The Most Famous Creepypasta, Ranked

Choose the Creepypasta you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 07:05
In the digital age, eerie tales and chilling legends find their home in the shadows of the internet, morphing into viral stories known as Creepypasta. These tales capture the fascination of millions, weaving suspense with the supernatural. Having a ranked list helps identify which of these stories resonate most with audiences, providing new readers a curated entry point into the genre. By participating in the ranking process, fans contribute to a dynamic, crowd-sourced guide that highlights the most compelling Creepypastas. This ensures that the list is continually updated and reflective of what truly captivates the community. Voting not only influences current rankings but also helps new and lesser-known tales get recognition.

Who Is the Most Famous Creepypasta?

  1. 1
    Slender Man
    LuxAmber · CC BY-SA 4.0
    Slender Man is one of the most well-known Creepypasta characters. He is a tall, thin, faceless figure that stalks and abducts children. Slender Man originated on the Something Awful forums but gained wider popularity through a series of YouTube videos and a video game.
    The Slender Man is a popular supernatural entity in internet folklore and horror fiction. It is depicted as a tall, thin figure with a featureless face and elongated limbs, often dressed in a black suit. The entity is commonly associated with the abduction and stalking of individuals, particularly children.
    • Symbolism: Represents urban legends, internet folklore, and the fear of the unknown.
    • Appearance: Tall, thin figure with a featureless face and elongated limbs.
    • Attire: Often depicted wearing a black suit.
    • Abilities: Teleportation, mind control, supernatural strength.
    • Proximity: Often associated with being near forests or wooded areas.
    Slender Man in other rankings
  2. 2
    Jeff the Killer
    LuxAmber · CC BY-SA 4.0
    Jeff the Killer is a popular Creepypasta character known for his pale skin, black hair, and permanent grin. He is a serial killer who targets children and is known for his catchphrase "Go to sleep." Jeff the Killer has inspired numerous fan works, including cosplay and fan fiction.
  3. 3
    Ben Drowned is a Creepypasta story about a haunted copy of the video game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. The story centers around a player who discovers a strange file on the game cartridge and begins to experience strange occurrences while playing. Ben Drowned has spawned numerous fan theories and adaptations, including a popular YouTube series.
  4. 4
    Laughing Jack is a Creepypasta character known for his clown-like appearance and maniacal laughter. He is often depicted as a child's imaginary friend who turns malevolent and begins to torment his young charge. Laughing Jack has inspired numerous fan works, including cosplay and fan fiction.
  5. 5
    Eyeless Jack is a Creepypasta character known for his lack of eyes and his penchant for removing the organs of his victims. He is often depicted as a supernatural creature who stalks his prey at night. Eyeless Jack has inspired numerous fan works, including cosplay and fan fiction.
  6. 6
    The Rake
    Unknown authorUnknown author · Public domain

    The Rake

    The Rake is a Creepypasta character known for his hunched appearance and sharp claws. He is often depicted as a creature that hunts and kills humans, leaving behind only a bloody mess. The Rake has inspired numerous fan works, including cosplay and fan fiction.
    The Rake is a popular horror game on Roblox that provides players with a thrilling and creepy experience. The game is based on the urban legend of a creature known as The Rake, which is described as a pale, humanoid monster with long claws and a sinister presence. Players must navigate through various eerie environments while trying to survive encounters with The Rake.
    • Genre: Horror
    • Gameplay Style: First-Person
    • Multiplayer Support: Yes
    • Number of Players: Up to 12
    • Game Modes: Survival, Story
    The Rake in other rankings
  7. 7
    Candle Cove is a Creepypasta story about a fictional children's television show that may or may not have actually existed. The story centers around a group of adults who remember watching the show as children and begin to realize that it may have been something much darker than they remembered. Candle Cove has inspired numerous fan theories and adaptations, including a popular YouTube series.
  8. 8
    Smile Dog is a Creepypasta story about a cursed image that causes anyone who sees it to go insane. The story centers around a journalist who receives the image and begins to experience strange occurrences. Smile Dog has inspired numerous fan works, including cosplay and fan fiction.
  9. 9
    The Russian Sleep Experiment is a Creepypasta story about a secret experiment conducted by the Soviet Union in the 1940s. The experiment involved keeping five prisoners awake for 15 days straight and monitoring their mental and physical reactions. The story has inspired numerous fan theories and adaptations, including a popular YouTube series.
  10. 10
    The SCP Foundation is a Creepypasta-inspired collaborative writing project that focuses on a fictional organization that contains and studies anomalous objects and creatures. The project has spawned numerous stories, a wiki, and a video game. The SCP Foundation has inspired numerous fan works, including cosplay and fan fiction.
    The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization that serves as the core setting for the collaborative online writing project called the SCP Foundation Wiki. It is a secretive organization that operates covertly to secure, contain, and research anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena that pose a threat to humanity.
    • Number of SCPs: Over 5000 documented SCPs
    • Classification System: Objects and entities are classified with a unique SCP number and assigned one of three Object Classes: Safe, Euclid, or Keter.
    • Secure Facilities: The SCP Foundation operates a network of specialized facilities to house and contain SCPs, including Site-19 which is the Foundation's main facility.
    • Containment Procedures: Each SCP has specific containment procedures to ensure its safe containment or neutralization.
    • Research and Documentation: The Foundation conducts extensive research on SCPs, documents their properties, and records any observed anomalous effects.
    SCP Foundation in other rankings

Missing your favorite Creepypasta?


Ranking factors for famous Creepypasta

  1. Popularity
    How many people have read or shared the story? 2. Impact: How much of an impact has the story had on popular culture? Has it been referenced in other works or adaptations? 3. Scare factor: How effective is the story at being scary or disturbing? 4. Writing quality: How well-written and engaging is the story? 5. Memorable characters: Are the characters in the story well-developed and memorable? 6. Pacing: How well does the story build tension and maintain interest throughout? 7. Innovation: Has the story introduced new concepts or ideas to the horror genre? 8. Longevity: How well has the story stood the test of time?

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Creepypasta. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Creepypasta is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 153 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Creepypasta once every 24 hours. The rank of each Creepypasta is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most famous creepypasta

Creepypasta is a term used for horror-related legends or images that have been copied and pasted around the internet. These stories and images often originate from anonymous users and can range from unsettling to downright terrifying. The genre gained popularity in the early 2010s and has since become a staple in internet culture. Many Creepypasta stories are so well-known that they have become part of mainstream pop culture, inspiring movies, TV shows, and even video games. With so many different tales and characters to choose from, it can be hard to determine who is the most famous Creepypasta. But, with the help of our community, we've put together a list of the top contenders.

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