The Most Famous Duke, Ranked

Choose the Duke you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:37
Throughout history, figures of nobility have played pivotal roles in their nations, shaping laws, culture, and even the geography of power. Among these, the title of Duke stands out as one of high prestige and significant influence. By creating a ranked list of the most famous Dukes, users gain a structured insight into these historical figures, understanding their impact and contributions within a comparative context. By participating in voting, individuals contribute to a collective evaluation of each Duke's significance and popularity, offering a dynamic pulse on current public perception. This process not only enhances their historical knowledge and appreciation but actively engages them in a dialogue with history itself. Voting thus serves as a bridge, connecting the past with the present through the active participation and interest of the users.

Who Is the Most Famous Duke?

  1. 1
    Duke Ellington

    Duke Ellington

    An influential American jazz composer, pianist, and bandleader, known for his significant impact on the history of jazz.
    • Full Name: Edward Kennedy Ellington
    • Career Span: 1914–1974
  2. 2
    Duke Kahanamoku

    Duke Kahanamoku

    A Native Hawaiian swimmer, actor, and the father of modern surfing, known for popularizing the sport globally.
    • Full Name: Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku
    • Career Span: 1912–1968
  3. 3
    John Wayne

    John Wayne

    An iconic American film actor famous for his roles in Westerns, known by the nickname 'The Duke'.
    • Full Name: Marion Robert Morrison
    • Career Span: 1926–1979
  4. 4
    Charles, Prince of Wales

    Charles, Prince of Wales

    The eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, known for his charitable work and environmental advocacy.
    • Title: Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay
    • Birth: 1948
  5. 5
    Louis de France, Duke of Burgundy

    Louis de France, Duke of Burgundy

    The eldest son of Louis, Dauphin of France, and father of Louis XV, known for his moral and military qualities.
    • Full Name: Louis de France
    • Reign: 1682–1712
  6. 6
    Edward, the Black Prince

    Edward, the Black Prince

    The eldest son of King Edward III of England and a key military leader during the Hundred Years' War.
    • Title: Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, Prince of Aquitaine
    • Reign: 1330–1376
  7. 7
    Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

    Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

    The consort of Queen Elizabeth II, known for his dedication to public service and for founding the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
    • Full Name: Philip Mountbatten
    • Reign: 1947–2021
  8. 8
    Duke of Wellington

    Duke of Wellington

    Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, was a British soldier and statesman, famous for defeating Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.
    • Full Name: Arthur Wellesley
    • Reign: 1769–1852
  9. 9
    Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk

    Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk

    A prominent Tudor politician, uncle to Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, and a key figure in the reigns of Henry VIII.
    • Reign: 1473–1554
    • Relation: Uncle to Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard
  10. 10
    Richard III

    Richard III

    King of England from 1483 until his death in 1485, previously Duke of Gloucester.
    • Full Name: Richard Plantagenet
    • Reign: 1483–1485

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Duke. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Duke is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 100 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Duke once every 24 hours. The rank of each Duke is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Duke

Duke Ellington
Rank #1 for the most famous Duke: Duke Ellington (Source)
A duke holds one of the highest ranks in the British peerage system. This title has a rich history and deep roots in European nobility. It is a mark of great status and power, often linked to large estates and significant influence.

The title of duke first appeared in medieval Europe. It was derived from the Latin word "dux," meaning leader. Initially, it was a military rank. Dukes commanded armies and governed provinces. Over time, the role evolved. It became hereditary, passed down through generations. Families with this title often played key roles in shaping history.

In Britain, the title of duke is the highest rank below the monarch. It was first granted by Edward III in the 14th century. This set a precedent for future monarchs. They continued to bestow the title on those who served them well. These individuals were often close relatives or loyal subjects.

Dukes owned vast lands and estates. These properties generated significant income. This wealth allowed them to build grand homes and support large households. Many of these estates still exist today. They are often landmarks, attracting tourists and historians alike.

The influence of dukes extended beyond their lands. They held seats in the House of Lords. This gave them a voice in national affairs. Their opinions and decisions could shape laws and policies. This power made them key players in the political landscape.

Dukes also played roles in cultural and social spheres. They were patrons of the arts, supporting artists, musicians, and writers. Their patronage helped to foster creativity and innovation. Many famous works of art and literature owe their existence to the support of a duke.

Despite their high status, dukes faced challenges. Their wealth and power made them targets for rivals. They had to navigate complex political landscapes. They often engaged in strategic marriages. These alliances helped to secure their position and expand their influence.

Over time, the role of dukes has changed. The power they once held has diminished. Modern democracies have reduced the influence of hereditary titles. However, the title of duke still carries prestige. It is a symbol of history and tradition. Many dukes continue to play active roles in society. They engage in charitable work and support various causes.

The legacy of dukes is evident in many aspects of modern life. Their contributions to politics, culture, and society are significant. The title remains a fascinating part of history. It offers a glimpse into a world of power, privilege, and responsibility.

In summary, the title of duke has a storied past. It has evolved from a military rank to a symbol of nobility. Dukes have played crucial roles in shaping history. Their influence can still be seen today. The title remains a mark of distinction and honor.

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