The Most Famous Contralto, Ranked

Choose the contralto you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:35
The richness and depth of a contralto voice have captivated audiences for centuries, providing a unique tone that is both rare and enchanting. Finding the most impactful voices in this category has been a subject of lively discussion among music enthusiasts and critics alike. Our site offers a dynamic way to engage with this debate by allowing users to vote for who they believe stands out in the world of contralto vocalists. By participating in the ranking process, users contribute to a collective appreciation of these artists and help newcomers to the genre identify key figures to listen to. This voting mechanism not only fosters a community of informed listeners but also keeps the list updated with public opinion. It is a blend of historical insight and current preferences, shaping an authoritative guide tailored by and for the voice aficionados.

Who Is the Most Famous Contralto?

  1. 1
    Marian Anderson

    Marian Anderson

    Renowned American contralto, celebrated for her extraordinary vocal range and versatility.
    • Born: February 27, 1897
    • Died: April 8, 1993
  2. 2

    Kathleen Ferrier

    British contralto, known for her emotive performances and rich, powerful voice.
    • Born: April 22, 1912
    • Died: October 8, 1953
  3. 3

    Ewa PodleÅ›

    Polish contralto, known for her distinctive voice and interpretations of Baroque and Romantic music.
    • Born: April 26, 1952
  4. 4
    Maureen Forrester

    Maureen Forrester

    Canadian contralto, celebrated for her wide repertoire and contribution to music.
    • Born: July 25, 1930
    • Died: June 16, 2010
  5. 5
    Cecilia Bartoli

    Cecilia Bartoli

    Italian mezzo-soprano and contralto, known for her interpretations of the music of Mozart and Rossini.
    • Born: June 4, 1966
  6. 6

    Clara Butt

    English contralto, famous in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for her powerful voice.
    • Born: February 1, 1872
    • Died: January 23, 1936
  7. 7
    Anne Sofie von Otter

    Anne Sofie von Otter

    Swedish mezzo-soprano and contralto, celebrated for her versatility and breadth of repertoire.
    • Born: May 9, 1955
  8. 8
    Sara Mingardo

    Sara Mingardo

    Italian contralto, noted for her performances in Baroque music and Italian opera.
    • Born: March 4, 1961
  9. 9

    Lorraine Hunt Lieberson

    American mezzo-soprano and contralto, acclaimed for her performances in Baroque opera and contemporary music.
    • Born: March 1, 1954
    • Died: July 3, 2006
  10. 10

    Bernarda Fink

    Argentine mezzo-soprano and contralto, recognized for her work in Baroque music and lieder.
    • Born: August 29, 1955

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous contralto. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or contralto is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 167 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each contralto once every 24 hours. The rank of each contralto is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Contralto

Marian Anderson
Rank #1 for the most famous contralto: Marian Anderson (Source)
A contralto is a type of female singing voice. It is the lowest female voice type. Contraltos have a rich, deep sound. Their voices range from F3 to F5. This voice type is rare and unique. It stands out in the world of music.

Contraltos have a special place in opera and classical music. Their deep voices can convey strong emotions. Many composers write parts just for them. These roles often include complex characters. The contralto voice adds depth to these characters.

In classical music, contraltos often sing in choirs. They provide a solid foundation for the harmony. Their voices blend well with other voice types. This makes the music richer and more balanced.

Contraltos also shine in solo performances. Their unique sound captivates audiences. Many contraltos have successful solo careers. They perform in concerts, recitals, and recordings. Their voices can fill large concert halls. They can also convey intimacy in smaller venues.

In opera, contraltos often play specific roles. They might portray older women or powerful figures. These roles require a strong, commanding voice. The contralto voice fits these roles perfectly. It adds authority and gravitas to the performance.

Contraltos also appear in other music genres. They sing jazz, blues, and gospel. Their deep voices suit these genres well. They bring a unique flavor to the music. Many contraltos have crossed over into popular music. They have found success in various styles.

Training to become a contralto takes time and effort. Singers must develop their voices. They work with vocal coaches. They practice scales and exercises. They learn to control their breath and tone. This training helps them reach their full potential.

The journey of a contralto is challenging. It requires dedication and passion. Singers must also take care of their voices. They avoid strain and fatigue. They stay hydrated and healthy. This ensures their voices remain strong and clear.

Contraltos often inspire other singers. Their unique voices leave a lasting impression. They show that every voice has value. They encourage others to embrace their own voices. This inspiration spreads across the music world.

Contraltos have left a mark on music history. Their voices have graced many famous performances. They have worked with renowned composers and conductors. Their contributions to music are significant. They continue to influence new generations of singers.

The contralto voice is a treasure. It brings a special quality to music. It adds depth, emotion, and power. Contraltos hold a unique place in the world of music. Their voices are cherished and celebrated.

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