The Most Famous Dutch Explorer, Ranked

Choose the explorer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:37
Ranking the most famous Dutch explorers can provide a fascinating insight into the history and impact of these trailblazers who mapped new territories and expanded our understanding of the world. Whether driven by the quest for new trade routes, scientific research, or pure adventure, each explorer contributed uniquely to our global heritage. By participating in this voting process, you help highlight which explorers have had the most significant influence and why their journeys resonate so strongly even today. This dynamic ranking adjusts with each vote, offering a current perspective on historical impacts tailored by collective input. It's an interactive way to engage with history and appreciate the figures who shaped it.

Who Is the Most Famous Dutch Explorer?

  1. 1
    Abel Tasman

    Abel Tasman

    Dutch explorer known for his voyages to the Southern Hemisphere, including the discovery of Tasmania and New Zealand.
    • Voyage Years: 1642-1644
    • Notable Discoveries: Tasmania, New Zealand
  2. 2
    Jan van Riebeeck

    Jan van Riebeeck

    Dutch colonial administrator and founder of Cape Town, South Africa.
    • Establishment Year: 1652
    • Notable Contribution: Founding of Cape Town
  3. 3
    Jacob Roggeveen

    Jacob Roggeveen

    Dutch explorer who led an expedition to the South Pacific, discovering Easter Island in 1722.
    • Voyage Year: 1722
    • Notable Discovery: Easter Island
  4. 4
    Dirk Hartog

    Dirk Hartog

    Known for his discovery of Dirk Hartog Island off the western coast of Australia in 1616.
    • Voyage Year: 1616
    • Notable Discovery: Dirk Hartog Island
  5. 5
    Willem Schouten

    Willem Schouten

    Dutch navigator and explorer who was the first to sail around Cape Horn, thus discovering the most southern route to the Pacific Ocean.
    • Voyage Year: 1616
    • Notable Discovery: Cape Horn
  6. 6
    Cornelis de Houtman

    Cornelis de Houtman

    Led the first Dutch expedition to Indonesia, opening up the spice trade to the Netherlands.
    • Voyage Year: 1595
    • Notable Discovery: Route to Indonesia
  7. 7
    Frederick de Houtman

    Frederick de Houtman

    Dutch explorer who, alongside his brother Cornelis, played a key role in the initial Dutch expeditions to the Indonesian Archipelago.
    • Voyage Year: 1595-1597
    • Contribution: Indonesian Archipelago exploration
  8. 8
    Olivier van Noort

    Olivier van Noort

    Dutch navigator and the first Dutchman to circumnavigate the world.
    • Circumnavigation Years: 1598-1601
    • Achievement: First Dutch circumnavigation of the globe
  9. 9
    Willem Janszoon

    Willem Janszoon

    One of the first European explorers to reach the Australian continent in 1606.
    • Voyage Year: 1606
    • Notable Discovery: Australia
  10. 10
    Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson

    Played a significant role in Dutch maritime exploration, best known for his explorations of modern-day Canada and parts of the northeastern United States.
    • Voyage Years: Early 17th century
    • Notable Discoveries: Hudson Bay, Hudson River

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Dutch explorer. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Explorer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 63 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Explorer once every 24 hours. The rank of each Explorer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Dutch Explorer

Abel Tasman
Rank #1 for the most famous Dutch explorer: Abel Tasman (Source)
The Age of Exploration saw many brave souls venture into unknown lands. Among them, Dutch explorers played a key role. They sailed far and wide, seeking new routes and territories. Their voyages brought wealth and knowledge to the Netherlands.

Dutch explorers were skilled navigators. They used advanced maps and tools. Their ships, known as fluyts, were fast and could carry large cargoes. These ships allowed them to travel great distances. They often faced dangerous seas and harsh weather. Yet, they pressed on, driven by curiosity and ambition.

Trade motivated many Dutch explorers. The spice trade was especially lucrative. Spices like nutmeg, cloves, and pepper were in high demand in Europe. Dutch explorers sought to control these valuable goods. They established trade routes and outposts in distant lands. These efforts boosted the Dutch economy and made them a dominant trading power.

Exploration also led to the discovery of new lands. Dutch explorers charted unknown territories. They mapped coastlines and rivers. Their findings expanded the world's knowledge. These maps were invaluable to future navigators. They helped others follow in their footsteps.

Some Dutch explorers ventured to the Arctic. They sought a northern route to Asia. This route, known as the Northeast Passage, was elusive. Ice and cold temperatures made it a perilous journey. Despite these challenges, their efforts increased understanding of the Arctic region.

Dutch explorers also played a role in the colonization of the Americas. They established settlements and trading posts. These colonies became centers of commerce and culture. They influenced the development of the New World.

Their legacy lives on in many ways. Place names around the world bear their mark. Their discoveries paved the way for future exploration. They contributed to the global exchange of goods and ideas. Their courage and determination are remembered and celebrated.

In summary, Dutch explorers were pivotal figures in the Age of Exploration. They braved the unknown, seeking new routes and lands. Their efforts brought wealth and knowledge to their homeland. They left a lasting impact on the world. Their story is one of adventure, discovery, and achievement.

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