Tenzing Norgay, became the first climbers confirmed to have reached the summit of Mount Everest.
    • First Confirmed Ascent of Everest: 1953
  9. 9
    Adam Ondra

    Adam Ondra

    A Czech professional rock climber, specializing in lead climbing and bouldering, known for his repeated victories in the Climbing World Cup and for climbing the world's first 9b+ and 9c routes.
    • First to Climb 9c Route: 2017
  10. 10
    Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner

    Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner

    An Austrian mountaineer who became the first woman to climb all fourteen eight-thousanders without the use of supplementary oxygen.
    • First Woman to Climb All Fourteen Eight-thousanders Without Oxygen: 2011

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous climber. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or climber is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 143 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each climber once every 24 hours. The rank of each climber is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Climber

Reinhold Messner
Rank #1 for the most famous climber: Reinhold Messner (Source)
Climbing has always fascinated people. The sport demands strength, skill, and endurance. Climbers push their limits to reach new heights. They face harsh weather, steep cliffs, and dangerous paths. The thrill of the climb and the sense of achievement are powerful motivators.

Climbers train for years. They build their bodies and minds. They practice on indoor walls and natural rock. They study routes and plan every move. They prepare for the unexpected. They know that nature can be unpredictable.

The most famous climbers often start young. They might begin with small hills or local rocks. Over time, they take on bigger challenges. They move from local spots to world-famous peaks. They gain experience and confidence. They learn from each climb and from other climbers.

These climbers often become leaders in the community. They share their knowledge. They write books and give talks. They inspire others to climb and explore. They also promote safety and respect for nature. They know that the mountains demand respect.

The risks are high. Climbers face falls, avalanches, and extreme cold. They must make quick decisions. They need to trust their skills and equipment. They often climb with partners. Trust and teamwork are crucial. A mistake can be fatal.

Famous climbers often set records. They might be the first to reach a peak or the fastest to do so. They might climb without ropes or other aids. These feats capture the public's imagination. They show what humans can achieve with determination and skill.

Technology has changed climbing. Better gear and clothing make it safer. GPS and weather forecasts help climbers plan. Social media allows climbers to share their adventures. They can reach a wide audience. They can inspire people around the world.

Despite the fame, many climbers remain humble. They know that nature is the true challenge. They respect the mountains and the environment. They leave no trace and encourage others to do the same. They understand that climbing is not just about reaching the top. It is about the journey and the experience.

Climbing teaches patience and perseverance. It builds character and resilience. Climbers learn to face fear and overcome it. They learn to push through pain and fatigue. They develop a deep connection with nature. They see beauty in the harshest conditions.

The most famous climbers leave a legacy. They inspire new generations to climb. They show that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. They remind us that the greatest achievements often come from the greatest challenges.

In the end, climbing is more than a sport. It is a way of life. It teaches valuable lessons. It brings people together. It connects us with nature and with ourselves. The most famous climbers understand this. They live it every day. They show us the way.

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